
Oh my god, what time is it? Wait! Don't open your eyes!! If you open your eyes than you will not be able to get back to sleep and you are going to have to start your day. You do not want to start yet. You have been asleep for only like 4 hours and you need some me and you time and none of this real life stuff. I am your mind and you will listen to me or else I'm just gonna talk to you all day and annoy the crap out of you. Alright fine, we can get up and go about our day. First things first you need some coffee so why don't you get that brewing and turn on the t.v. as well. Oh man, nothing better than coffee and a cigarette in the morning to brighten your day. Wonder whats good on t.v.? Let's try the news. What in the world is going on out there? Is this the news or a movie because that looks like some straight up zombie stuff happening right now. Okay, Covid-19 has just been announced that it is not just a respiratory illness but, it also has now evolved into a strain that causes quicker death and then people come back to life with the urge to eat flesh. Hot diggity!!! I knew this day would come. Noone believed me but, I knew. I'm so glad I prepared for this. So, shower, gear up, and let's go kill some zombies. Okay, full tactical check, grenades check, knives check, ammo check, crossbow check, guns check, a sweater uh no its spring its nice out. Alright, let's get a move on. Walk up through Mcgowan park and straight through the side streets of downtown. Oh wow, it is surprisingly nice out today with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Whoa!! Left!! Nice, shot him right in the eye. Oh man that is a lot of blood... don't puke, don't puke. You're good keep going. Just casually walking through the park just like any other day. It's not weird that there are flesh eating zombies lurking about and trying to eat you. Is that Mrs. Hanover? Oh, she's dead. Not today Mrs. Hanover. i will not want to go on a date with your niece because she is probably going to try and eat me just like you. Here, I have a present for you. Grenade and boom!! Hahaha. You shouldn't have called my cooking boring and bland!! Maybe I should go check out the grocery store later and see what I can pick up for dinner. Oh crap!! Bang, right in the face. You didn't see that coming did ya? So left down Tree st. and we will be downtown. Oh man, that's going to be some crazy going on down there. Maybe I should stop at the hardware store and pick up some cooler toys to kill with. I'll check it out. okay, so downtown is the next corner. Be ready. Oh my god!! That's like 10, 20,40,60. yeah, that's a lot of dead. Okay, grenades it is. You're gonna have to make it to the hardware store quicker then you thought and get the heck out of downtown like pronto. This immediately was a bad choice. I got to get back to my homefront and it'll be easier to fortify and protect. Highground!!! Go in this building and get to the roof for a better vantage point. Oh my god!!! This truly is the end of the world as we know it... You're fine! This is gonna be fun. Hey, is that Matt in the park? He had the same idea as me that's awesome. Now it's a party. How am I going to get down from here and make it all the way over there? I need a car. Well, luckily I know how to hotwire one so that's a plus I guess. Okay, down the stairs. Ugh, sooo many stairs. Rapid-fire on, open doors and left, left, right, up, right, behind, over there is a convertible. Go for it. Alright, pull this down and splice these two wires together and nice we're a go. Note to self: Put plow on this car later. Here we go, GTA mothertruckers hahahaha!! Got you, and you, and wow you're dead. This is so much fun I can't even express how much fun it is. I need tunes. Gun's and Roses nope, Motley Crue yup!! Kickstart my heart whoa, yeah. You're dead, you're dead. Alright there's the park and there's Matt. Just pull over and go meet up with him. Wow, I'm surprised there isn't more people at the park today it's so nice out. Oh crap, was that Matt that just got trampled. Yup, he's gone. Damn! Okay, back to the car I gotta get home. Just pull in the driveway and go inside and lock the door. I have to reinforce the door and windows. Drill check, screws check, wood check, sniper perch upstairs check. What do yo have in the fridge? Pizza pops and Mr. Noodles sounds pretty good right now. Oh man, deli meats and cheese and pickles, charcuterie here I come. I didn't realize that killing so many people would be so tiring. What's on the tube? Nice, movie time. I wonder if it is a coincidence that there is 3 zombie flicks on right now. Zombieland or Forrest Gump? I've had enough for today so Forrest it is. Oh Forrest, your mama was right that life is just like a box of chocolates. Just look outside. You never know what you're gonna get. It kind of sucks. Mrs. Hanover's niece was pretty cute but, listening to Mrs. Hanover talk about us all day everyday would have been a nightmare. Look how cute they are. Aren't they adorable? They are gonna make the cutest babies. Well, sorry Mrs. H. I blew you up so you will never know what that world would be like! Okay, lights out for a bit and nap time you can continue when you wake up. That was actually pretty freaking fun today. Good thing it wasn't raining or that could of been worse. So, tomorrow you go and fortify certain areas of the park and then it's open season all year round. Life as you know it just got a whole lot different and this is going to get interesting.

March 28, 2020 19:00

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