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Dear Diary,

So I’ve decided to take up journaling and you won’t believe the day I’ve had. You are apart of the fifth page in the third notebook and this is only my second entry. You might be wondering how that may have happened (if notebooks can wonder) and honestly, I can’t tell you. I don’t even know. 

How the first diary died all happened in a flash. The day started ordinary. I woke up and poured myself a cup of coffee. The smell alone from the coffee was strong enough to wake me up. I sat there and organized my papers. I placed them carefully and accordingly in my bag and sat it on the table. As I did that, I spotted my first diary laying right near my bag and a pen next to it which seem to be calling me from across the table. So I slid the book and pen over to where I sat and carefully grabbed my coffee on the counter and placed it near the unsuspecting notebook. 

I figured I could write about one paragraph before I could get dressed and get ready for the day.  I clicked the top of the pen and began my journaling journey. I wrote “Dear Diary, I just woke up and got coffee. I’m so excited about today. Good luck is coming my wa…”

At that moment, my phone buzzed and lit up like fireworks. I saw that it was from my boss so my hand reached over so fast like it was going to enter the Olympics. The journey was rough but my hand did finally catch up with my phone which had violent bursts almost sending it off the edge of the table. Unfortunately, as my hand dove for my phone at a large rate, My coffee flew then crashed onto my notebook and drowned it in coffee. 

I looked at my phone and turns out my boss was going to be late so I had a little extra time to get ready. It really was what I needed at the time. I had time to clean everything up. I put my coffee cup in the sink and stared at the tragedy before me. A cool breeze blew from the raggedy air conditioner that was beside me and that breeze sparked an idea. 

I live in a small apartment building and it isn’t the best apartment room but I just got a new job in a new city. I feel like I’ve just gotten a good steady income and everything may not be the best but it is the best for me right now.

For this current situation, I thought of a genius innovative plan to get my book dry. I pried open the rusty window and set the coffee-soaked notebook on the radiator. I ran to go get some duck tape so I could properly dry my book by taping it to the radiator and letting the cool air dry it. Also, duck tape fixes everything so it, of course, could help me in this circumstance. When I came back, the book started to slide. I tried to catch it but it slipped from my hands and plummeted out the window. It dove into a disgusting street puddle in the alley beside my apartment building. I deemed that notebook unsalvageable at that moment.

That notebook was sent to me from my mom back home. Moving to a new bustling city is hard and my mom knew that so she sent me two colorful notebooks from this shop near our house. When I was little, my mom and I would walk around our small town and every time we would laugh at this little nick-nack shop. Just having that notebook in my hands felt like home. It was my good luck charm. Although I’m not sure how much luck it has brought me today. At least I have another one and I promise; I will not lose it.

Good luck,


Dear Diary,

My dreams have come true! After all the begging and wishing I did as a kid, I finally got a dog now that I’m not at home anymore. After work, I went by the dog shelter and when I went there I got this cute little puppy. It was mutt but they think he has a little bit of border collie and husky in him. I went past many dogs but when I went up to this dog cage in the back, this small big-eyed puppy went up to me in the cage and almost tripped over a bowl to get there. I knew I wanted him as soon as I saw him. The shelter called him Wolfie, but I’m definitely changing that name.

I took him home and bought a dog bed, collar, leash, bowls, and a few toys. When I said before that I’m writing on the fifth page, that’s because my dog likes to chew on stuff. He went everywhere and sniffed everything in my apartment. Seeing him run around with loads of energy, not only made me a little bit stressed but made me even more confuddled about what to name him. I figured that some fresh air would be good for me to think and a park would be a great way for him to run around. I'm bringing my notebook to write down ideas and now we’re on our way.

Wish me luck,


Dear diary,

You will not believe what just happened. It all started when Wolfie (not his name for long) and I went to the park. The cheerful sun shone on the park with glee and the wind gently blew elegance. It was a super nice day and my dog and I sat on a beautiful bench near a generous tree that gave us tons of shade. My day might not have started out great but now I feel so lucky for this beautiful day and my adorable puppy by my side.

I brought my second notebook along with me. They always had silly things in that shop so of course, my mom got me the silliest notebooks. The one I had brought along with me had a half-chewed (Thanks to my puppy) fuzzy flamingo with fake sunglasses relaxing on the beach in the weirdest outfit. As I sat on the bench, I wrote in my notebook with one hand and held the leash in the other.

All of a sudden, at that moment a large dog grabbed my already half-eaten fluffy notebook and took off with it. Then I felt a huge jerk from my other hand and with one swift move, my puppy got away from me and ran after the other dog.

My heart sunk. I ran so fast that time seemed to blur and all I could hear was my heartbeat and all I could think is about my puppy which I love so much.

After running through the park and a little bit into town, I went home and sunk into my couch with tears streaming down my face. That was the only thing I wished for in years and I lost it in a day. I slumped even deeper into the chair with that thought racing in my mind. 

I clicked on the tv hoping to distract me. Breaking news flashed as my eyes widen at the unbelieving sight. It was my puppy! 

“Breaking News,” The news anchor said “Two dogs saved a lady’s life. A lady was walking until two dogs started barking at her and startled her and she jumped. There was an uncontrollable huge truck that was barreling down the hill and the dogs made her jump out of harm’s way. Officials say they can’t find the owner to one of these dogs. It has a collar but no name. If you have seen this dog..”

I shut off the Tv. I knew exactly where he was. I jumped in my car and went straight to the scene. When I got there I explained everything to them and proved to them that it is my dog. I picked him up and was heading out of there until I saw something colorful in the mud-coated sidewalk. It was something I couldn’t help but recognize. Something that I am writing in at this very moment (except cleaner). It was my notebook. I picked it up then a lady walked over to me. 

“Is that your notebook?” she said.

“Yes,” I said very confused.

“That weird notebook is what brought my attention to the dogs. Then when that big dog barked so loud and scary, I jumped and backed up out of the street just when the truck came.”


“Yeah, if it wasn’t for that notebook and the dogs, I don’t know if I could’ve survived. Luckily, they were there.” The lady said happily.

When I went home, I recollect the whole situation and the whole day. A light bulb lit up in my head. I took my dog’s collar and headed to the store. I came back and throned him with his new name. 

As I clicked the collar into place, He seemed to gleam with pride. Today happened all by a stroke of luck. All the emotions provoked, the miracles, and mishaps that happened came around whether I wanted them or not. Right now as I write about the many adventures I had today, my dog is sitting on my lap with a shiny new tag that reads ‘Lucky’ and all due to this lucky day that I’ll never forget and to the new days that could be even luckier.

Best of Luck,


April 10, 2020 03:09

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1 comment

05:32 Apr 16, 2020

Cute story..... I love it


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