Romance Fiction

Pandemic Relationship

“I’m sorry, Lena. They won’t let me on the plane.” Alex felt exhausted as he sat in the airport waiting area holding his cellphone to his ear.

Lena fought back tears as she gripped her cellphone. “It’s okay, Alex. I know it can’t be helped.”

She had really hoped this time it would work out for them. For three weeks Alex had been trying to get on a plane to see Lena, but every time a positive case of the virus would pop up and the flight would be canceled. The pandemic had hit their relationship hard. For two years Alex and Lena have had a long distance relationship. Due to their careers they were not able to live in the same city, so they made it work with frequent flyer miles and seeing each other almost every weekend. 

Alex stood up feeling defeated as he heard Lena sob on the other end. “It’s going to be okay. I love you. We will figure this out.”

Lena bit her bottom lip. “I’m sorry it’s just the world is crumbling and I just want you here.”

Alex looked around the airport to see an angry couple argue with the receptionist at the front desk while airport security was escorting the man in line behind them out of the airport. The world did seem to be crumbling and all Alex could do was sit and watch.  “I want to be there, you know I do.”

Lena took a deep breath as she opened her laptop. “I’m going to look up flights and come to you.”

Alex shook his head. “Your boss will fire you if you are not there tomorrow, that dick can’t function without you.”

The heat rushed to Lena’s face, knowing he was right. Being a personal assistant to a CEO was like signing your life away, but when student debt was hanging over you like a dark cloud quitting/getting fired was not an option. “Ugh!”

Alex grabbed his luggage and began his walk to his car. “I will figure this out. I promise.”


“I’m sorry sir, but you are going to have to turn around, the state border is no longer open to visitors.” The policeman said with his flashlight shining in Alex’s face as he handed Alex back his license.

Alex let out a sigh as he retrieved his license.”Do you know when the state will be back open?”

The policeman shook his head. “New York has had a big surge in positive cases, so not anytime soon.”

“I see. Thank you, officer.” Alex turned his car to the left to head back home. He had wanted to stay for a couple of days in New York, but yet again he was turned away.

“Call Lena.” Alex said to his Bluetooth in his car. 

“Oh my goodness, are you here?” Lena asked practically jumping up and down.

“They shut New York down, I can’t get in.” Alex rubbed his forehead that felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer.

“I’m so sorry, Alex. If I had known I would have told you not to drive up here.” Lena said as her eyes began to fill with tears.

“Lena, it’s not your fault. I would drive all the miles if I could see you right now.” Alex felt his heart ache, disappointing Lena was the last thing he wanted to do.

“Oh, Alex. I don’t deserve you.”

“You’re right, but I’m not going anywhere.”

Lena giggled as she stared out of her apartment window. “I guess we will have to have video call dates.”

“I’ll light some candles in my apartment, to really set the mood.” Alex smiled as he gripped his steering wheel.

“I’ll wear something nice.”  Lena smiled thinking of their video date.

“I guess I won’t be getting lucky at the end of the night.” Alex shook his head as he passed the street signs as he headed home to Chicago.

“Not unless you invent a teleportation device.” Lena sat down on her green sofa and searched for her remote.

“That’s good motivation. I’ll work on it!” 

“Hey, Lena.”

Lena turned around to see the new guy, Sam standing in front of her desk. “Hey, Sam. What’s up?”

“Hey, I’m having trouble finding the shared drive on my computer. Since you basically run this place I thought I’d ask you.” Sam’s eyes smiled above his gray mask.

Lena pulled the sheet of paper from her printer and rose up. “Absolutely, I’ll be right over.”

Lena made her way over to Sam’s office. “Hey, Sam. Is now a good time?”

Sam flashed a smile and then reached for his mask. “It’s perfect, I was just sitting here waiting for you to save the day.”

Lena couldn’t help but smile, even though her mask hid her mouth, she leaned over Sam’s shoulder and grabbed his mouse. He smelled of peppermint. “You click right here and type the master password and you are good to go.”

Sam’s eyebrows went up. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”

Lena nodded. “No problem. I’ll get out of your hair.”

Sam cleared his throat. “Actually, Lena. I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?”

Lena blushed underneath her red mask. “I’m sorry, Sam. I have a boyfriend.”

Sam nodded. “All the good ones do. I thought it was worth a shot.”

Lena smiled. “I hope we can still be friends and this doesn’t make things weird.”

Sam shrugged. “As long as you don’t mind my silly questions, I would love to be your friend.”

Lena chuckled. “Not at all. I’ll see you around.” 

Lena walked back to her desk feeling almost guilty for enjoying the fact that she got asked out by a cute guy. It has been four months since she has seen Alex and though she enjoyed the phone and video calls, they had not compared to actually being in the same room as him. 

Lena’s phone vibrated in her pant pocket. “Hey, Alex!”

“Lena, I got a flight booked to New York this Friday!”  

“Really?! Oh, I can’t wait to see you!”

“I can’t wait to see you. I love you so much!”

“I can’t believe you are here!” Lena wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck as he pulled her body into his.

“I told you I would figure this out.” Alex cupped Lena’s face in his hands and kissed her softly on the lips.

“I have a surprise for you.” Lena grabbed Alex’s hand and led him into the kitchen. “I cooked dinner for you.”

“Wow, and it doesn’t smell burnt like it usually does.” Alex nodded seeing the table with Cornish hens on each plate.

“Well I’ve had time to learn something new. Aren’t you proud?” Lena smiled proudly with her hands behind her back.

Alex pulled Lena in. “So proud. You are going to make a mediocre housewife one day.”

Lena shook her head. “I’m glad to see your attitude has not changed.” Lena kissed Alex. “Let’s eat.”

Alex sat down in front of his plate. “Great presentation, sweetheart.”

Lena nodded and then her phone started vibrating a couple of times. “Sorry. Someone at work is texting me.” Lena muted her phone and began cutting into her dinner.

Alex took a deep breath, feeling his heartbeat against his chest.. “So during this time I had time to think and I think you should come back to Chicago with me.”

Lena finished her bite. “Move in with you?”

Alex nodded. “Lena, I love you and I’m tired of us being hours away from each other. 

Lena took a drink of water. “I love you too, but I don’t have a job lined up in Chicago. I have bills to pay, and am potentially going to be promoted soon.”

Alex put down his drink. “We can find you a job in Chicago and if we can’t find you a job, I’ll take care of you.”

Lena put her head in her hands. “I don’t want you to pay my bills, Alex. I went to school to find a job that could pay my bills.”

Alex shook his head, feeling rejected. “Don’t you want a future with me?”

Lena sighed. “Of course I do. I just want to see where my career takes me. I worked hard to be where I’m at and don’t want to throw it all away.”

Alex raised his eyebrows not knowing what to say. “Okay. We will revisit this conversation.”

Lena stood up and cleared the table. “Maybe you can pick out a movie for us to watch tonight.”

Alex smiled. “Okay, Lethal Weapon it is.”

Lena looked over her shoulder. “Try again.”

Alex glanced at Lena’s phone that was lit up to see the name “Sam” on her screen. “Who’s Sam?”

Lena walked over to her phone.”He’s someone I work with.”

Alex's mouth drew in a line. “Does he usually text you at 8:30 at night?”

“He’s just a friend, Alex.”

“I believe you. I just know I wouldn’t text my female coworkers at night to talk about work.”

“He knows I have a boyfriend.”

“So he’s a homewrecker. Nice”

Lena threw a dish towel at him. “Just go pick a movie.”

Alex rose up and walked over to kiss Lena’s cheek. “I bet Sam likes Lethal Weapon.”

“I wish you could stay.” Lena brushed Alex’s hair behind his head with her fingers.

“You can still come with me!” Alex's eyes grew sincere as he locked them with Lena’s eyes.

“Alex, I can’t. Not right now.”

Alex sighed. “I get it.” 

Alex let go of Lena and walked inside the airport. “I love you.”

Alex's heart ached as he walked away from Lena. He wished she would come with him, he wished he didn’t see “Sam” on her phone, he wished that he was important enough for her to take a chance, but sadly Alex was again alone on a plane leaving her again.

“Why are you not dropping this?” Lena’s brows went together as she stared at Alex over the video call.

“Because all you think about in this relationship is you and what you want.” Alex took off his glasses saying everything he wanted to say to her without holding back.

“What I want? Excuse me, you’re the one that wants me to leave everything behind to be a silly little housewife.” 

“I never said you had to stay at home. You can find a career here probably easier than you can in New York.”

“I have a career here, and I have worked hard to be where I am. If I leave now I’ll be starting all over.”

“But we will have each other. Just think we won’t have to worry about getting plane tickets or when we will see each other next. We will be together. Just take a chance.”

“I’m sorry, Alex. I can’t.”

Alex took a breath feeling exhausted . “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Lena.”

Lena’s mouth dropped as Alex’s video call ended. She felt so confused on where they stood. She loved Alex, and her career, but it seemed she couldn’t have both.

The year was half way over and they had only seen each other in person once. The virus was still hitting the country hard with new cases popping up every day. She felt stuck and clueless about her future with Alex.

Alex cleared his throat as he typed up his article for work. Alex had not talked to Lena for two weeks now hoping the silence would ease the strain on their relationship.

“Man are you okay?” Alex’s coworker said in Alex’s office doorway.

“Yeah, just tired.”

“I heard Jenkins came up positive yesterday. I know you two are tight so you might want to get tested.”

“Great, a virus! Just what I need.” Alex had been feeling run down, but assumed it was his relationship problems causing it, now he might have a bigger issue to deal with.

Lena took a shot of tequila in her kitchen. It had been three weeks since she had heard from Alex and was starting to feel that they were over. She looked at her phone constantly to see if she had missed anything, but the only texts she could see was from Sam. Lena poured herself another shot, and pulled out her phone to dial Alex.

“Hello?” Alex said with a raspy voice.

“So you just decided to stop talking to me when you didn’t get your way? 


“Don’t Lena me. If we are over just say it!”

“Lena. I’m sick and have pneumonia.”

“What?! “

“I’m low on oxygen, and in the hospital.” Alex said with a breathy tone.

“I’m going to book a flight.”

“Excuse me, what room is Alex Sebring in.” Lena tapped her foot against the white tile.

“Are you family?” The nurse asked as she typed on her computer.

“I’m his girlfriend.” Lena said hoping that was still true.

“Alex is in the Covid Unit, so no guests are allowed in.”

“When will he be out of the Covid Unit?”

“When his doctor releases him, until then I suggest you go home and wait until the doctor calls you.”

Lena felt like she was about to cry as she wrote her name and number on a post-it. “Is there a waiting room I can wait in?”

The nurse shook her head. “The waiting rooms are closed due to covid.

Lena walked into Alex’s apartment, thankful she had a copy of his key. As she walked around she noticed pictures on the wall of her and Alex. She wondered how their life would be if she gave up everything in New York and moved to Chicago, she wondered if she would be happy. She laid down in Alex’s bed and hugged his pillow, it smelled of Irish spring which made her heart ache. As her eyes began to grow tired, her phone buzzed. 


“Is this Lena Phillips?”


“I’m Dr. Gower, Alex’s doctor. Alex is now testing negative, but is still having issues with his lungs. We are going to keep him overnight for two more days to see how he progresses.”

“Can I see him?”

“Yes, he will be moved out of the Covid Unit tonight and you can visit him in the morning.”

Lena gripped Alex’s hand. “Hey, Alex.”

Alex opened his sleepy eyes. “So this is what it took to get you to Chicago.”

Lena smiled. “You are so dramatic.” She brushed Alex’s hair with her fingertips, studying his blue eyes.

Alex coughed as he breathed in some oxygen. “The doctor said I’m getting better, but I still feel like hell.”

“It’s just going to take time.” 

Alex took a breath. “Lena, I shouldn’t have pressured you about moving.”

“It’s okay, Alex.”

“No, it’s not. Lena I love you, more than I ever loved anyone. So I’m not going to hold you back anymore. Do what you need to do in New York.”

“What about us?”

“Well we can take a break and see what happens.”

Lena nodded. “I love you Alex, I’m sorry.”

Alex grabbed Lena’s hand. “I’ll be here in Chicago if you change your mind.”

“Happy New Year, Alex!” Jenkins said as people around the office were throwing around confetti. The virus was still looming, but with the new year things were starting to look up. Alex walked inside his office hoping to get away from the noise. As he sat down in his office chair, loneliness hit him. He thought taking a break would be best, but not a day went by when he didn’t think of Lena. He picked up a picture frame of him and Lena on a picnic. He wanted to so badly pick up the phone and call her, but he knew that he wanted more than she could give. He opened up his bottom drawer on his desk and placed the picture inside. It was time to move on. Time to find someone who lived in the same city that he could love as much as he loved Lena.

Lena turned off the TV in her apartment, hearing her neighbors celebrating above her. She wished she felt like celebrating, but the end of the year left her more lost than ever. Honestly she thought she had it all figured out, like this is the way life is supposed to go, but her plan wasn’t working out anymore. Sam and her tried to date, but he wasn’t Alex. The position she applied for at work, ended up going to someone who was new. Things had changed, she had changed and things that used to be so important we’re not anymore.

Alex watched TV, as he nervously adjusted his collar for a date tonight. He looked at the clock, hoping time would move faster, but all it did was remind him that he was getting closer to going on a date with someone that was not Lena. Alex walked to the end table to grab his watch when he heard a knock on his door. He tried to remember if he gave his date his address, maybe she wanted to go to the restaurant together.

“Lena…?” Alex felt a lump in his throat as he saw Lena standing in his doorway with a suitcase behind her.

“I was thinking of giving Chicago a try, and was wondering what you thought about that?” 

Alex smirked. “Well, I did have a date tonight, but I would rather spend my life with you.” Alex wrapped his arms around Lena’s waist, holding tightly for fear she would disappear. “I love you.”

Written by:


March 12, 2021 01:05

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03:53 Mar 17, 2021

Great short story. Aside from not wanting to end the story, it was a great narrative and the end made my heart illuminate with pleasure.


17:28 Mar 17, 2021

Thank you for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoyed the story.


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