High School Friendship Teens & Young Adult

The fresh morning air blew gently in my face as if to welcome me and be my merry playmate. The sun had just risen. I looked up at the clear sky while it looked back at me with a warm and tender smile.

"Morning Dad," I whispered sleepily, walking down a couple of stairs.

He was pulling his tie in front of the mirror.

"Morning beautiful"

"Mom left?" I asked while he shook his head.

Today was the day mom had to go to Indonesia to administer the second headquarters of her company.

"Yea, But don't worry, she'll visit us between months."


I choked down a mouthful of food kept on the breakfast table, which I had started nibbling without knowing myself.

"Yea, Indonesia will be the main headquarters now she'll be living there for some months," dad continued, bringing me a glass of water.

I instantly gulped it down, looking at him.

"This is gonna be tough."

"But I know you'll do it."

"Thanks, Dad," I smiled.

''I'll go now."

"Good day."

"You too."

He slammed the door shut while I ran up back to my room.

''Okay, now is the time to get ready for school, "I muttered to myself, room running for the next thirty minutes.

I hurried back down the staircase, even tho I wasn't late today.

I got out of my house, latching the single lock, possibility the maids may show up later during the day.

That's when my gaze fell over to the garden.


It was a beautiful shade of sunset orange and black, my favorite colors.

I slowly drove it out, pacing through the road every passing second. When I reached school, I parked my orange one next to a grey and black one. It was shiny and looked like silver, but it wasn't.

The school bell rang while I went through my planner right there standing,

"Painting, Math, Chemistry, Biography, P.E, English.

Painting early morning! Wow, just wow!" I almost whispered without smiling.

Erin was there, waving her hand when I came over. I searched for my seat, desperately wanting to sit.


It came more loudly than I ought to.

Making an 'opps' expression, I frantically took the seat, which was now officially mine.

The teacher wasn't there, yet everyone started painting.

I turned my gaze to my seatmate.

He wasn't drawing but instead fumbling through pages.

I recognized the documents the very moment I saw them.

House sale agreement?

Was his house being sold?

But if it was getting sold, then were they taking another house or apartment?

My questions grew, though I was hesitant to ask.

Waggling my thoughts away, I took out stuff and started sketching out apples.

Meanwhile, professor Min came.

He walked between our seats, organized within rows, examining our work.

"Finally done," I smiled, wiping the sweat off my forehead.


Oh no-

My smile immediately faded when in front of me, my painting was ruined, with red paint all over it.

My skirt had stains of red paint too.

I looked over to my left side, but he didn't even bother to look at me.

"Sorry" was the last thing I heard, that too aloof.

Boy, what do I do now? Forget about the painting.

My whole dammit white skirt got ruined, and that too with RED color, and here instead of helping, you saying sorry, even when I know you are not.

I fumbled through my bag, taking out a blue towel.

Mr. Min made his way out of the class. Meanwhile, the bell rang.

"Grace, I wanna see what you painted," Erin called, approaching me.

"How do I show when it's all ruined" I mumbled to myself.

"OMG- How did this?"

"Was that your painting?" A blonde hair girl said, picking it up.

''Umm yeah, It got ruined thanks to that boy's clumsiness," I spoke with heavy sarcasm in my tone.

She chuckled," I saw it earlier. It was beautiful."


"Bella, nice to meet u."

"I'm Grace, and here is Erin."

"Just a second, your skirt-" she sputtered dumbstruck. "We don't have time, Do we? Let's go," continuing Bella grabbed me by my arm, dragging me through the corridor.

"Just cover it with this book right now," she said handing, me her literature reader.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"I fear those stains wouldn't go," Erin spat catching, with us.

"Even I do," I looked down, making sure the book covered the stain.

"Let's hurry," Bella uttered dragging, me along faster.

Soon enough, we were in there.

I removed the book and shoved it aside, rubbing the stains with a wet towel.

"I got some tissues," Erin handed them over as Bella kneeled, rubbing my skirt.

''It won't come out. I'll have to change," I uttered.

"The paint did get lighter, but it won't help anymore, I guess," Bella spat, looking towards the now dirty tissue paper.

"Was it a mistake?" Bella asked in a more serious tone.

"I'm not sure."

"I need to look after this thing."

"No, don't do anything. It's just acrylics everything, is fine."





NOTHING HAPPENED ONLY," Bella and Erin Crosstalked.

"Cmon you, two, let's head back."

"No way-"

"I missed bio already. I'm not missing math in any case."

"You are going and getting your skirt changed right away."

"It's not a big deal. I'll change during mid-dispersal."

"Not- A BIG DEAL, you say," Erin added.

"You guys are taking it too seriously. It'll be alright, don't worry, I'll be fine, just four more lectures to pass through."

Bella sighed, looking towards Erin,

"Alright then," She spoke.

"Be careful not to get in any trouble, and also make sure you hide that mark. I don't want boys to see that. Frankly, I don't want anyone to see that."

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind, now run, or else you are missing yet another lecture." I chuckled.

Professor Brute had already arrived at math and was scribbling something on the board.

"I'm getting screwed, for real," I uttered at the door as Bella chuckled and whispered in my ear.

"Good luck with that."

June 04, 2021 17:59

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Rane Phoenix
04:36 Jun 12, 2021

The story is nice, thoughtfully done


15:56 Jun 12, 2021



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Zane Mckay
04:21 Jun 12, 2021

Great WORK


15:56 Jun 12, 2021



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Yu Min Jung
04:17 Jun 12, 2021

Keep on writing


15:56 Jun 12, 2021



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Pearl Prio
04:01 Jun 12, 2021

Good writing.


15:56 Jun 12, 2021



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Yui Sato
03:56 Jun 12, 2021

Loved it ;)


15:56 Jun 12, 2021

I'm glad Thankyou


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