Evil Intentions

Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about a meeting of a secret society.... view prompt



The skies were gloomy. Not yet raining, but not likely that rain would start to fall. Kat peered out the foggy window. Pat and Scat talked away about school between themselves ignoring their triplet's presence. Not that Kat cared, time went by too fast to care. He sips his strawberry smoothie and watches the activity in the store. His monochrome phone starts flashing its light on the table. He flips it over and checks the number. Xera. Long time since any villain outside his group had called him. Leaving the booth, he heads into the bathroom. Picking up, he silently waits for Xera to speak first. “Kickstart you there?” “Mm Here… what’s it you need?” The line buzzes out a moment. “Get your gang and meet me in -click- the old castle grounds of Vir.” He thinks a moment. “Kay, no prob for me.” She yells at someone else before hanging up. Kat heads back to the booth, both his brothers give him a confused look. “Who was it?” Pat took a sip of his smoothie raising his eyebrows. “A friend, why do you want to know?” They glanced at another smirking. He rolls his eyes at them. Clueless as always. “Dad called us while you did your call. Said to come home.” Kat shrugs, tossing a glance at his former mother, who had come in the shop. He silently wished she would not be in the meeting. “I’ll come back to this shop later, have an errand to run. Just come and pick me up.” His other two triplets nodded and left the shop. Waiting six minutes for his brothers’ to be far away, he heads to get the rest of the Blank boys. Of course, wearing his outfit so they could not find out what he looked like. After convincing them that Xera called, they head for the old Vir castle grounds. Wearing their undercover uniforms. Xera and Trevor are sat in the wistale tree. Blane shouts at them clearly ticked about being disturbed. Trevor hops down glaring daggers at Blane. Not that he knew it was Blane since they all wore white body suits and hoodies. “Learn respect, after all you’re in our turf.” Under his suit Kat rolls his eyes. Luke places his hands on his hips and whispers mocks into Anndy’s ear. Xera jumps in front of Kat smiling. “Thank you all for coming. Which one of you is the leader again?” Blane raises his hand walking up. “What’s the reason for this?” “We need your help.” Kat’s attention flicks to Xera. “Explain.” Blane slaps Kat in the back of the head. He stands unmoved by the attack. Kat would get him back later. “The hero groups are stronger because they work together. I thought that if villains work together, we’d have a better chance of defeating them.” Nigel steps forwards analyzing Xera. Anndy and Luke pull him back. “Mm what’s in it for us?” Kat mentally facepalms, Blane did not understand the reason Xera was asking. She stepped towards Blane startling him back. “You won’t have death nightmares.” “Great reason we’re in.” This is why Xera chose the Blank boys, they were push overs and would do as told. Kat noticed this and turned to leave. He jerks a bit when he sees Trevor there. Trevor stands in his way. Kat narrows his eyes. “Where are you headed?” “I didn’t agree to this, nor will I ever. Now beat it.” Xera tilts Kat’s chin up. He pulls away glaring at her. “Leaving so soon, I thought you’d all help.” His breath gets caught in his throat. Shaking his head, he waves her off. “You’re wanting to use us to rule the world so no thanks, but I want to rule the world without some contract with you and him.” An impressed smile sets on her face. She turns trying to hide it. “Kickstart, you work under me, so you do as told.” Blane obviously did not understand the Kat could drop out anytime he wanted. Pity they did not know which Kickstart he was. Kat puts his head down in defeat trying to get their guards down. Blane nodded in satisfaction. Worked for him, Trevor does not look convinced though. Xera pulls him away falling for Kat’s fake defeat. Once no one’s looking, he slips off. Choosing an alley in town, he gets out of his uniform, stuffing it into his bookbag. Watching the sidewalks, he joins the crowd. Then it happens, he hears them calling. Good thing they did not know his first name. Nigel locks eyes with him. Guata. Kat breaks into a sprint, pushing through the people. Fear courses through his body. The work of Luke, so he tries to fight it down. Anndy climbed the building jumping from the roofs. Kat rams into Esme, his dad’s ex. “Kat? What’s going on?” He stands forcing himself to be calm. “Dad’s going to kill me if I do not get home, already close to dinner. Pat and Scat ditched me so I… freaked out. I need to find them.” His former mother nods and starts shouting Pat’s and Scat’s names. Kat quickly joins her. Took the accusing glances of his own team off him. He spots them shouting his name over by the shop. He felt so lucky. “Found them… bye Esme.” She turns and waves bye to him. His relief is hidden by the smile on his face. “Kat, there you are. Dad wants us all home now and we came back to get you.” “Great timing, you guys saved me from having a conversation with Mom.” They hug him understanding his grudge against mom and begin walking home. Can not speak with his team for awhile and needs to keep an eye out for them coming by. None of his family knew them except Nigel. Though Nigel would be closest to the Kickstart house. Xera and Trevor would be at his back as well, which were the worst people to stalk you.

August 15, 2020 17:04

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