Love lives at Cedar Manor

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



"I just can't stand nosey people, can you?"

"Muriel dear, you seem to be all worked up over nothing! And in any sense, you are a bit of a nosey parker yourself!"

How infuriating, Sam could be! He was supposed to be on my side! After all, we had been married for over twenty years. That had to count for something.

Muriel just couldn't handle being told the truth. And she definitely couldn't stand not being in control of everything and everyone around her. Sam seemed to be the only one who "tolerated" Muriel and her idiosyncratic tendencies.

"Now will you just look at that, Sam! You can't tell me that those people aren't taking things a little too far! I mean standing right on our front porch, gawping in like we are animals in a zoo! Do something will you!"

Poor Sam, he knew what needed to be done. Anything to keep the love of his life from over-reacting. She did tend to get quite volatile at the slightest of annoyances these days.

My dear, silly Sam. Oh how I loved you so! I don't know what you see in me. And quite frankly, how you even put up with me! But here you are, by my side. Always loyal and ready to take on anyone who gets in "my" way. I knew from the moment we first caught each other’s glance, at Mabel's delicatessen, we were meant to be. You looked so handsome and very smart, in your white collared shirt and khaki pants. The way you slicked your dark brown hair back, reminded me of Cary Grant. Such a debonair and sophisticated man!

Finally, all was quiet once again, at Cedar Manor on the outer of Ole London town. Muriel looked like a contented little kitten, as she curled up into a tight ball, upon Sam's lap. She even made soft "mewing" sounds, as she drifted off to sleep. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but for now, Sam could rest easy, knowing his love was no longer in danger of "losing it, so to speak.

Sam awoke with start, to the sound of a sharp rapping on the front door. Looking at his watch, he could see that it was well past noon! Never had he managed to sleep so long before! Especially after one of Muriel's tantrums. With no time to freshen up, Sam made do with a quick splash of water, over his face and hair, from the faucet over the kitchen sink. One can't greet visitors looking all sleepy and dishevelled now can they!

Roberta Cummings was feeling a little on edge all morning. She knew that Sam was more than capable of sorting things his end. But she still felt a familiar sense, that things could go "horribly wrong". She really hoped Sam had a handle on things this time! As it would mean she had finally achieved what her colleagues had deemed impossible. And winning that illusive award wouldn't go astray either!

Sam knew that what he was about to do, would certainly not meet with Muriel's approval. But he had no other option. These were desperate times with Sam unable to find work to keep up with the upkeep of Cedar manor nor its mistress. The bank didn't take too kindly to his predicament either. So there was no chance of taking out a second mortgage, just to keep things afloat. And it had also been over ten years since "the incident". So the sale of Cedar Manor would mean no more financial stress as well as a fresh new start.

Still, he couldn't help but hesitate as his hand reached for the thick ornate door knob, rather garish in design but popular with the potential buyers wanting everything to be keep in its original state.

As soon as Sam opened the door, a cold blast of air blew back into his face, rendering him wide awake. On the doorstep waiting to be let in, stood a thin, short, yet rather attractive looking wisp of a woman, swathed in a rather bulky, oversized, forest green jacket. Her bright red hair only added to the dimensions of her attractiveness. Along with her steely blue eyes and her blood red lips. For a moment, Sam felt mesmerised and lost in those eyes. Then realising the seriousness behind her visit, he managed to pull himself together long enough to say "do come in, and feel free to warm yourself by the fire. It's freezing outside!"

Nadia Schimanski was no stranger to dealing with delicate situations like Sam's. But she knew she had to tread carefully with this one. After all, love knows no bounds, even in strange circumstances such as this. And it really was a matter of life or death!

Muriel awoke to the sound of a woman's voice. Someone unfamiliar. It unsettled her to no end! Especially when she heard the familiar sound of "her" Sam replying back. What was going on! And why was Sam allowing a stranger in their home! Muriel just had to get to the bottom of this! At once!

Sam had followed Nadia's instructions to a tee. Taking great care to sprinkle sea salt along the bottom of the bedroom door, leaving no gaps in between. He also remembered the importance of lighting the sage sticks at either side of the door to seal the deal. In doing so, nothing "unworldly" could get in or out.

Muriel was shaking with rage! As she realised that her beloved had betrayed her! It was taking all of her strength to be in that space and time! How could he do this to her! Try as she might, Muriel just didn't have the strength to open the door. All she could achieve was a rather pitiful tremor that shook the door and its hinges only slightly. In the meantime, Sam and that woman were plotting against her downstairs at this very moment! And it enraged her tremendously!

Nadia didn't waste any time springing into action. She felt the anger building and the intensity of the energies emitted by Muriel's earth bound spirit. A choice Muriel had made almost ten years ago after her attempt to commit murder suicide upon learning she was dying. Rather than wanting to face death without her beloved Sam by her side, She had planned to take control of when she would die, taking Sam with her. Where they could journey into the next life for eternity. Fortunately for Sam, Muriel feeling a little nervous and under pressure, managed to stuff things up by not putting enough poison in Sam's wine, and a little too much in her own glass. Before Sam could take a sip of the deadly concoction, Muriel had swigged back the entirety of her own wine, causing her to drop to the ground, her body thrashing and convulsing wildly! This in turn caused Sam to panic and drop his untouched wine onto the cashmere rug lying in front of the fireplace. 

Although Muriel's physical body had given up the ghost, her spirit lingered on. Her need to be in control continued on into "her" afterlife. She just couldn't let Sam go. Not without a fight! And thus began her vendetta to keep Sam "trapped" at Cedar Manor, so they could be together always. Starting with keeping their beloved home from ever being sold. Whatever it takes...

Nadia instructed Sam to remain in the living room while she confronted the angry spirit of Muriel, ranting and making quite a ruckus upstairs! She knew that Sam could weaken at any moment, giving in to Muriel's ridiculous demands. Sealing his own fate to live and eventually die, in Cedar Manor, all the while under the command of his dearly departed wife. It just wasn't right! Muriel needed to move on, so that however many years Sam had left on this earth, he could live them out under "his terms".

Nadia knew that there was no time to waste! As she felt the "power" of her salt seal waning with Muriel's ever increasing anger causing a disturbance strong enough to shift it. Armed with her Soul Release kit to help a troublesome spirit head towards the light, Nadia made her way up the winding staircase towards the shrieking, and somewhat hysterical spirit Of Muriel banging on her bedroom door demanding to be released!

It was time to send this deranged Soul back to whence she came! Taking out the most powerful crystal for helping Spirit's to transition from this world into the next, her trusty Amethyst Quartz, and  not forgetting  her labradorite pendant for protection and her magnificent smoky elestial quartz power sceptre, Nadia opened the door and stepped forward ready to take on Muriel with everything that she had!

Roberta Cummings stood at the podium trying to fight back the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would be standing here, this very night, receiving the honorary real estate award for selling the unsaleable! Her colleagues were gushing all over her with congratulations, while secretly feeling pangs of jealousy at her accomplishment.  Tonight was her night to shine, and she felt absolutely magnificent!

Sam took one last look at the place he had called home for over twenty years. A place filled with memories of love and loss. He took great comfort in knowing that Muriel was now at peace and would no longer cause any more trouble for him or the new homeowners of Cedar Manor. Nadia had promised to check in on the owner occupiers once they get settled in.  Just to make sure there were no more paranormal issues and bumps and moans in the night, of the spectral kind that is!

As Sam drove off to a new beginning into unchartered territory, he could almost swear that he heard the faint sound of his beloved Muriel saying “Goodbye my love, until we meet again”… 

February 03, 2020 01:48

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