
I hadn’t seen my brother Jim and sister-in-law Ella in quite a while. I was back in my hometown for a high school reunion of 2016. I needed to talk to Jim about some personal stuff. I thought Peta and I did everything we could to make our marriage work but, we were drifting apart. I suspected she was seeing someone else. I was right, we share custody of our son.

Jim and I always talked and drank our problems away, Ella accepted our times together and knew that by the end of the whiskey bottle or the last of the carton of beer we would have resolved our problems and achieved world peace to a gratifying society or at least thought we had.

I met up with Jim and we took a bike ride through the reserve not far from where he lives. We stopped at a picnic spot and began confession time.

“You need a change bro, someone to get you away from Peta. I always said she wasn’t right for you.”

I nodded in agreement, “I just haven’t thought of anyone that I’d ask out.”

“Remember Darby Street? She was in your English class; I saw her the other day at the Mall. She looks as good as ever. Darby is a solicitor and doing quite well for herself. She has recently been divorced; you had a big crush on her at school. don’t deny it.”

“Come on, I was just a kid.” Silently, I wondered if I should see her.

Darby sat two desks in front of me and to the right. I knew everything about her from the rear; her long brown hair hung down her back. She had this thing where she would flick her hair back out of her face. Grabbing her hair and pulling it down to straightening it out.

 Darby had a small black mole on the back of her left leg. I would stare at it and use my superpowers and try to remove it. Unfortunately, the mole was too powerful to move. Her school bag had stickers all over it. A peace symbol as well as a 2003 sticker of the Rolling Stones heading down under for a concert. Travel stickers of places where she’d been and places where she wanted to go. 

Darby was left-handed and had a habit of sucking on the end of her pencils and pens, she had chew marks on the end of them. One day she dropped a pen and didn’t bother to pick it up. After the siren sounded she left without picking up the pen. I picked it up and thought about catching up to her and giving it back. But I didn’t and kept the pen as a souvenir. I still have her pen.

I would dream about her every night, waking up early to get to school. I would get into class before anyone else, so I could watch her coming in and sitting down. One day she saw me and said hello. I stumbled over my words like a 3-year-old. Darby had to be the most beautiful girl on the planet.

Above average in height and slim, but not too slim. She had the most amazing smile and was always happy. Not only smart but athletic as well. I think she had lovely knees.

Greg James sat to her left, passing messages to each other when the teacher Mr White wrote on the board. Mr White was my favourite English teacher, I learnt so much from him over the time spent in his class. Darby was only in my English class, so I had little knowledge of her course components of the school curriculum.

I asked Greg one day was there anything going on between him and Darby. Sadly, there was, and it seemed she had a crush on him. Greg though had a crush on Julie Adams. It was a vicious circle.

I told my brother about Darby and he said everyone at school knew about her feelings for Greg. I really hated him... She found out about me asking Greg James about her. He was a real dick and I let him know. I met him in the playground, and I took a swing at him. He swung back and then it was on. Teachers intervened and we ended up in the Principal’s office. Since I was the one that swung first, I was suspended for a week. Greg was suspended for 3 days.

It was nearing the HSC school certificate and it was home study until the test. During our leaving ceremony, Darby was three in front of me, she turned back and looked at me and smiled, she then winked and then continued toward the stage.

Darby was the smartest student in the HSC, with a high score of 98.7 and left High school with a high distinction. I never heard of her again after school as she moved to Melbourne to study law. I was devastated when she left. Being a young boy of 18, I didn’t think I had much left to live for. I was wrong as I soon met Peta and we were happy for a lot of years.

I received a scholarship to a company in Sydney, NSW. English and Mathematics were my main interests and took it to the next level. I worked hard and achieved so much in a short amount of time. A baby boy came along, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

In the meantime, I left Jim and drove through the main street looking for a Solicitor’s office. Jacobs & Street and Associates, Lawyers and Litigators. Holding my breath as I stepped out of the car and wondering what the hell was I doing? I pushed on the door of the building, but it wouldn’t open. I then realised I had to pull the door. Oh man, a great start. I approached the desk and nervously asked the receptionist if it was possible to see Darby Street.

“Do you have an appointment? Mr?

“Davis, John Davis.”

“Why do you want to see Ms Street?”

“Darby is a friend.”

Her name tag said Angie, Angie was cute as a button, with a gorgeous smile. If Darby wouldn’t go out with me I might just ask Angie. Angie picked up the phone and mumbled something onto the mouthpiece.

Darby came out from her office, tall, well presented and her hair in a bun. I could still see the girl I fell in love with at school.

“Mr Davis, what can I do for you.”

“Hello Darby, This may seem strange but, I was in your English class back in year 12 at Northbrook High. I’m in town for a few days and I thought I would look you up.” I smiled and waited for her greeting. It didn’t come. A blank look on her face. “I have no idea who you are, so unless you want to make an appointment. I suggest you leave. I really have to get back to work.

“You haven’t changed much since year 12.”

“Look, I’m flattered you remember me, I knew a lot of students at school.”

“Like Greg James?”

Darby had a stunned look on her face, she was about to turn and leave but changed her mind.

“I remember Greg, he sat opposite me. Look, what is it that you really want?”

I put my hand in my coat pocket and pulled out a blue pen with chew marks on it. I handed it to her.

“You dropped this in class one day, I have had it ever since.”

“John, why would hang onto a pen with bite marks on it?”

Because it belonged to you, you see I had a crush on you at school. I knew one day I would give it back.”

“So, where did you sit? I just can’t place you. I wish I did, but nothing comes to mind. John, it is very thoughtful of you to keep this memento and give it back. You do realise I could sue you for stealing my pen?”

I looked at her and it was my turn to be a stunned mullet. Darby smiled and put the pen in her pocket.

“Thank you, John, I wish I could remember you, but I do have to get back to work. Do you have a business card on you in case I remember something?”

“Sure, call me anytime, I’m here to see my brother for a few days. Maybe extend it for the right reasons. Goodbye Darby, school reunion tonight. Are you going?”

“No, I have other things to take care of.”

“Bye John.” I looked at Angie and gave a faint smile in passing. She smiled back at me and gestured for me to take a business card. I assumed it had Darby’s number on it. Instead, it was Angie’s card. One way or another, I figured something was going to happen. I think sticking around this town was going to be worthwhile.

I could not have been more wrong, I guess what I thought would happen, didn’t. I tried to call Angie, but I only got her message bank. Darby was a no go as well.

I decided it was time to head back to the city, surely I could connect with someone, at work or a club. 2 weeks to the day, I get a phone call.

“John Davis.”

“Hello, John?”


“It’s Darby, I’m in Sydney for a conference for a week and I was wondering if you would like to meet for a coffee or a drink? Only if you’re free that is. You didn’t say if you were married or something. Look, if it’s inconvenient…”

“I’d love to Darby, I finish at 6, I could meet you at Harriet’s for coffee.”

“Sounds great. How do I get there?”

“Grab a cab and tell the driver to take you to Harriet’s diner.”

“Ok, see you soon.”

I couldn’t believe it, me and Darby doing coffee. My brother was right. Here I was thinking everything was a waste of time. Darby was already waiting inside the coffee shop; she hadn’t ordered anything while she waited for me.”

As I walked in, Suzy greeted me, “Usual, John?”

“Make it two flat whites.”

“Hi John, I bet you didn’t expect to hear from me, ever again. I kept thinking about you and still nothing. Except…”

“Except what? What do you remember?

I remember a boy in class, who sat behind me, I still can’t picture you, but that’s something right?”

In the meantime, the coffees arrived, and she said it was just like the way she has it.

“It is, that was me, sitting behind you, well two back. You know what? You just made my day.”

Darby sat sipping her coffee. Cupping it in both hands. She looked like she had something to ask me.

But first I asked her.

“where are you staying?”

“The Plaza Hotel, the conference is in the Hotel.”

“What do you do John?”

“Finance, I’m a senior partner.”


“If you’re not too busy, maybe we could go out for dinner? I know some great restaurants in town.”

“That would be nice, what about Thursday?

“Thursday’s good. What do you like? Seafood, Italian?”

“I’m vegan if that doesn’t spoil it for you?”

“Not at all, I’m good with that. My x-wife was vegan.”

It’s a date. Just text me the time and address.”


“So, how’s Greg have you heard from him?”

I thought for a moment, ‘Is this the real reason to meet up?’ My suspicions grew. I looked into her dark eyes and I could see a vacancy deep inside.

“I saw him about two years ago, he had a car accident and lost a leg.”

“Oh my God. I didn’t know. That’s so sad. How is he coping?”

“His wife and daughter take care of him.” I took great pleasure in telling her about Greg. At that moment whatever I felt for her just disappeared.

Her face changed a bright red and then all the colour drained out. The date never happened, and I didn’t see her again.

 She didn’t remember me, and you know what, I am absolutely ok with that.

The End.


February 16, 2021 08:22

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