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"Can you keep a secret?" My voice was raspy and vile. A wicked grin spread across my face. I looked at a little boy dressed as Spider-man. Halloween, the perfect night for hunting. I was sat on my rickety old porch, holding a very large bag similar to the one Santa carries, only it was black.

The boy nodded hesitantly, "What kind of secret?" He was cautious, but his curiosity was growing stronger, blinding any warning his mother might have told him growing up.

"In my bag I have candy that no one has ever tasted before. Brand new candy. No ordinary chocolates. This candy is new and way more delicious." I described for him wonders of the taste buds. I could practically see the drool dripping from his mouth. I knew I was going to get this one.

"Better than Reese's?" He questioned me. He must have a love for the peanut butter chocolate mix. I grinned bigger and widened my eyes, nodding vigorously.

"Much, much better than Reese's" I went to open my bag, but squeezed it shut before he could peer inside. "But my candy is top secret, If I show you and let you try one you can't tell a soul. Not even your best friend." I shook my head, exaggerating my actions with the lift to one eyebrow. "Promise me you won't tattle?"

The boy held out his pinky to me, "I promise, miss, My best friend doesn't really like sweets anyway." I grinned and took his pinky in mine.

I slowly reached for the opening of my bag, drilling in the suspense. Finally with a jerk I opened it and the kid leaned over, trying to see inside.

"Miss, I don't see any candy-" The boy yelped in surprise when I grabbed him by the back and yanked him inside my bag. I quickly shut the opening and tied a thick rope around it. I glanced around my surrounding to make sure there were no witnesses. Perfect, not a soul was paying attention.

When the child started to kick and scream I growled lowly, "Shut it or I'll kill your mother." With a meep he fell silent and I chuckled. I dragged him in the bag into my old wooden house. I could hear him desperately trying to stay silent through sobs as I pulled him towards a creepy old door. I opened it and saw a flight of stairs descending before me. I started to make my way down, the boy thudding hard on each step. When we got to the bottom the smell of the air became musky and the wet concrete soaked my feet.

"Miss?" The boy croaked, "Where are to taking me?" But I didn't answer, just laughed a gross, evil laugh. At the end of the dim corridor was large padlock keeping and even bigger door shut.

I coughed and hacked until a key rose up my throat and rested on my tongue. I grabbed it and unlocked the door. Inside water dripped down the walls and the smell of mold was heavy. Untying the bag I dumped the little boy out. He frantically looked around and froze in horror. Pressed against the far wall were three more young children. Two boys and one girl. They looked scrawny and terrified.

"Children, you have a new playmate." I smirked and they all shuddered. I kicked the boy towards the other kids and he scurried to join them. The skinnier kids accepted him Immediately, holding him close. I licked my lips and chuckled, "You're soul is perfect, boy." I pointed at my newest addition. He whimpered and pressed harder against the wall, trying to will himself out of this horrid place.

I grinned and sat down on the damp concrete, "Let's start with a little explanation." I smiled toothily at the four, "My work here is almost complete, I just need one more child." I giggled at their confused expressions, "You see, I'm trying to fulfill a spell. A spell that will give me a second chance at life. You see me now, I'm all old and wrinkly. I want to be young again. Get a retry on life. I can't do that without you." Their tiny faces were stained with tears which made me smile. "To complete said spell I need to sacrifice five souls that haven't experienced a full life yet. So you plus the one I have yet to steal." I joined my hands together and fluttered my eyelashes at them, "So I thank you for being here," I paused then added, "Even if it was against your will."

"Excuse me, Miss?" The boy in the Spider-Man costume mustered up enough courage to speak.

I bounced playfully where I sat, kind of my way of toying with the children, "Yes my dear supper?"

The boy furrowed his eyebrows then continued, "Does that mean we're going to die?" His voice was weak, but he was trying to be brave.

"As a matter of fact, yes!" I said very excitedly, licking my lips, "Would you like me to tell you how?"

The boy shook his head slowly, "Not really-"

"Too bad I'm telling you anyway." I rubbed my chin, pretending to think, but I knew exactly what I was going to do. "First I'll start with making a scrumptious meal fit for a king. There will be pies and roasts and potatoes. A meal no one would want to miss. Then I'll invite you all to dinner, but before you can begin to chow down you'll be met by infinite darkness. I'll take your lifeless bodies and insert you into the cooking and I will eat all of you right up. That way I will have your souls conjoined with mine, transforming me back into a child so I can finally have my life reset." My lips curled into a smile as I studied their horrified, crying faces, "Understand?"

Trying to hold back sobs the four all nodded, holding each other close. They were finally comprehending this was the end for them, they'd never see their families and loved ones again. All they had was each other and it wasn't going to be for much longer either. Satisfied that the children finally realized their doom I laughed hysterically, wiping tears from my eyes.

With a cackle I jumped up, scooped up my bag and left the dark room, locking it back up tight. I returned upstairs and to my spot on the porch.

It wasn't long before a little plump girl dressed as Cinderella skipped up my steps. I clutched my bag close to myself and grinned at her, "Hello Princess," I attempted my sweetest voice, "Can you keep a secret?"

August 18, 2020 00:45

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1 comment

Ollie Joyner
13:23 Aug 27, 2020

Oh, that's so horrible, but so well done! Good job!


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