Romance Sad Drama

"I'm glad you're finally visiting me." Aria smiled, stroking Tenshi's wings.

He nodded, looking at the horizon. The sun had already begun to rise, the sky turning orange and red. He hadn't been here in a long time, on the surface of the planet. The last time he'd been able to see Aria was when she was just a few years younger than what she is now. He remembered the time he'd spent with her, upset thinking that it won't go on for much longer. He was the apprentice of the grim reaper, and had seen the articles. Aria would be gone soon, but there was nothing he could do to change it.

"Aria." He began.

She sat up a bit, smiling. "Oh, I completely forgot. I've made lots of friends this summer, I feel like I'm starting to fit into the crowds around here." She beamed.

Tenshi gazed at her happy smile and bright eyes, even the little dimple that formed on her right cheek at the corner of her mouth. He couldn't bring himself to tell her what he'd learned.

"Aria, I want to stay with you today." Tenshi smiled, hiding his concern.

"Really?" She asked, more excited than ever. She got up and looked at the time. "We have so much time to hang out. What do you want to do?"

"You choose. You know more of this place than I do, so for now, you can be my guide. I will go along with anything you want today." He replied, standing up. He held his hands out to her in hopes of having his offer accepted.

Aria smiled widely, beginning to walk. Her eyes glittered, and her hair black hair gleamed in the sun.

Tenshi followed, praying to God that he doesn't have the reaper take the girl's life today, but, sadly, he knew what Aria's fate was. The end of the day would catch up to them both, and her body would empty, and her soul would leave him forever. 

By ten o'clock, Tenshi and Aria had gone through their day, playing every game in the public arcade, eating sweets like butterscotch and ice cream, and talking about what they wanted to happen in the future. Aria had wished to grow up and become a teacher, and she wanted a husband and two kids of her own. Tenshi just wanted to see her happy for the rest of her life.

"Wait, let's take a different path." Aria smiled, holding Tenshi's hand and leading him down a trail. Overhead, the blossom trees swayed in the soft wind as it caressed their branches, light pink petals falling down slowly. The path had already been filled with the petals, making the entire area feel and look  like nothing more than a dream. Soft lights from yellow lamps and fireflies shone through and all around, and for the first time in a lifetime, Tenshi felt the warmth of life, yet at the same time, he couldn’t help but dread the end of Aria’s day.

As Aria and Tenshi got closer to the exit of the tunnel, the reaper became more visible, standing at the end with his cloak of midnight and tall scythe.

This is it.... Tenshi thought, looking at Aria from the side. She looked so happy, but she had no idea what was going to happen. She had no idea that she was going to Heaven for her good deeds. She had no idea that her body would soon be dressed in soft colors and be laid on the soft bed in the ground. She had no idea that the angel she'd known from so long ago, had feelings for her.

They reached the end of the path.

Aria smiled at Tenshi and hugged him. "thank you for this wonderful day. Let's do it again sometime."

Tenshi hugged her back, his eyes filling with tears as he buried his face into the shoulder of the girl who would soon be gone. He cupped her face in his hand and gently kissed her.

They spent a few seconds like this. In this time-stopping relationship, with their eyes closed, shutting out the beauty of the world around them, just to focus on what they both had wished and hoped for their entire life. Just one kiss, just one moment, and just the slightest bit of hope that they could finally be together in the chaos that filled life.

They pulled away from each other and Aria began to look dizzy, holding her head. She held onto Tenshi for support and closed her eyes, fainting-no... going limp. Her heart slowed to a stop, and her breathing continued no more.

Tenshi stared at her, his heart shattering. Why Aria, and why this time? She was so young, and so fragile. Her pale skin grew cold in the shade of the trees and her black hair hung limply from her head. Her glittering eyes glittered nore sparkled, and Tenshi held the empty shell of a girl who was now gone forever.

As Tenshi began to cry, for he knew that even in the afterlife, they could never be together like they were here in this time. Aria’s soul would lose the memories from life to spare her any guilt or sadness that life may have caused, and she would forget him along with it. He noticed a distant figure coming towards them. A grown woman who looked kind and respectful. Tenshi softly left a kiss on Aria’s cheek and laid her down in the soft petals, standing and walking away.

When he’d finally stopped, Tenshi was at the edge of a lake, the water black with night. He sat down and stared out at the deep abyss, going over the sweet but short time he'd had with Aria. He looked at the reflection of the full moon in the water and began to smile to himself. Aria was in a better place now, where she would never be too cold or too hot, where she could be what she wanted to be, and do what she wanted to do. She was finally free, and Tenshi would continue to love her, even though she was no longer there with him, she would live in his heart forever.

So as the angel stared at the moon’s image in the lake, he smiled and forgave God, the reaper, and himself.

November 14, 2020 21:25

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C Britt
15:04 Nov 26, 2020

I really liked this story! Their relationship seems so sweet and pure. :-) I have a few suggestions and comments: 1) I like the name Tenshi. I liked it even more after I read the other comment pointing out that it means angel. :-) 2) "... to see Aria was when she was just a few years younger than what she is now." This phrasing seems kind of awkward. If something happened in the past, then of course the person was younger than now. I'd suggest something like "... to see Aria was a few years ago." 3) "She asked, more excited than ever." -...


21:56 Nov 27, 2020

I'm glad you liked the story, and thanks for the suggestions! They really help. I'm just beginning to write stories that other people will be reading so I need as much help as I can get. Thanks again!


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Zena Jalloh
20:15 Nov 22, 2020

I think it's very ironic that Tenshi mean's angel in Japanese (not sure if this was on purpose). But great story!! It was really engaging and the last paragraph gave me chills.


14:08 Nov 24, 2020

Thank you. I'm glad that you liked the story. I'm not too experienced with the whole short story thing, but I'm glad to know it was great! And yes, the name was on purpose. I often use Japanese names or words that would resemble names in that language. I'm gonna admit that, yes, I am a weeb. Anyway, thank you again!


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