Timeless Magic: The Secret of the Pocket Watch

Submitted into Contest #285 in response to: Write a story in which someone time-travels 25 years or more into the past.... view prompt

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Fantasy Mystery Romance

“Timeless Magic: The Secret of the Pocket Watch” By Edward J McCoul

Edward had always been fascinated by the idea of time travel. One day, while exploring his grandfather’s attic, he discovered an old pocket watch with intricate engravings. As he examined it closely, he noticed a small, almost invisible button on the side. Curious, he pressed it, and a hidden compartment popped open, revealing a series of tiny gears and a delicate, glowing crystal.

Intrigued, Edward began to tinker with the mechanism. He realized that the crystal needed to be aligned perfectly with the gears to activate the watch’s hidden power. After several attempts, he finally managed to align everything correctly. With a twist of the watch’s crown and a click, Edward was suddenly enveloped in a whirlwind of light and sound. When the chaos subsided, he found himself standing in the middle of a bustling movie set.

It was 1939, and Edward quickly realized he had landed in the year “The Wizard of Oz” was being filmed. The vibrant Technicolor sets and the iconic characters were all around him. He watched in awe as Judy Garland, dressed as Dorothy, rehearsed her lines with the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion.

Edward’s presence went unnoticed at first, but his modern clothing soon caught the attention of a young assistant director named Alice. She approached him with a curious look. “You don’t seem to belong here,” she said, eyeing his strange attire.

Edward quickly concocted a story about being a new assistant from a distant studio. Alice, intrigued by his mysterious aura, decided to show him around. As they walked through the set, Edward marveled at the behind-the-scenes magic that brought the Land of Oz to life.

However, Edward’s time-traveling adventure took an unexpected turn when he accidentally stumbled upon a crucial scene being filmed. The actors were struggling with their lines, and the director was growing increasingly frustrated. It was the scene where Dorothy and her friends first encounter the Cowardly Lion in the forest. The actors kept missing their cues, and the dialogue was falling flat.

In a moment of panic, Edward blurted out the correct lines, having memorized them from watching the movie countless times in his own time. “Put ‘em up, put ‘em up!” he shouted, mimicking the Cowardly Lion’s bravado. The director turned to him, eyes wide with surprise.

“Who are you?” the director demanded.

“I’m Edward, a new assistant,” he replied quickly. “I know the lines. I can help.”

The director, impressed by Edward’s knowledge, allowed him to step in and guide the actors through the scene. With Edward’s help, the actors found their rhythm, and the scene came together beautifully. The Cowardly Lion’s bluster, Dorothy’s bravery, and the camaraderie of the group shone through, capturing the magic that would make the film a classic.

Grateful for Edward’s assistance, the director offered him a small role as an extra. Edward couldn’t believe his luck. He was now part of one of the most iconic films in history. He even had a brief scene with the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow, playing a Munchkin who welcomed Dorothy and her friends to the Emerald City. Though his role was minor, Edward cherished every moment on set.

As the days went by, he formed a close bond with the cast and crew, especially Alice, who became his confidante. But Edward knew he couldn’t stay in 1939 forever. The pocket watch, his only means of returning home, was starting to malfunction. One evening, as he and Alice sat under the stars, he revealed his true identity and the secret of his time travel. Alice listened in disbelief but accepted his story with an open heart.

With a heavy heart, Edward bid farewell to his new friends and the magical world of Oz. He twisted the pocket watch one last time, and in a flash, he was back in his own time. The memories of his adventure remained vivid, and he often wondered what became of Alice and the rest of the cast.

After Edward’s sudden departure, Alice was left with a mix of wonder and sadness. She missed her mysterious friend and the incredible stories he shared. However, she found solace in the memories of their time together and the impact he had on her life.

Inspired by Edward’s passion and knowledge, Alice pursued her dreams with renewed vigor. She worked her way up in the film industry, eventually becoming a respected director known for her innovative storytelling and dedication to her craft. She often credited a mysterious encounter with a time traveler as the spark that ignited her career.

Years later, Alice wrote a memoir about her experiences in the film industry. In her book, she dedicated an entire chapter to Edward, describing him as a catalyst for her success and a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary things happen when we least expect them. Here is an excerpt from her memoir:

“It was a day like any other on the set of ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ or so I thought. The actors were struggling with their lines, and the director’s frustration was palpable. Then, out of nowhere, a young man named Edward appeared. His clothes were unlike anything I had ever seen, and his knowledge of the script was uncanny. He stepped in and saved the scene, his passion and energy breathing new life into our production.

Edward was more than just a mysterious assistant; he was a beacon of inspiration. He spoke of dreams and possibilities, of believing in the impossible. His presence was fleeting, but the impact he left on me was profound. He vanished as suddenly as he had appeared, leaving behind a legacy of wonder and curiosity.

I often wonder where Edward came from and where he went. But one thing is certain: he changed my life forever. His story is a testament to the magic that exists in our world, if only we dare to believe in it.”

Alice’s memoir became a bestseller, captivating readers with its tales of Hollywood’s golden age and the enigmatic figure who had briefly stepped into their world. Her vivid descriptions and heartfelt reflections resonated with countless people, inspiring them to follow their dreams and believe in the extraordinary.

Alice’s legacy lived on, not just through her films but also through the lives she touched with her story. And though she never saw Edward again, she knew that their brief time together had changed both of their lives forever.

After Edward returned to his own time, he carefully examined the pocket watch. The crystal, which had once glowed with a mysterious energy, was now dim and cracked. It seemed that the strain of the time travel had taken its toll on the delicate mechanism.

Edward tried to realign the gears and restore the crystal’s glow, but it was no use. The watch had served its purpose, and the magic that had once powered it was gone. He kept the pocket watch as a cherished memento of his incredible adventure, a reminder of the time he had spent in 1939 and the friends he had made.

Though the crystal no longer held its time-traveling power, Edward often found himself staring at it, lost in memories of the vibrant Technicolor sets, the iconic characters, and the unforgettable moments he had experienced. The watch, with its intricate engravings and now-dull crystal, became a symbol of the extraordinary possibilities that life could hold.

Edward’s journey to 1939 had changed him forever, and the pocket watch remained a treasured keepsake, a tangible link to a time and place that had once seemed like a dream.

January 11, 2025 14:00

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Shalom Audu
13:00 Feb 14, 2025

Hello Edward! I really enjoyed reading your write-up. I highly commend your storyline. It is amazing. However, because of my busy schedule in helping authors achieve their dreams, I'm usually faced with lots of responsibilities most of the time. So, I'll like to ask, are you a published author on amazon?


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