Suspense Science Fiction Fiction

Matt had always been a geek but cool too, he went to the University of California to pursue a career in Soft ware and web design. Growing up, Matt had always been a creative genius, he would make literally anything imaginable on his computer. He had designed a dating web site once in senior high school and everyone loved it and he had met his lover Beth off it. Matt considered this the best site he had ever created because it brought Beth to him. Along the way however, he and Beth fell out because just like in every love story, individuals grow up and become more mature and self aware. This happened right before freshman year at California University and Matt had been full fledged depressed even though no one around him could tell because he was so brilliant at masking it but deep down, he truly missed Beth and wished nothing more than to see his phone flash and it be her calling or messaging him to tell him she loves him and wants him back! Days turned to weeks and weeks into months but Beth never called and Matt was so miserable and alone. He had lost his lover and only friend.

One day, while in web design class, Matt is day dreaming about Beth for the hundredth time since they split up! When suddenly, his mind rings with an idea and he says to himself " what if the very thing that brought Beth to me once could help me get her back again!" and that was it, ideas flooded Matts mind of how he could win his only love back. Back at his dorm room, his watching a romcom and 'áwwwing' as the two characters "vow to disagree on red velvet cake" and in that moment he stops and decides to create an app! His idea for this app was to make it a love app but with a twist! Instead of creating matches like Tinder or any other dating app, this app would be different and extraordinary. This app would reunite lost lovers, parents and their children, lovers and their loved ones, basically any love matches that had fallen off some how. He called it ' The Fixer upper' and soon the idea of some how re uniting with Beth was all he thought about. He slept, dreamt, ate, bathed and lived for this app because to him, it was a life line to what he truly loved most. Over the course of the semester, Matt worked on this app endlessly, he attended his classes but any free time he got was dedicated to this app. He trialed and erred this app so many times that it frustrated him but the dream of being with Beth kept him dedicated! and stead fast in his mission.

One night as he worked hard in his dorm, he finally struck gold! the app was up and running! " oh my days!" he exclaimed in joy, he jumped around until he was breathless but he quickly gathered his composure and sat back at his desk and in that moment decided to try the app. He coded it in such a way that immediately it had been able to run, it was available to anyone around the globe needing it's services. Day in and out, many people testified to have been re-united with their loved ones and this brought him pride and joy because it meant he and his love could soon be re-united! However before he could gather the courage to finally try the app for his own gain which was why he had created it in the first place, he realized that the app had become self aware! that is it began to reject matches it thought were not worth fixing. It began giving reasons such as " you both are better off without each other'' or " let bygones be bygones" . Matt tried to fix this but to no avail. it was some sort of virus that had invaded the soft ware. SO severe that even uninstalling the app was not possible! the app had come to life and one morning even typed " Hi there Matt, am in charge now! you will not force matches that are retrogressive, you will not use me to force love!" Matt is spooked but still has hope that he and Beth had a love that was worth fighting for and he was confident that his own creation would recognize this too.

One evening, he had gathered just enough courage to use the app on himself! He typed the name "Beth" and hesitantly clicked the enter and search button and in that moment, he covered his eyes with his hands too afraid to see what the app would think of their match. The app took it's time with this one as it took 30 whole minutes to fully load it's response. Finally, the words "Declined!" hit the screen in a dark bloody red color and Matt was sweating profusely at that moment and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. He could not believe his eyes and hesitantly scrolled down to unveil the reasons the app gave for this denial and it simply said " irreconcilable! and non existent" in that moment, Matt stares at the computer blankly and in disbelief and he thought to himself " am a failure, my own creation failed me'" but just as he was about to exit the app, he received another message telling him that some truths are hard to swallow, when love turns sour, the best is to let go because some truths do not need to be uncovered. The app then typed, " do not go searching for lost love , let it go, the past is not your present and it is the past for that reason."

Matt did not however believe the words of the app and kept trying to secure a match with Beth until one day, the app unveiled some photo's of Beth. She was in love with a Spanish man, she had been walking the sandy beaches of the Maldives , she had moved on without Matt! Distraught, Matt shut the app down! Never to open it again! The app continued to reject and accept matches, it was AWAKE!

February 22, 2021 22:46

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Bonnie Clarkson
22:45 Mar 03, 2021

Interesting story. I found the main character believable. My main problem with the story is the app said "I am in charge", then at the end Matt was able to shut the app down. Doesn't sound right. The following are minor points. You need some work on the grammar of combining sentences. It would have been more readable if you split up some of the long sentences. Be sure and use Find function on word processor for "had", "was", etc.


Angela Halubobya
20:50 Mar 04, 2021

Thank you so much for your in depth critic, look out for my next story and let me know if I made improvements💕


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Palak Shah
00:06 Mar 01, 2021

Great story. I love the way that you have crafted this. Very well done Please read my story and share your feedback on it if possible. Thanks a lot :))


Angela Halubobya
08:25 Mar 03, 2021

Thank you and I sure will look at your story too😁


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Karen McDermott
12:38 Feb 28, 2021

I love the idea of a dating app becoming self-aware. Entertaining story, if a little heavy-handed with the exclamation marks.


Angela Halubobya
18:58 Feb 28, 2021

Thank you Karen for your honest feedback.


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