Coming of Age Latinx Urban Fantasy

“The room is unfamiliar. I don’t know how I got here," I said this all to myself as I woke up in an extremely bright light. My memory is a little hazy but all I can think of was an explosion of some kind. "Oh, that's right," I finally recalled while thinking to myself. "My family's hoover car exploded in front of me."

I lifted my head up and sure enough, both of my hands were heavily wrapped in bandages. I even checked my surroundings and found hospital equipment everything for more advanced purposes in the year 2119. I was definitely in the local hospital. Luck was definitely on my side then. That could have been worse. I could have actually dead there or at this case killed. I'm sure we'll find the perpetrators in a given 48 hours. With my hands got gone, I probably lost a lot of bleeding. Thus why I gained back with my consciousness.

Boy oh boy, do I feel drugged. Doctors probably had me high on the meds in case I woke up from any pain whatsoever. Good thing my mute and humble butler: Berto hired the best professional for this job. Guess it really pays when your family is rich and you're the next heir.

Speaking of family, I am probably getting endless calls and text from my dad. I felt around my head and I don't feel the chip where I should be. Doctors must have had it uninstalled while I was under.

Apparently as of lately, there's been rumors that people who undergo surgery while wearing their chip, go haywire and glitchy. I mean they always suggested we remove our chips from our brains so we won't be brain rotten or brainwashed from another government. As if our governments this day in age is any better in this future, I don't know what else is. But I guess think that rumor completely checks out then.

Smart move on the doctor though. Last thing they needed was my father trying to sue them and that will be an one-sided battle, that's for sure.

I search around my bed area and found the call button. Without having hands to begin, I had to make do with my wrists and elbows instead. After a few uncomfortable turns, I eventually pressed the button by using my right elbow in order to call for a nurse or doctor. Anyone would do at this point.

There came a knock on the door. Guess this high paid doctor is very considerate of people's privacy. I gave them a go ahead to proceed. In come a doctor about 5-10 years older than me with a clipboard and pen. Behind the fellow was Berto. By whom, came rushing to me with the biggest and tightest hug I ever endured. More so than ever in my life.

Luckily I can still breath as I say: "Good to see you too, my dear friend."

He loosens his hug and looks at me sternly. I'm lucky to have him in my life. He was always like a second father to me. After checking up on me face to face, he signs the following: "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

I signed back with a bit of reassurance: "I'm sorry to worry you."

The doctor of patience then chimes in by saying: "Hola, Mr. Diego saul Tega, my name is Dr. Hektor Douirigez. You are currently residing as a patient here at Cyber Mexico City Hospital given from a recent car explosion. You've been under five hours, and we will talk what we need to do once we do a check up. So first things first, how are you feeling at the moment?"

At first, I go: "Feeling alright. Just my memory being hazy is all," then I went: "Guess I'm less handsome." I said all of this as I showed him my hands with a smile. Throughout my life, I tend to joke around when things turn for the worst.

Dr. Douirigez wasn't at all humored. I wasn't offended at all. This is exactly why my father told me not to be a comedian in the first place.

"Just carry on the saul Tega name and you'll be top of the world," he would say as often times when I look into something other than the family business. Our family business does a lot of world trades so it does comes with a ton of money and plenty of benefits. So having a dream job as a kid was already bought out to me on a sliver platter. I can kinda see why mother left when she did. But enough, digger out my past, I need to figure out how my hands got caught in a car explosion. Especially since the doctor himself has been clearing his throat at least several times until I came back from reality.

"Apologizes, just have a lot on my mind," I said defeatedly.

"No problem, Mr. saul Tega," replied the doctor.

"Please, that's my dad's name. Call me by my first name as you would with a friend," I suggested.

Again, the doctor showed no emotion whatsoever in that disregard. Somebody's a hard critic and just fully on business mode.

Eventually the doctor goes: "Okay, Diego. Now, I have your symbiosis of your condition. Your hands have been completely severed off from each wrist. We are currently working on making your own personal high tech hands to help assist that situation. Do you need a moment for yourself?"

"No, but I figured it all had to do something with my hands. High tech hands would be nice, especially since I would be needing a pair real soon."

"Alright then, would you like your butler to sign the waiver?"

"Absolutely! I trust Berto with all my heart. He's been like a second father to me after my own dad."

My butler gave a strange look but was willing to do as asked. The doctor then give Berto a slip to sign on my consent. After a quick signature, I looked at Berto asking him directly: "Have you talked to father? How is he taking this?"

Berto gave me the most saddest puppy dog eyes and tears begun to swell up. Seeing my friend at such a state, I asked him: "Berto, what's wrong?"

My dear butler couldn't muster any sign to answer. Instead, the doctor there told me: "Your father was part of the incident. We did the best we can but he unfortunately didn't make it."

As if losing my mother at the age of 8 wasn't heartbreaking enough. Or as getting hands chopped off less fortunate enough. Now, having no father to guide me, was going to take some time to readjust. I couldn't even make a quirky joke to go with it, especially considering I never joke about death. Cause that's inhumane and morally unethical by any standards.

February 11, 2025 20:58

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