
The air was bitterly cold, Asena exhaled, seeing her own breath fly with the wind, she held herself tight to try and become warm. She was walking around the town of Alara at midnight, she was shivering and having trouble walking because of her joints stiffening. The ground was slippery from the snow and rain combining together. The town Alara always had odd weather that no one would think could combine together. Asena pulled her fluffy hood over her head, covering her light orange long hair. She was slowly making her way to a friend’s house, but as soon as she grew near, her head started to throb hard. She tried ignoring it thinking it was just a headache, but then the throbbing increased second by second. She cried as she slid down to the ground, she held her head in pain until she saw something in her mind.

“Oh my god, oh- I need to go!” Asena quickly jumped to her feet, then started to sprint to her friend’s house. Asena kept slipping because of the sleek underneath her feet. The cold wind was blowing in her face, making her face flush a deep red. She breathed heavily as she was running, each step she took her heart rate continued to race faster, that she could hear it thumping in her ears. 

She finally made it to her friend’s house, she started banging on the door loudly. She could hear a groan from her friend, so she stopped knocking and stood there shivering waiting for her friend. A tall figure stood there confused, he rubbed his eyes then opened the door for Asena to come inside. She practically ran inside the small little home of his, she looked around his kitchen, her first destination.

“Asena… It is three in the morning. I have work in the morning, why are you here?” Trent, her close friend asked as he shut the door and lit his lantern to show light in the home. Asena quickly averted her bright brown eyes to him, she looked him up and down to observe him. They both have known each other for years, so he knew this was off behavior.

“Trent, remember that older man that walked past us and bumped into you last night?” Asena quickly asked without taking a breath, panting now. Her face was serious, so Trent became serious as well. 

“Yea… Why? He was just a harmless man.”

“Harmless, is what you think.” Asena darted back fast, making Trent raise an eyebrow in pure confusion. He wasn’t sure what Asena was going on about, but whatever it was, it was definitely riling her blood pressure up. Asena took off her jacket, placing it on the back of the chair at the dining table. She put her hair into a low ponytail, then she sat down motioning for Trent to sit as well. Trent did as she motioned, then she began to speak.

“Trent, I had a vision-” Before she could even finish, he let out a chuckle, making her irritated.

“I-I’m sorry, go on.” Trent held back his laughter. He never believed in visions, so he just listened, Asena rolled her eyes clearly annoyed at this reaction.

“I had a vision that you were in the throne room in front of the king and queen because you had magic.”

“And what does this have to do with the older man?” Trent asked, clearly confused and wanted answers because he knew magic was banned in the town of Alara.

“The older man gave you the magic.”

“How? All he did was bump into me!”

“That’s all he had to do, let me see your arm.” She waited for Trent to show her his arm, so he still did not believe a word she was spitting out. She examined his arm, looking thoroughly at his veins and every inch of his arm, but nothing. She furrowed her eyebrows, her visions usually always came back true, but she never told anyone other than now because it dealt with her close friend. Trent took his arm back, confused but he thought that she didn’t get any rest so he then offered for her to sleep at his place since her house was on the other side of the town. She nodded, taking his offer. Maybe it was just her headache but still doesn’t explain her so-called vision she had seen. So, she fell asleep on his bed while he was in the dining room getting ready for work. 

Trent worked for the king, he was a royal guardsman and protected the princess during the daytime. He switched out everyday at night with his comrade who then guarded the princess’ door. The queen and king were both strict on the rules they set for their daughter, they needed multiple eyes on the princess, they weren’t telling anyone why, but they were extremely protective of her because she was the only child. 

Trent put his final piece of clothing on, his shoulder armor, he knocked on it with his knuckles once he got it set in place, then slid his thin long sword in its scabbard that protected the sword. He then set off to start working. 

Time flew by through the day, Trent was following the princess everywhere and anywhere. She would get annoyed at him easily, so she was walking then abruptly stopped in her tracks, making Trent on guard even more.

“My highness, is everything okay?” 

“Don’t say that. I’m honestly tired of you following me around all the time!” She snapped as she turned to face Trent, she looked up at him, her face flushed with anger or rather just irritated that she has to have someone following her at all times. Trent only smiled small because he thought seeing her angry was adorable.

“I’m sorry, my lady, but I am following the orders that your parents have given me. They want me to watch over you during the daytime.” Trent replied calmly, his forest green eyes observing down to the princess, Emily. She rolled her dark black eyes and scoffed, but then she smirked. Trent didn’t like that.

“I bet you can’t catch me then!” She yelled as she kicked her dark blue heels off and bolted. Trent’s jaw opened in shock, then started to chase after her. For someone so small, she ran like a lightning strike without any problem, not even tripping over her long dress since she held it up above her feet with one hand. Why is she doing this today?! Trent thought as he was still trying to chase after her. They ran past so many employees that just shook their heads at the situation, not wanting to get involved. 

Trent was finally closing in behind her, she laughed as she stopped in her tracks and she stepped out of the way, making him trip on himself and roll on the ground. Emily giggled as she saw Trent getting up, his armor was scoffed with dirt marks, and his nose was bleeding a bit as well. She realized that, then was asking if he needed help, but then saw his veins on his neck were… glowing? She stared down at him in fear, the veins weren’t supposed to glow unless he had magic.

“T-Trent! You have magic!” Emily yelled out, they were already in the middle of the ballroom, thankfully no one was in there, but Trent looked up in confusion, he took off his gloves on his hands and saw his fingertips were the color bright green. His heart raced, Asena was right. Before he could do anything else, however, Emily was already running away to go tell her father. She didn’t want someone with magic to protect her, they just hurt people. Trent put his glove back on then stood up. He couldn’t take a deep breath, it hurt in his chest, he should’ve listened to Asena, he has magic and it’s irreversible.

June 17, 2021 19:35

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