The Day Of The Dragon

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write about someone who’s desperately trying to change their luck.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Happy

What a day ! I thought that having my clock stop and my alarm not going off was not a good start, but when Mr., Haroldson said that being late was once too often and that I was to consider myself as starting my two weeks dismissal notice, I was completely shocked. While it is true that I was less than enraptured by the computerized book keeping which was my job at Haroldson and Hilbury , I thought that I did what was required of me. However, according to Mr. Haroldson , I did it When I Arrived and without the dedication of a true professional . I didn't even know what that meant !

I looked forward to some sympathy from Kevin in the evening. He was coming to collect me at seven and we had plans for a burger and a movie. I would be able to bend his ear while we ate. He wasn't the love of my life, but as my sister Jane always says '' Don't let one go until you have a replacement.'' Kevin rang me at six o'clock on the doit and announced that he thought that sweet as I was, we wewre really not suited and should make a clean break, right now. He wouldn't be coming at seven, and goodbye. I may not have given a verbatim report ,but that was the drift, near enough. As I said earlier, What a day !

I had to eat, so made my way, a little disconsolately, towards my favourite fast food outlet; but before I reached it met my friend Kate, who grabbed my arm and said that I was just the person whom she needed to meet. She then rather spoiled that by thrusting into my hand a raffle ticket, which she was selling on behalf of one of her various good causes. ''Five dollars,'' she said . ''Only five dollars , and look at what a good cause, even if you don't win the prize.''

I asked what the first prize was and learned that it was a week's vacation in Singapore . I actually laughed at the idea of me being lucky , today of all days, but I didn't want to admit to Kate that I had lost my job and my boy friend, so I handed her the five dollars and stuffed the ticket into my pocket.

Kate asked if I had plans for the following afternoon. It looked as though it was set to be a pretty dull Saturday, so I said I had not and asked what she had in mind. An old fashioned fete , she said, Well, why not ? So Saturday found us playing Hoopla and Guess the number of candies in a jar. We won a coconut on the coconut shy, and bought books, cakes and new to you jewellery. I had to admit to myself that I was having a good time. Kate insisted that we went to consult Gypsy Rose in her tent and I laughed when this pretend gypsy said that I would shortly be taking a trip overseas to an exotic destination. ''Oh, that must mean I shall win the raffle ! '' I joked with Kate.

Would you believe it ? Two days later I was informed that I had indeed won the first prize and could travel any time during the next twelve months! My wounded pride, my sore ego, took an immediate turn for the better and I lost no time in booking a flight leaving very soon. It seemed best to go while I was unemployed, as that would be less complicated.

The flight was long but comfortable and I was looking forward toi a few days of sunshine in a city which had just been a name to me. My hotel proved to be small, unpretentious , but clean and very near the centre, so easy to walk to everything and conserve my precious dollars. I explored the many and various department stores, for that was what they were, or at least one entered a door and found oneself faced with a selection of stores on several floors, both above ground and below. I was amazed to ride the escalator up six floors, then find I could descend nine, as there were three below ground level. It was retail therapy heaven, or would have been had I money or inclination for it. I visited the park, listened to music, found a charming place for a meal, and after a final amble around town, I fell into bed and slept soundly for over eight hours.

After a quick breakfast, I decided to make for the waterfront and have a ride in one of the small motor boats known as Bumboats . On my arrival in the area\, I was confused to see a great many plastic water bottles discarded all along the road; as this was quite contrary to the standard of cleanliness and tidiness to be seen elsewhere. Continuing on, I found that there were a number of runners dashing along the waterfront. Ah! I asked a vendor if it was a Marathon, and he said that it was.,

I thought I must be witnessing the late arrivals, so proceeded to pay for my ticket and boarded the small boat with two other passengers. We began to cross the harbour towards the tall white statue on the opposite bank, when I became aware that there was a whole flotilla of boats heading towards us. With a shock I realized that wee were headed right through the middle of the annual Dragon Boat race ! I wondered if we would turn back or pull across in order to dodge the race, but either course might causer a dangerous wake . In fact we continued on our way , with colourful and intricately carved dragon boats being rowed past on either side of us. There were Chinese, Malay and many other nationalities. I noticed a boat maned by muscular men from the Indian sub-continent, black hair flying behind as they concentrated all their attention on reaching the winning post.

I found myself suddenly uplifted , inspired. These people were not distracted, not swayed from their course by this put-putting , motorized boat heading through their ranks. Our skipper was unruffled by a swarm of brightly coloured dragon canoes heading towards him. They knew where they were going, and he knew where he wanted to go.

spent a good part of that day drinking fruit drinks....marvellous fruit drinks, and scribbling in my little notebook. I was calculating how I could live while I studied stage design, as I had always secretly longed to do. I had a plan ! Implementing it would have to wait until I returned home., but I was not going to take the easy way , and allow myself to become convinced that an easy route was sure to be the right one.

The next morning I was down on the waterfront earlier. It was quiet. There were no bottles, no runners....and no dragon boats. It is an event which happens once a year, and I have promisedf myself to return as soon as I am able. I intend to have my qualifications, and I plan to watch the race from the bank. I don't need inspiring a second time. My application has been accepted, my portfolio , which had always been a hobby, had been of sufficient quality to satisfy demands, I am now studying and learning so much, while working part time to pay expenses, Oh, I don't think that I mentioned Paul. Well, let me just say that I am not looking for another one to come along !



June 16, 2021 13:07

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