Romance Science Fiction

“...is often convoluted by opinions and the victorious’ version of events. After reading through the War of Caros what do you think would have changed in our world if the Loran had won?”

I was trying to pay attention, I really was. However my attention had already been fractured when a new planet had appeared outside the classroom window. It had been weeks since the last time we slowed the ship enough to see anything out the window. When I managed to once again refocus my attention where it should be, Dane was answering with his usual pompous flair. He gave me a wink as soon as he saw me looking his way.

I rolled her eyes and pointedly looked anywhere but at him. Of course it seemed like every other guy in the room was staring at me too. With a soft groan I dropped my head to my desk. There weren’t enough girls in my class. 

“Brylee.” The teacher called. “What changes would you like to add to our list?”

Popping my head up I was hurriedly scanning through the things already listed on the board when the entire ship shuddered hard and the lights flickered. It felt like we had hit a wall. 

I saw Mrs. Gens grab at her desk as her eyes flashed with fear. Seconds later she loudly cleared her throat. “Focus, class. Let’s not let a little subspace turbulence affect our productivity. Brylee, your answer.”

I didn’t get the chance to say anything.

Another impact knocked us to the side. I fell out of my chair. Scrambling to my feet I noticed that I wasn’t the only one on the ground. Brody reached out his hand to help me up. The lights flickered again. 

I shook my head. “I think I’ll stay down here.”

Brody nodded and knelt down next to me. Mrs. Gens stood and clapped her hands. “Everyone back in your seats. We will be informed about anything that we need to know.” 

Brody helped me into my seat and caught my gaze. “Stay alert. This doesn’t feel normal.”

I nodded. Of any of us, Brody would know. He had been living on various spaceships his whole life. His parents had been transferred here only a few weeks ago. So Brody was generally an unknown. However, his smile was kind. I found myself nodding.

Dane laughed loudly. “Shouldn’t we get to go to our quarters now. I am feeling a little traumatized.”

“Sit down Dane.” Mrs Gens snapped. 

Movement outside the window caught my attention. The large glinting sphere was not streaking by like all the other stars.

I raised my hand. “Mrs. Gens?”

That was as far as I got before the sphere slammed into the ship. The two windows of our classroom cracked. Luckily there were four layers of emergency windows between those cracks and us.

I grabbed hold of my desk. “Brody?”

Another sharp popping sound pulled my eyes away from scanning the classroom. I stepped back, running into someone. There were now only three emergency windows between us and the airless vacuum of space. 

“Get to the hallway.” He whispered harshly. “Before everyone starts panicking. Go.” He pushed me around my desk and back toward the door. I snatched his hand and pulled him with me. 

Dane noticed and moved toward me. “Hey Bry. If you’re ditching class take me, not him. I’d be way more fun.” 

As Brody moved around to block Dane, the lights flickered once again, and went out. I froze. It remained dark. No lights flickered back on. It was as pitch black as an underground cave.

“Where are the emergency lights?” I whispered.

For several seconds it was deathly silent, as if everyone was waiting. Someone began crying. It sounded like Dane but I found that incredibly hard to believe.that he had already dissolved to tears. 

“We have to get to the doors now.” Brody firmly pulled on my hand. With the blackness surrounding me I was infinitely relieved that he hadn’t let go when confronting Dane.

“There’s no point.” I muttered. “The power is out, they won’t open.”

Brody kept pulling me forward until he stopped and I ran into him. I blame the dark. 


“We are at the doors.”

“So now what?”

His voice grew louder, and I assumed he had turned back to face me. “I thought you could figure it out. You’re the resident closet genius.”

“Am not.”

His chuckle echoed in the silence. “So convincing. Now do what you do best. Figure this all out.”

Feeling my way around the door I found the control panel and tried to pry it off. “This isn’t going to work. We need to find a vent that will just pop open. Hopefully they didn’t automatically close on impact.”

“One problem at a time.”

As we moved away from the door Mrs Gens spoke. “Everyone, make your way to the door. With the lights out we can’t continue our lesson.”

“Mrs. Gens?” 

I couldn’t recognize the voice.

“The windows are cracking.”

Everyone began screaming. Brody nudged me along the wall. Another crack resonated through the room, followed closely by another one and screams broke out.

“I can’t find a vent.” Brody’s voice shook. “If those windows don’t hold…”

I pulled on his hand. Even if we found a vent, all the air would be sucked out into space whether we are in the vent or not.”

I felt more than saw him move closer. 

His breath whispered across my cheek. “Brylee?”

“What?” My voice sounded faint, as if I were far away.”

“If I’m never going to have a chance to convince you to let me take you out on a date before I die, there’s one thing you have to know.”

I gaped. He couldn’t see if. “You were going to ask me out?”

His chuckle broke through the chaos of screaming happening at the door. “I was working myself up to it. Talking to you was my first goal.”

“We’ve talked now.” I moved in closer to him. “What do I need to know?”

Brody’s hand traveled up my arm, reaching my cheek. I held still. “You’re amazing.” He whispered. Then his lips were on mine, warm and comforting, igniting my frazzled nerves with a raw electricity. I almost didn’t notice as the lights flickered on.

A few seconds more and the door burst open and the room flooded with light. As we quickly fled the room with the rest of the class I grabbed tight to Brody’s hand and tossed him a bright smile. 

“Now you can find the time to ask me out!” 

September 11, 2020 23:09

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