A Stormy Night in Seaside Bay

Submitted into Contest #288 in response to: Set your story during — or just before — a storm.... view prompt


Crime LGBTQ+ Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

To begin, one would have to be introduced to Seaside Bay first before becoming acquainted with the city itself prior to meeting the residents of this South Florida hamlet. SB (as the town is referred to affectionately by its inhabitants) is roughly 75 miles from Miami and was first settled back in the year 1704 by English settlers. Flash forward to the present day, Seaside Bay is a resort town where several billionaires reside. Several of the individuals who live here are extraordinarily wealthy and that is where our story begins.

Kate Montclair, Seaside Bay's resident "Grande Dame", arrives at her favorite restaurant, Imperial, and sits quietly alone while enjoying her lunch that consists of lobster bisque soup and a glass of the finest Chardonnay.

"Damn you, Victor. Why did you have to hurt me like this? I have given everything to this marriage and I cannot believe that you would betray me in this manner," Kate grumbles in a fit of obvious rage.

At that moment, Nicole Scott and her husband, Aaron, enter the chic dining establishment and walk over to Kate's table. Nicole and Kate have been best friends for years, since they were sorority sisters in college.

"Hey, Kate, how are you?" Nicole inquires.

"I've been better. Please, you and Aaron sit down," says Kate.

"We don't want to impose," Aaron stated while Nicole sat at the table across from Kate.

"Have you seen the updates online about the weather?" asked Nicole.

"Yes, I hear there's a storm coming. In more ways than one," Kate stated.

The Montclair Estate was located in the most exclusive neighborhood of Seaside Bay and regarded by the residents in the Miami suburb as the home of the town's wealthiest family. Kate married Victor Montclair, a powerful tycoon, in 1986 and the couple had two children together, Jessica and Eric. However, the marriage had been tumultuous for decades.

Victor stood out on the terrace of his bedroom and looked at the Seaside Bay skyline. The clouds were gray with the hint of a torrential rain storm in the forecast.

"Something wicked this way comes," Victor grimaced to himself.

Then, Victor's cell phone rang and he answered.

"Victor Montclair."

"Hi, my darling. It's Jocelyn."

"How are you this evening?"

"I'd be better if you were making love to me."

"I wish I could meet with you tonight, my love, but I simply cannot. Kate has been getting suspicious lately, so I have to be cautious."

"When are you going to finally leave that horrid woman and be done with her?" questioned Jocelyn.

"It's not that easy. As much as I want to end my marriage to Kate, I stand to lose billions as well controlling interest in Montclair Enterprises in the event of a divorce," Victor said.

"Victor, I am a skilled attorney. I can assist you with freeing yourself from a farce of a marriage," stated Jocelyn.

At that moment, Kate sauntered out on the terrace and took her stance behind Victor.

"Victor, we need to have a discussion of the upmost importance," Kate uttered with a touch of venom in her voice.

Nicole and Aaron sat at the bar of Imperial enjoying cocktails and appetizers.

"Aaron, did you notice something off about Kate?" Nicole questioned.

"I most certainly did. She didn't seem at all like herself," answered Aaron.

"I wonder what's going on."

"Could it be drama with Jessica again? You know she's been sleeping her way through Seaside Bay again," said Nicole.

"No, it's something deeper than that. Something we will have to figure out before Kate reacts in an explosive manner, as we both know she can do," utters Aaron as a pensive look comes across his facade.

"Victor, I want the truth. Are you having an affair with Jocelyn Blair?"

"That's absurd! How could you even ask me something like that?"

"I hired a private investigator and I have proof. Photographs, hotel receipts, cell phone records. Now just admit it to me."

"You did what? I cannot believe you would do such a thing."

"Give me an answer! Are you sleeping with that bitch?!"

Victor turned away from Kate at that point and deeply sighed.

"Yes, Kate, I am having an affair with Jocelyn. She and I have been involved for several years," answered Victor.

Kate reeled from the revelation that her husband has been involved in an extramarital love affair and began to silently weep. Emotions consumed Kate as thunder roared and rain began to fall from the sky.

"You bastard! I have given you everything, including two children. Why would you do this to me?!" screamed Kate.

"Kate, our marriage has been over for years. We have simply been going through the motions since Jessica graduated high school. And do not pretend that you have never slept with another man in all these decades of holy matrimony," Victor said.

"I have never cheated on you. Despite my better judgement, I have remained faithful to you," Kate cried.

Victor stepped toward Kate and grabbed her wrists in an effort to calm his distraught wife, but Kate reacted to the physical gesture by pulling away from Victor as the storm started becoming more intense and exited the bedroom.

"Kate, damn you! Come back here!" exclaimed Victor as Kate emotionally left toward the pier and Victor followed.

"You need to come home now. It is pouring!" Victor shouted as he approached Kate.

"Stay away from me, Victor! I want to be alone. You started this when you fell into bed with another woman and I'm going to finish this when I destroy you. I am going to divorce your ass, and take everything you hold you dear. The company, the mansion, the respect that the people of this town have for you," said Kate.

Victor walked over to Kate at the edge of the pier as the storm commenced and a physical altercation occurred between the couple. Kate sobs at the top of her lungs while struggling with her husband that results in tragedy as Victor stumbles off into the ocean.

"Victor!" Kate exclaims as she watches Victor plunge to his untimely demise during the course of a torrential rainstorm.

February 06, 2025 02:33

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Ross Williams
04:48 Feb 14, 2025

This story feels like it smacks you across the back of the head. Very intense. If I could give some critique, I'd say the dialogue felt a bit stiff and out of place, as if they were from the Victorian era, interspersed with more modern swearing, so it felt anachronistic. It also seemed to jump from a conversation between Aaron and Nicole to Victor and Kate without indicating such. I'm also not sure that the setting really had any bearing on what was happening between the couple. Otherwise, I feel it was a pretty good effort. I could definite...


Mychal Brackens
20:46 Feb 14, 2025

Thank you for your review and critique! Very much appreciated.


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Rachel Liddell
21:44 Feb 12, 2025

That story was quite the ride! Just a few things: This writing style sounds like a Narrator is standing on a stage, explaining what is happening while actors just give the dialog. Its interesting, though Im not sure its effective in drawing the reader in. Your Dialog was a bit distracting sometimes, for all the prim and properness of it most of the times, sentences like " I am going to divorce your ass" really doesn't fit in with the rest of the dialog style. On that note, I was having a hard time imagining what time period this story took p...


Mychal Brackens
20:48 Feb 14, 2025

The setting is in modern time, but I did neglect to mention that Kate is British which might more insight to the way she speaks in the story. "Seaside Bay" is a primetime soap opera premise I've been working on for years and this is the prequel featuring Victor's death that sparks a rivalry between Kate and Jocelyn.


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