Guns, justice and heroes

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Write a story in the form of a speech (or multiple speeches).... view prompt


Christian Adventure Drama

Guns, justice and heroes

During my youth, guns were the most enjoyable toys I played with. Holding them makes me feel powerful.

With age, my guns grow more severe and real. These weapons possessed an immense power, capable of inflicting harm and snuffing out lives. My life had an unlawful part—a life characterized by irresponsibility.

Upon reaching the age of 18, I enlisted in the army. The weapons present were destructive. We only used them during those times for training, but the sensation guns provided were always alike. I needed clarification on the notion of justice.

After my military duty, I got a job with the local police. Guns became a part of my daily life.

Gun usage occupied my thoughts during those years.

The duties of a police officer make me contemplate distinguishing between good and evil.

After five years of service distanced myself. underwentAfter five years, I left the police and stayed away from guns for 15 years. That was when I pursued the purpose of my life. I had a profound and dramatic spiritual experience during that time.

Transformed my values and understanding of responsibility. Though not immediate, this transformation was a gradual process that shaped my perspective on justice and the use of power, inspiring hope for personal growth and transformation in others.

I adjusted my religious practices after a shift in my values.

In 2014, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, seizing Crimea and parts of Eastern Ukraine. This act of aggression sparked a military conflict.

2015, the army deployed me.

When I started working with tankers, t

he tank gun was unfamiliar to me. Operating the tank's gun felt different and more powerful, and I experienced a mix of fear and excitement during its intense shooting.

As manly combat activities ceased, my service was peaceful.

After a year of service, I left the army. I did not take part in any combat-related actions.

I firmly believe that we must hold accountable those Russian soldiers who choose to fight for Ukraine, as Russian aggression is a clear violation of justice.

It is the third year of the war that Russia started in February 2022. 

I joined this war after being part of a religious congregation with diverse opinions on a soldier's duty. But for a soldier, duty is not a choice; it's a calling—soldiers in combat experience a unique state of mind. Driven by their unwavering sense of duty.

A gun in arms, but it's not just about power; it's about justice. A soldier's commitment tA gun, in the arms of a soldier is a tool that empowers him to punish and potentially end the enemy’s life. Thus, it's vital for a soldier always to remember their responsibility. We cannot understate the gravity of the situations we will face, as the step of justice will hold immense significanceshould be unwavering, providing reassurance and confidence in the face of uncertainty. 

 Soldiers had to make decisions independently in specific situations, understanding the power of their choices and the weight of responsibility for potentially ending numerous enemy lives.

In war, soldiers may shoot despite the harm it causes to themselves and the enemy. These decisions are their responsibility, but not every soldier realizes it.

A soldier must take full accountability for his actions, regardless of how many superiors he answers to. He is not a robot. He needs to be aware of his actions. It helps him have safe mental health even if he goes through a hell of fighting. 

In today's world, darkness distorts judgment and justifies evil. Politics faces a situation where it decides beyond standard frames and notions. Their desires cost today a lot. They can work for good if made on time and cause dramatic outcomes if they are wrong or delayed.

The outcomes of the battles in the Russian-Ukrainian war reflect the geopolitics of Europe and the rest of the world. It is challenging to underestimate them. For now, these outcomes depend very much on Western politics.

In the first months of this war, the Ukrainian army relied on its resources, which have now depleted.

Also, a soldier's actions are determined by instructions, orders, and law norms; he often encounters situations that require his responsibility to make decisions that can have lethal outcomes.

The boundaries that decide acceptable, legal, and justified sometimes lay beyond the instruction.

These norms sound in his heart and his consciousness.

Knowing that he handles his actions before God first is vital for a soldier.

Combat activities increased during the last two years of this war, and Russia strengthened its power because it needed the resources. The Ukrainian army could not do it because it did not have Russia's resources.

Russia's lobby works worldwide and affects politics in the USA and Europe. Western politics do not dare to make decisions that settle justice in this conflict. Russian evildoers dictate their ultimatum, manipulating and scaring the world.

Look at the war in Ukraine; despite the rampant corruption in the army, the disarray and weak government, the outdated, broken techniques, and the soldiers, often unprofessional and ill-prepared, they stood against the might of the Russian army. But our resources are scarce, our heroes fewer, and those that remain are weary, fighting a deadly battle.

Is this example insufficient for leaders in Europe and America to stand to help Ukrainian society resist all kinds of evil that rise against this society?

A personal understanding of justice is vital for soldiers who use guns at war. His awareness should be clean. Another way he can finish his life is madness.

Military activities, such as the war in Ukraine, are at the core of justice execution despite the apparent mismatch. Of course, war is not the best way to resolve political problems, but no sustainable way exists in a situation like ours.

Russian chauvinistic aggression that hides under the tricky rhetoric of their media is evil to its core and causes this war conflict and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The leaders have already depleted every diplomatic resource, leaving them drained. Therefore, there is only one way to stop it: to punish it. It does not seem humanistic, but executing justice now looks like defeating Russian troops that captured an area of Ukraine, neglecting all international rights and conventions.

August 23, 2024 10:32

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