
I want to grab the old man by the ears, yank him forward and tell him to do his move. I know the move he is going to play, he knows the move, but still, he doesn't move his chess piece on the board. 

I know I can't do that to the man though. 

Finally, he moves his piece, finally, OK so now it is my turn, let's do this let's crush some hope.

God, it feels good to tell him checkmate, and see that look on his face, even his angry table sweep made me feel good. Today is going to be a fun day at the park. 

Spring is always a good time to be in the park, I love the cherry blossom trees in full bloom.

Hey, watch it! Damn Joggers thinking the path belongs to them, as he runs past me I look at him and just think seven. 

Ok, so let's see if my beach is free, I really like it, it has the best view of the park, I can see the Cherry blossom trees, and most of all not that many people with those bothersome dogs. 

Not sure why I dislike dogs though, oh, hello, aren't you the pretty lady? 

Focus, come on. 

Ok Good the bench is empty, I hate it when people sit at that bench, I use it so much I almost feel like I would have left a butt print on It, one that only my butt fits in. 

Ok, I have my briefcase with me, let's enter the code, 549 738 there we go.

Wait Did I pack lunch today? 

Phew, I did that's good. Now to just relax, eat your Lunch Work is coming soon.

Oh hello. Sure you can sit down next to me, on my bench, I bet they asked me to sit down because they also like the vie. And who can blame them it is a great view, OVer there to the northeast you can see the city’s hustle and bustle. Oh wow did that bike messenger got hit by a car just now? Ok, let's not look over there, even though it does remind me of the kinda serene spot this bench is in, like its own void space, like no sounds are reaching here from the city, a nice little dead zone. 

Let's look at the other side, the ballpark. A couple of kids playing basketball.  Man, they are playing rough.

No thank you I don’t want a piece of candy, nice of them to offer it to me though, kinda like they paid me in candy to sit on the bench. 

But there is no need for that, my lunch is good enough without all those sugars. 

The best place to look is in the middle though, dead north there is the picnic place, I can see several lovers having a nice early springtime picnic, always so nice to see young loved ones do those. IT warms the heart, they say. 

The cherry blossom trees always look good in full bloom, I like sitting here and just look at them. 

There is that asshole jogger again, still being an obnoxious guy. 

Let's not focus on him, lunch lets focus on lunch 

Do I come here often? Why does the person next to me want to know that, should I tell them to hush and let me enjoy the moment and the place? Why do people always want to talk through silent moments, I like those moments.  

I’ll just smile at them and give them a nod, hoping they will get the hint. 

Seems they got the hint. Good, I like it when they get the hint that I do not feel like talking to them, I am not the talkative type. 

Is That Ben? It is, isn’t it? Ben has work to do here also? Must be a busy day at the office then, was not Expecting ben to be here. 

Ok bye, Phew finally alone again, I don’t like people who want to talk to me when I am here, I get that enough at my job.

I like the weather today the air smells nice, it's not too hot, not too cold, and it makes my lunch taste so much better. 

Ok time to close the briefcase again, and go back to work. “Maybe stop by Ben on the way to work? 

No, let's not do that, he will be busy enough as it is, and I know ben is even less the talkative type, so better to let him do his thing. 

Ok get up straighten your outfit, that's good, I bet I look good again. Oh, there is that cute lady again. I bet she went to have lunch here as well, or maybe she had a date at the picnic place and it did not turn out well. Should not the time down, maybe come back here tomorrow to see if she will be here during lunchtime again. I would not mind that.

Ah good, there we go my pager finally went off. Ok, ok let's go there, let's do this.

It's near the picnic place, that's nice I love the smell of the blossoms. 

And there goes that jogger again, and there goes Ben, The jogger cant be his mark, can it? No, not according to my sources, must be someone getting hit by the jogger. 

Still waved at Ben as he ran past me, he gave me that army salute he always does. NOt sure why he does it, but he does and it's ok…I do not really mind. 

Ok here is the place where I have to go, where I have to do my job. Put down the briefcase, open it back up. Just need to assemble the thing. Ok, there we go. Let's look around. 

Oh hello, yes, sure you can sit down here. So one of these people is it huh? God don’t let it be the ….of course, it is the little girl isn’t it. 

Death by beesting? Really? Oh well. Here goes. 

I touch her shoulder and step back, there we go, the girl takes a ball and kicks it, hitting the tree, and there come the bees. She is stung. Her parents freak out, of course, they do, I would freak out if this happened to me. 

The door opens behind me, I smile as the girl stands up and looks back at her parents. 

She doesn’t want to go, who would? She is young, she was supposed to have a long life, this job can be harsh. 

Ok Hold out your hand, let her see you with the seith, people always go for the traditional look. Grab her hand and take her through the door, Let's see what is behind it. “Oehw a funfair, I like those, they are always the best in the afterlife.

Sooth the girl, she's crying, soothe her, just tell her that she can eat whatever she wants and that her parents will be here soon. Just a week away and they will be together again. 

Ok Turn around and walk away, just through the door. 

What? ….really? Chess again? Damned who kept telling people they can get an extension through that. Ah well, let us play chess then. 

April 03, 2020 17:33

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