
Human has been home a lot lately.  I’m not exactly sure why, but boy am I happy.  We go for lots of walks and play with the ball and sometimes he even gives me some doggy biscuits!  He takes me outside to do my business, and then I do zoomies in the yard. 

 When I get tired of running, I go inside and lay next to him on the couch.  I am doing that right now as Human is watching the noise box. Sometimes there is a dog on the noise box, and I want to go in and save him.  I never seem to make it on time.      

Cat seems upset, but then again she always seems upset.  I think she likes to be alone, and having Human around so much makes her uncomfortable.  I don’t know what her problem is. She naps all day anyway, and she can do that whether Human is home or not.  Sometimes I give her a sniff, and she jumps high in the air. I like scaring her, but I don’t like her claws. Sometimes she scratches my nose, and it hurts. 

   Cat is sleeping on top of the couch right now, but every once in a while she opens one eye and gives me a look that says “stay away from me.”  I won’t bug her right now. Human starts scratching me behind the ears, and I sigh with pleasure. He always seems to find the right spots to scratch. 

 He keeps scratching until I hear a ringing sound.  Someone is here! I hop off the couch and bark bark bark to let them know I’m home as I run to the door ahead of Human.  Human pushes me to the side to let them in. It’s Lady Human! I am so excited I start jumping up and down. Human says “no” and I stop and sit, my tail wagging.  

Human leads Lady Human into the living room, and they both sit on the couch to watch the noise box.  I have to lay on the floor now, but I don’t mind as long as I can be near Human. They talk, but I don’t understand any of their words. 

Suddenly, Cat jumps down onto the floor with a thump and starts walking out of the living room with her tail held high in that prissy way she has.  Human says, “No no, bad dog,” when I chase the cat, so I shouldn’t. I want to, though. It’s so fun. No. I must not chase her. Must...not…

I can’t help it.  I really can’t. It’s like my body has a mind of its own.  I jump up and run after her, barking the entire time. We run out of the living room and into the hallway, then up the stairs.  Then we run back down the stairs. Boy is she fast! Finally we run back into the living room. I back Cat into a corner, and she hisses at me.  Human says, “No no, bad dog” and pushes me away from her.  

What?  Human called me “bad dog!”  Am I a bad dog? Human says, “Go lay down,” and I can tell that he means it.  I lay back down in front of the couch. Human made me a little sad, but I can never stay mad at him.  He is my favorite.

Some time passes, and Human goes into the kitchen with Lady Human.  I come with them because I don’t want to let Human out of my sight, not for one minute.  The kitchen is where the food comes from, and I am hoping Human will drop a tasty morsel or two.  Human opens the door of the cold food box and takes out some food while Lady Human turns on the cooker.  

Human starts chopping the food, and I sit near him and look up at him.  I start whining, but Human says, “No begging,” and I stop. Then Human drops some of the food on the floor.  Before he can pick it up I rush over and grab it. Mmm. It’s crunchy but doesn’t have much flavor. It’s not meat, I can tell.  

I sniff the air, and I smell something.  Meat! Lady Human must be cooking it. I sit down near her just in case she drops any, but she doesn’t.  I sit some more. This is taking forever. Finally Lady Human takes the meat off of the cooker and puts it on a plate.  Then Human and Lady Human take the food to the dining room.

The dining room is where Human and sometimes Lady Human eat their food.  I have to eat my food out of my bowl in the kitchen, but I don’t mind. Human and Lady Human sit at the table to eat, and I lay under it just in case something tasty drops down.  Human and Lady Human talk as they eat.  

I am laying half asleep when I smell meat again.  Meat! Lady Human’s hand is under the table, and she is holding a little piece of meat.  I gently take it from her hand and chew it up. It is so yummy! I love when Human has Lady Human over because she is so nice to me.  

After dinner, Human and Lady Human wash the dishes, and Human says, “Walk.”  Walk! I am so excited, my tail starts wagging really fast! Human gets my leash and attaches it to my collar.  Then we go out the door.  

Human and Lady Human walk me around the block.  I love sniffing trees and marking my territory. Then I hear a noise.  It sounds like...barking. I look across the street and see a tiny white dog yapping at me.  I think he wants to play! I bark and strain against my leash, but Human keeps hold of me. Then the dog and his human walk away.  That’s too bad, but now we’re walking again.  

We get back to the house and Human lets me off my leash.  Boy, am I tired. I lay down in the living room for a nap.  

When I wake up Lady Human is gone, and Human is back on the couch watching the noise box.  I look at him, and he smiles and pats the spot next to him. I take it as a cue to jump back up onto the couch.  I snuggle against him and watch the noise box. No dogs this time.

Finally it is time for Human to go to bed.  I wait for him on the bed while he gets ready.  When he is finished he gets into bed and turns out the light.  I lay at his feet and hope that he’s staying home tomorrow. Then we can do this all over again.


March 22, 2020 18:03

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