
Happy birthday, Son!

My head is spinning, and I’m trembling with fear. I had been longing for this day to come, but it has brought me nothing but anxiety. The house is filled with familiar and unfamiliar faces. Children running across the room with a smile plastered on their faces, balloons hanging on each corners of the room and my ex-husband, standing beside Paxton, my son, next to a parent I recognized to be Mrs Hilda who lives two blocks away from here.

Happy birthday, son. I’ve been rehearsing these lines before I walked through the mahogany door into a room filled with laughter and high-pitched screams from carefree children, before I had the invite to my son’s birthday party, before I lost custody of Paxton two years ago.

“Mommy, Mommy!”, I watched Paxton run towards me. Instinctively, I got onto a knee to fully embrace him.

“I’ve missed you so much, Mommy”. 

“I’ve missed you too, my love”, I said happily. Nathan was already standing in front of me as I got to my feet.  Nathan has a bland expression.

It’s either he doesn’t want me here, or is irritated that I was able to make it; either ways, he doesn’t look too pleased about it.  

Regardless of his stern demeanor, Nathan looks gorgeous. He’s an epitome of excellence, even in casuals; his brown eyes, perfectly trimmed golden-brown hair with chins like that of a Greek god and his built muscles. He has been working out. I felt a pang of pain and jealousy that he was actually doing well without me. Unlike me, struggling to make ends meet. A waitress who moonlights as a janitor in a local motel on weekends. When did my life become tragic? 

“Hello, you came. You good?”. The sound of his voice startled me back to reality. After all this while all he could ask is ‘you good?’. You good! How about ‘how have you been since I took your son away from you and restricted you to seeing him three times in six months?’ Or ‘since you got of jail, how have you been living since I left you penniless? And, do you know I remarried?’ But all he could ask is ‘you good?’. Of course, why shouldn’t...

“Hello, Catherine.”, Nathan called out my name, interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh, yes. I’m good”, I retorted peevishly. “You good, too?”

“Yes, Catherine. Never been better actually”, he responded with a smirk that infuriated me even more.

“Mommy,  Daddy got me a bicycle! He said it’s because I’m six today. Come, let me show you.” Paxton dragged me across the room to show me his new bicycle. Nathan walked behind us like a obedient servant. 

As I got to where the bicycle stood, I saw Mirabel standing by the table heaped with gifts. She was noticeably struggling to arrange the presents together. Nathan quickly rushed to assist her before they tumble down onto the floor. 

“Thank you, dear”, she kissed him as a reward for his thoughtful action. 

I’ve met Mirabel twice: once, when I visited Nathan’s workplace when we were still married. Her father owned the biggest car dealership in the state. Apparently,  she manages the company. Secondly, when I came visiting my son following Nathan and I divorce.  Mirabel is a tall lady with a trimmed body in her mid-twenties. She has blue eyes with a full lips. Her brunette hair is packed in a ponytail which displayed her beautiful face. I wanted to be angry but she is such a nice person. It took me a while to notice her protruding belly. 

“You’re pregnant?” I said the statement as a question, angry at myself for my ineptitude to conceal my surprise.

“Yes. Four months”, she said smiling sheepishly. 

“That’s great news.” I responded with a stiff smile. “Paxton, the bicycle looks great!”, distracting myself from the shocking news. 

“I know!” Paxton replies excitedly, hugged me and ran off to play.  

The aura was tensed. Despite the distant chatter and noises from the children and a creaking sound from the rooftop, the room seemed too quiet and motionless. 

“Well, it’s time to cut the cake so let’s gather everyone”, Mirabel broke the silence. Taking Nathan by the hand, she led the way. She kissed Nathan halfway and started for the kitchen. Nathan and I haven’t had a decent conversation since my arrival, and standing few meters behind him, I was tempted to say something. Anything. 

“Catherine, you’re too tensed, you need to loosen up ‘cause it’s a birthday not a funeral. And you need to stop pretending that you don’t know about my remarriage. Mirabel and I are married, so it’s normal to enjoy our conjugal rights”. Nathan suddenly said. Turning to me and looking directly into my eyes, he continued “you don’t have to act shocked at the realization of Mirabel’s pregnancy, it’s absurd!”. His eyes had a mean expression that sent shockwaves through my entire body.

“I’ll be glad if you just focus on Paxton and enjoy the day with him. You won’t be too tensed and anxious as you are now”, relaxing a little, he placed his hands on my shoulder and smiled.

“Nathan, barely three months to my arrest you remarried and took everything that I had. Everything. And you’re asking why I’m tensed. Nathan, do you think I have no knowledge of who you are?”. The question came out boldly. I was amazed by my audacity.

Turning to me in a mocking stance; his left hand placed on his left hip and the other hand on his chin, he asked “What kind of person do you think I am? Was I the one that left Paxton unsupervised risking his life in a burning building? You almost killed the son you claim to love for Christ-sake! And I wasn’t the one who had an affair with...”

“Everyone gather around it’s time to cut the cake. Paxton, darling, come and make a wish”, Mirabel came in, interrupting Nathan mid speech. I hadn’t realized I was crying until I touched my face to feel it’s wetness. Mirabel gave us a quizzical glance and redirect her attention to the celebrant alongside the children. 

Nathan walked away, and I stood frozen to the spot. It felt like I was been constricted by an invisible force. I thought of leaving but decided against it because the only reason of being here was Paxton.  Cleaning my face, I put on a smiling face and walk to the gathering.

The crowd is singing a birthday song, so I joined midway. When it ended, Mirabel asked Paxton to make a wish. He moved closer to his cake, closed his eyes for a while, opened his eyes and blew the tiny flames off the candles. 

“Paxton, darling, you didn’t make a wish”, Mirabel asked.

“I did, I just said it in my mind”. Everyone laughed. 

“The weather seems to be changing. Looks like it’s about to rain”, Mrs Hilda said.

“Yes, that’s true. Heard there’ll be a heavy downpour today”, a chubby woman I’ve never seen before added. I guess she’s a friend of Mirabel’s. 

“Okay then. Let’s eat and drink, so everyone can leave before the rain starts”, Mirabel concludes.

In agreement, everyone felicitated and is beginning to leave because the wind is blowing harder. As the last guest left, I offered to help. 

“Thank you.” Mirabel accepted my help smiling. Nathan and Paxton has gone in. After my conversation with Nathan, I tried to avoid making eye contact with him. 

Suddenly, the downpour started accompanied with the sound of thunder.

“Seems you’ll stay a while for the rain to cease”, Mirabel suggested.

“I guess so.” I smiled at her.

Nathan walked in on us cleaning and gave Mirabel a questioning look. Apparently, he was wondering why I’m still here but too bad I’m here. That’s that.

“Baby, it’s raining and you know it’s unsafe to move.”

Nathan nodded and went to seat on the sofa. Paxton ran to meet him on the sofa.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.


“Who could that be? Are you expecting anyone?”, Nathan asked Mirabel and avoided my eyes.


Nathan got up and started for the door. Unable to see through the peephole, he flung the door open. 


Nathan stood frozen at the door. Mirabel and I moved towards the door to see who was at the door. 


I was shocked.

“Uncle Daniel!”, Paxton stood up and ran towards the door to hug Daniel, Nathan’s younger brother. 

Who invited him? Why is he here in the middle of the storm? Why? 


“What are you doing here?” Nathan finally spoke.

“It’s my nephew’s birthday, so I’m here to wish him a happy birthday”, Daniel responded laughing and squatted to meet Paxton, “ Happy birthday big boy, here’s your gift”. 

“Thank you, Uncle Daniel. I wished you’d come and you did! I’m so excited”.

Everyone stared at Paxton 

“Yes, Uncle Daniel is what I wished for”, he giggled, ran to keep the gift on the gift table and ran upstairs. 

Daniel walked in and his eyes locked in mine. I was flustered. Memories came flashing into my mind. The touch, the kiss, his warmth. Why are you here, Daniel? 

“Hello, Mirabel. How are you feeling?” 

“Good.” She responded, clearly confused why her husband’s lost brother returned.

Daniel walked towards me, placed my hand in between his palms and stroked it softly. “How are you, Catty? It’s been a while.”

“I’m fine, Daniel. Why are you here?”

“Yes, Daniel. Why are you here?” Nathan asked, finally supporting me at something.

“I’d already told you. Planned on coming sooner but there was a little delay. And on my arrival, I was welcomed by rain. Wrong timing I guess”. 

“So, are you guys going to keep staring at me like a ghost or help me with some dry clothes?”

“Hold on, let me get you something to change into”, Nathan suggested and walked upstairs.  


“Why is Daniel here? I really hope he doesn’t come here to ruin everything I’ve worked for. He has got to leave. He and Catherine”.

Nathan ruffled through his clothes to get dry clothing for Daniel.

“How are you Catty?”, Nathan scoffed. “So shameless and pathetic. I just want them both to leave my house before the ruin what I’ve worked for!” 


Gathering the clothes in frustration, I hurried downstairs. Maybe if I act as a perfect host and brother, maybe I’ll be able to get them leave sooner. 

“Here you go, Daniel”

“Thank you, brother. It looks like a perfect fit”. He excused himself and went into an empty room next to the kitchen. Few minutes later, he got out.

“I spread my clothes in there, hope you don’t mind?”

“No. It’s fine”, Mirabel responded. A dead response followed her reply. To avoid this awkward moment, I asked “where have you been, brother?”

“Wow! Do you really want to know”, he answered sarcastically. “Remember, you chased me out of your house and clearly said you don’t care where I go to”.

“Well, what do you have me do? I walked in on you having a hot tongue session with my wife! Certainly, you didn’t expect me to be happy about it”. I scoffed.

“Hmmm, I still remembered it like it was yesterday. Don’t you Catty?”. 

“Please can we just stop this?” Catty said

No, we can’t. When will this goddamn rain end? Can these people leave before they cause havoc. With the step around, Mirabel night start asking questions and secrets will become unraveled. They need to leave; I don’t care if it’s under this storm. But I know Mirabel wouldn’t approve of it. 

“Nathan, how’s everything at work? The cars? I can see you finally ended with your dream woman”, Daniel said casually.

He must be really stupid. Now, I know he’s up to something and I must make him leave.

“Do you need anything to eat, Daniel?”, Mirabel offered.

“Oh no! Don’t want to stress you. You need to rest since you’re pregnant”, he replied with a smirk.

“ Catty, you haven’t said anything in a while, aren’t you excited to see me? ‘Cause I’ve missed you so much. Couldn’t get my mind off you especially since my brother called the police on you”.

I froze, and I noticed Catherine was surprised as well. I need to do something fast.


What does he mean that Nathan called the police on me? Thought he was out of town? What’s happening here? I just couldn’t comprehend.

“Nathan, I thought you were out of town handling some business dealings that night. What is he talking about?”. I asked totally perplexed 

“I have no idea, you should ask your long lost lover ‘cause it seems to me that he’s completely delusional”, Nathan retorted.

Daniel bursted into an uncontrollable laughter that threw everyone off balance. If he didn’t look freshly shaven and clean, I would have agreed with Nathan about him being delusional. 

“He’s not my lover.”  I felt stupid at my reply. With the accusations made, that was the only thing I could answer. He’s not my lover. 

“Okay Nathan, since you want to play games I guess I shop tell your darling wife, Mirabel the real reason why you married her.” 

Daniel has completely lost it. What’s he talking about? I couldn’t help but stare at Mirabel. She didn’t Move almost as if she didn’t hear any comment made against her precious husband.

“Excuse me, please. I need to check up on Paxton. I need to put him to bed.” She started for the stairs. Immediately, I sprang up and followed her. Anything to get away from this drama. 

In Paxton’s son, i walked in on Mirabel tucking him into bed. I walked to the corner of the room, and leaned against the wall. 

“Goodnight, Ma”. 

“Goodnight darling”. Mirabel responded with a kiss in his forehead. 

Not until now, I never realized Paxton didn’t refer to Mirabel as ‘mom’. I felt a surge of relief and happiness with a little guilt; but it feels good to know no one has taken my role as a mother. 

“Goodnight Mom. I love you”. Deep in thoughts, I was aloof to the words Paxton directed to me until Mirabel brought my attention.

“Oh, I love you, too, my baby. Good night”, I said moving closer to kiss his forehead.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from downstairs. I turned to Mirabel and noticed she felt it also. We told Paxton to stay in bed whilst we both rushed downstairs to know what was happening. Getting to the landing, we were welcomed by Daniel’s body on the floor. I could hear Mirabel’s muffle behind me, obviously struggling to suppress her screams.

“Nathan, where are you?!”. I scream out without getting a response.

“Ah! Please, please. No please”. 

I turned around to Mirabel pleading with Nathan to spare her. He had a gun pointed to her head with his other hand around her neck, and his eyes had a darker look; an evil look.

“Shut up!”, he screamed at her. “And you, sit down else I’ll kill and then kill you”.

I sat down onto the floor.

“Why can’t you keep out of other people’s business? Now, I’ll have to kill you both like that dumbass over there, and after that I’ll kill Paxton. That boy irritates me!” Nathan spike aggressively.

“I’m sorry baby, but this isn’t how it was meant to turn out. I just wanted you to sign of the company into my name while you take care of the kids. That’s all. But these ignoramuses showed up.”

“Now, I have to do it the hard way. Daniel knew way too much of my fraudulence. The fire incidence whole Paxton was in the building, framing you, my secret affairs;  he knew way too much. And I thought I’d gotten rid of him but I guessed wrong.”

“Baby, you could have just transferred the money to me, and you wouldn’t have to die. Why’d have to delay? I’m sorry”

“If you kill me, you won’t have my signature authorizing the transfer, so you’ll lose”, Mirabel retorted.

Nathan laughed. “Do you think I don’t have your signature? I tricked you into signing it last week, so I have no use of you anymore baby. Goodbye.”

“No. No! Please, Nathan, don’t shoot!”, I sobbed. I was frantically looking for a weapon whilst I caused a distraction but there was none in sight.

“Shut up, bitch! You should have rot in jail. You and your stupid lover should have died. Why’d you have to come back to ruin  my plans”. He turned back to Mirabel who was in pains by his firm grip and attempted to pull the trigger.


I closed my eyes and screamed. Time paused; I couldn’t imagine Mirabel lying lifeless on the floor in a pool of blood while I await my death. 

“Catty, help Mirabel.” The scene was horrendous; Nathan lying in his pool of blood pleading for help, Mirable gasping for air after being released from a tight grip and Daniel, walking towards me whilst massaging his head with a gun on his hand.

“Are you fine, Catty?”. Daniel asked

I nodded. 

“You, Mirabel?”

She nodded. 

“Daniel, help me. Take me to the hospital”, Nathan demanded in pains

“Come in guys”, Daniel spoke to someone on the phone. Within seconds, policemen swarmed into the house and took a hold of Nathan. 

“I have the confession, Detective Raymond. I’m sure it’ll suffice alongside the other evidences?”, Daniel spoke to a middle aged man in a black suit.

“Yes, Daniel. Thank you for your help and cooperation”, They shook hands and walked away.

I couldn’t believe Nathan wanted to get rid of me to be with Mirabel who’s wealthy so he could claim it? What a greedy and selfish fellow. And he endangered my son and almost murdered him. I felt disgusted. Thank the heavens for Daniel unexpected arrival. I looked over to Mirabel and felt sorry for the nice lady that almost got swindled by a greedy human. Sincerely hope she pulls through.

Paxton, my dear Paxton. The only one I really care about can be mine forever. I ran upstairs to meet my baby.


To meet my son.

May 29, 2020 22:19

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Emily Nghiem
10:43 Jun 04, 2020

Hi, Naomii: I respect you for taking on the challenge of dramatic writing at this level. It takes a lot more editing to build up tension at the right pace. I could see this story working with more development to set the tone that "hints" and prepares the reader for trouble ahead leading into the climax. Otherwise it seems to come out of nowhere, instead of building up to it, and the end seems to drop off too abruptly, where there's no room to react, almost like none of this registered as real. With more time to edit, you have a good story an...


Naomii O.
15:07 Jun 05, 2020

Hello Emily, Thank you for the feedback. It’s really encouraging. About the suggestion of a mentor, I’m very much interested in it. Thank you.


Emily Nghiem
17:51 Jun 05, 2020

Great Naomii! I will contact Margie Walker in Houston. I looked for her website, but it might not be the right one. This genre is out of my league, but with your talent and ability to work on the editing, you can do well with the right partner or mentor. I think you will like Margie and other women writers with the experience to help you push to the next level. Please email me your best contact to send to Margie or the other women writers I will ask. Several asked to start a group for sharing.


Naomii O.
11:05 Jun 06, 2020

Here it is @hugoomaka@gmail.com. Thank you.


Emily Nghiem
20:45 Jun 06, 2020

Thank you Naomii, I will try to contact Margie and April about setting up a private writers group for you to share and review writing, for encouragement during these challenging times. If you are entering any writing for the special contest promoting minority voices and writers, please let me know. When I email you, you can reply and send me any drafts that I will try to help you proofread for spelling, punctuation, and technical details. I don't want to mess up your writing style, so I will defer that to Margie if she can help with that! I ...


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