Too-Cute Match-Up

Submitted into Contest #231 in response to: Write a story about hope.... view prompt


Christmas Romance Mystery

Too-Cute Match-Up

For the second night Chrissy tucked in the visiting five-year-old, Carlson. He should sleep happier now that the Barbie dream room had been transformed into a space odyssey. The fifth-grade teacher went downstairs in the large Victorian home she shared with her Nana.

“Any success locating his parents?” Chrissy asked Nana as she joined her in front of the fireplace.

Upon a chance meeting with Carlson and his Grandfather two evenings ago at a local restaurant the grandfather suffered a fatal heart attack without being able to give any vital information where the rest of Carlson's family were. All Chrissy and Nana knew was the plan had been for Carlson to spend two weeks with his Grandfather who had just moved back into the region. Getting reliable information from a five-year-old had been sketchy. One comment he made led them to believe his parents were no longer together.

“Carlson said his full name is 'Carlson Douglas Conover' so we have been searching 'Douglas Conover' assuming he may be named after his father as it is common to use the father's name as a second name, besides using 'Carlson'.

“Authorities kept Artie's phone hoping the parents will check in with him at some point. No one has guessed his password yet to get into his contact list. The address on his ID was not updated and his former house was sold but the Realtor is providing what information she can. Until the other night I have had no contact with him for decades. I'm trying to be helpful but I know so little about him.

“A 'Douglas Conover' is married to a 'Nora'. Someone is following that clue.”

“Has anyone suggested we should not be the ones watching over him? Should he be in child protective services or something?” Chrissy wanted reassurance.

“Chrissy, Dear, I know you had other hopes of getting some extra work done on your novel these two weeks you have of holiday vacation but I've been going to bat for you to be the one to keep him. I hope I'm not wrong about that. I've seen how good you are with him and I think he is attached to you. We don't want to disrupt him any more than he already is. Poor little guy must feel abandoned.”

“Absolutely. That's what I am trying to stress. I don't want him torn away from here by anyone except his rightful guardians or parents. I've gotten quite fond of the imp. He is adorable. We had an exciting day today while you were playing detective.”

“Tell me all about it.”

“First we went back to my classroom, the scene of the clash of all things Christmas, to beat the march of the ants to the sticky mess there. We found unopened graham cracker gingerbread kits so tried our hand at that artistic endeavor. Lots of fun and tasty, too. Then we visited the school library to stock up on reading material just in case.

“After lunch we tackled the taming of the pink explosion in the room he is using. I replaced the pink puff bedspread with a colorful quilt and fashioned some neutral curtains. Then we took all the Barbie paraphernalia to donate at Goodwill and replaced it with space themed items of his choosing. You should see his room now. You won't recognize it.

“I found some snow pants his size and figured he should be dressed properly to play outside if he wanted to. We had a knock-down, dragged out fight over a flying saucer saucer sled. Remember that obnoxious 'Mr Kool' teacher I am always complaining about because he gives me a hard time about finishing my novel. Maybe he is right. What do I know about romance when I have never had one of my own? He has published cool fantasy YA.

“Anyway, he wanted the same sled for a display about space in his classroom. I say I won because he bought it and let Carlson play with it the rest of the afternoon. He even sledded with him saving me from bodily injury and wounded pride.

“I'm going to have to rethink my opinion of that character. He really was quite the gentleman. He paid for all my purchases, all twelve dollars, and said it was his pleasure since he has no kids and it is Christmas. The lady at the checkout complimented us on what a cute family we have and he wouldn't let me correct her but just graciously accepted the comment with a great big grin.

“He totally burned up that child's excess energy on that huge hill then came back here with us to warm up and helped Carlson hang his posters. He couldn't stay for our feast of mac and cheese but I have to admit I think he honestly enjoyed himself. I know I did and Carlson hasn't come down from the stars yet. Bet he sleeps in late in the morning. Whatever that looks like for a five-year-old.”

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “You expecting someone?”

“Maybe someone found Carlson's parents.” Nana surmised.

When Chrissy opened the door she nearly fell over seeing Russell Koolridge, 'Mr. Kool', himself before her.

“Sorry, to disturb you at this hour, Chrissy. Mind if I come in.”

“Oh, oh, sorry, of course, come in, come in. Can I take your coat? Would you like some tea?” Chrissy stammered.

“That would be nice. I wanted to discuss something with you in person if you don't mind.”

“Do you know my Nana, Anna Merriman? This is Russell Koolridge.”

“How do you do?”

“Should I leave you two alone?”

“That won't be necessary. Trying to help you discover the mystery of Carlson. Maybe you can help.”

“I'll get the tea, then, and be right back.”

“I keep thinking of something Carlson said on one of our walks back up the hill.

“He may be missing her a lot but he said you, Miss Chrissy, reminds him a lot of his mother. She is always surrounded by books. As I see in this room.

“Do you know his last name?”

“Conover. He says if he is in trouble someone would call him 'Carlson Douglas Conover'. Nana's research found someone by the name of 'Douglas Conover' is married to a 'Nora'.

“Oh, my, Chrissy! 'Nora Conover' of Conover Square Publishing. When you babysit for a friend, you really know how to pick your friends. Why are you even worried about winning some contest when you can take your work directly to one of the best in the business? What easier way is there to get published?”

“Oh,my! Is right! You didn't understand we only knew Carlson's Grandfather for a half hour before he suffered a fatal heart attack and we didn't know who Carlson's parents were. Nana had known him years ago so she has been trying to piece his life together while I have been entertaining the boy. Now we can get somewhere. Thank you.”

Nana came back in the room as Chrissy threw her arms around the neck of her nemesis and planted a great big kiss on his lips. He helped himself to another. No mistletoe in sight.

December 29, 2023 20:49

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Olivia Lake
04:41 Jan 03, 2024

You have such an eye for these vivid scenes that carry so much character and emotion. If these Too-Cute stories were the script for a Christmas movie, I can picture exactly what's in the trailer. I think that's what I (and a lot others!) really responded to with these.


Mary Bendickson
04:59 Jan 03, 2024

Thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed this series. I may have another to add to it


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20:56 Jan 01, 2024

Yay things are coming together! Mr Cool ain't that bad! These are really nice Mary. Just lovely wholesome stuff .More please!


Mary Bendickson
22:02 Jan 01, 2024

Thanks for the encouragement. Kind of agree with you it is so hard understanding the system and the thinking of the judges. I have really enjoyed this adventure of Reedsy but have sort of decided after I have put in a year I will focus on something else. I seem to spend all my time reading other people's work, which has been fabulous, but I need to create more of my own if I am going to pursue this road. I don't fit the judges idea of top notch. But I appreciate all the kind remarks of other writers. I am still new at this so have benefitted...


14:52 Jan 02, 2024

When you leave, Reedsy will lose a great writer. But I'm sure that later on, the world will gain a great novel. A second great novel, if your first is already published. :)


Mary Bendickson
15:39 Jan 02, 2024

First is not published yet. In the hands of a publisher deciding on it's fate. Second not started You have been one of my best encouragers. Thank you. Not left Reedsy yet and will probably stop in.


17:32 Jan 02, 2024

Totally understand. I think q few people have dropped off lately. I'll stick with it a.bit longer but not sure if I am getting much out of it either anymore .


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Rebecca Lewis
01:55 Mar 04, 2024

This is quite an engaging and heartwarming story! The characters are well-developed, and the plot twists keep me intrigued. The dialogue feels natural and helps to move the story along smoothly. The ending is particularly satisfying, with the revelation about Carlson's connection to Nora Conover and the unexpected affection between Chrissy and Mr. Koolridge. Overall, it's a delightful read with a good balance of mystery, emotion, and humor. Great job!


Mary Bendickson
04:30 Mar 04, 2024

Thank you so much for the kind words.😊


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22:27 Jan 27, 2024

Loved this instalment. Would have loved the sledging scene done as a flashback rather than narration. And to give you the scope of words to do it, less of the veeery long list of things that happened leading up to it. Just an idea? Loved your exaggeration, "Knock-down , dragged out fight" over the flying saucer sled. And a kiss at the end. Wow. What a romance.


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Helen A Howard
07:44 Jan 13, 2024

This is an enjoyable Mary. I see it’s part of a set and I will try and get round to reading them all. It’s just difficult with work and time constraints. It can be frustrating at times - like has been said in the comments here. I wish there were more hours in the day and I was able to write and read more. quickly.


Mary Bendickson
17:38 Jan 13, 2024

Totally understand. Thanks for commenting.


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Shirley Medhurst
13:16 Jan 12, 2024

Lovely and complete short story here, Mary. I did wonder why the bedroom was so “Barbie Pink” beforehand… Is that part of a longer tale???


Mary Bendickson
18:10 Jan 12, 2024

If you have read all four of the 'Too-cute ' series you know the 'Barbie pink ' was a hold over from Chrissy's childhood spent in the same house. I don't know how specific I had made it, it wasn't crucial to the story , but Chrissy was raised by her Nana. Thanks for liking.


Shirley Medhurst
11:28 Jan 14, 2024

No, I haven’t read or even heard of them…. Never watched anything related to the whole Barbie hype either, so probably went right over my head 😂 Didn’t stop me enjoying your tale though 😁


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Michał Przywara
21:41 Jan 09, 2024

The plot thickens! And quite a development it is, with a famous publisher mother. The more I read this, the more it occurs to me that Carlson really lucked out running into Chrissy when he did. The heart attack was probably going to happen regardless, and if they hadn't crossed paths, Carlson would have been stranded in a strange city, utterly alone. That would have been more of a horror story, so thankfully for him, it didn't play out that way. Something's brewing with Koolridge - from nemesis to something more. Maybe a case of first im...


Mary Bendickson
23:32 Jan 09, 2024

Thanks for the in depth analysis. Spot on.


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14:21 Jan 09, 2024

Really enjoyed reading this story.


Mary Bendickson
18:30 Jan 09, 2024

Thank you. Glad you liked it. In case you missed them two previous and one follow up episodes on my profile.


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Zack Herman
15:28 Jan 06, 2024

Now, I'm jealous of Mr. Kool. Chrissy seems to be a real sweetheart. Nice O. Henry twist at the end.


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AnneMarie Miles
15:17 Jan 05, 2024

What a miraculous coincidence! Loved this follow up. I agree with the others. I think you got a Hallmark film on your hands.


Mary Bendickson
17:09 Jan 05, 2024

Happy you liked this series. May have one more coming.


AnneMarie Miles
17:10 Jan 05, 2024

Keep em coming!


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J. I. MumfoRD
11:36 Jan 05, 2024

A lighthearted, skillfully crafted story that amusingly brings the situation to life. Likeable characters, enjoyable, humorous and warm narrative progression. An engaging, charming scenario. Knocked it out of the park.


Mary Bendickson
17:07 Jan 05, 2024

Glad you liked this and Mix-up


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Marty B
01:59 Jan 05, 2024

Mr.Kool to the rescue. I feel bad for poor Carlson to lose his Grandfather on Christmas, and then to be with strangers (although friendly strangers!). It must be confusing and a little scary. Best wishes to the new couple!


Mary Bendickson
04:12 Jan 05, 2024

Thanks for liking.


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09:53 Dec 30, 2023

Aww. Cute. I suppose the 'Too-Cute's are finished now the main problem's been sorted? That's sad, I was really enjoying these! How did you get this out so quickly?? It's been less than two days! (I always knew you were a wizard, I just didn't think literally...)


Mary Bendickson
14:38 Dec 30, 2023

When I wrote the first one I knew I had more to tell. That one was not approved until Thurs so I falsely had hopes it was in the running for shortlist but that didn't happen. Thurs I wrote two more extensions fitting them both into prompts for the week. I waited until the new prompts came out on Friday and realized one could work for the next set. I have never gotten a story out the day the prompts came out before. Do you think there should be more of them? Glad you like them. So many of the Christmas ones were not nearly so wholesome.


17:25 Dec 30, 2023

They take longer to review it if they're considering it for shortlisting? That's how it works? 😵‍💫 Yes, I think there should be more. At least one more, I'm hoping to see Chrissy finish her novel and meet the publisher, and see Carlson's reunion with his parents. Also 'Mr Kool' seems like a good character that could be built on. To be honest, I'm just enjoying this so much that I'd enjoy any plot with these characters in (as long as you wrote it, of course!) :)


Mary Bendickson
21:32 Dec 30, 2023

That's an idea I got from someone else I think is a judge. Don't quote me on it. I do have idea how to get Chrissy closer to her goal so maybe? Will watch for right prompt. Thanks for the vote of confidence.


20:59 Jan 01, 2024

I don't think the Thursday thing means anything tbh. That one time I won it was after a Thursday approval. But since then I've had a few run to Thursday and nada. Really don't get the process. And still baffled by a lot of the winning selections a majority of which seem to be by first timers lately. I don't like to moan but in any given week I can think of usually a half dozen more deserving of the accolades than the actual winning entry. I don't get last week's at all it didn't even seem to fit the prompt or theme. 🤷


Kailani B.
23:24 Jan 14, 2024

I actually asked what their criteria is and this is the reply I got: "Hmmm, that's actually a tough question to answer, broadly speaking the criteria is always going to be subjective. However, the closest we have to criteria would be someone hitting the relevant prompt, ideally creatively or uniquely, and giving us a satisfying narrative within the limits of the word count. That's really all we're looking for specifically, and beyond that, we're just looking for a great story, I guess!" I think judges should have guidelines for what deser...


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