
You know, this wasn't exactly how I expected to develop a high school crush.

I, despite having some semblance common sense, kind of expected to have one of those crushes that developed in the movies, or at least something a long those lines. Y'know, notice a cute girl from the back of Trig, wind up not studying at all. Using my charm to, well, charm her. That kind of stuff.

And when the whole mess of Coronavirus and virtual everything started, I kind of locked up my heart. Not because I was heartbroken or anything, but because how is one supposed to use your heart behind a screen, especially when no one bothered to turn on their camera anymore?

Welp. Shows how much I know.

I had signed up for a digital art course as an elective for the summer. It knocks some of the art credits out of the way. There were only seven people in the class though, plus the teacher. As a result, we all wound up turning the cameras on, always kept ourselves on mic, and wound up having a class that actually felt real.

I became actually pretty decent at the digital art stuff, something that I was not expecting. Honestly, it only happened because my crush pissed me off.

That crush's name was Daisy.

I had been half-assing the class. I didn't really want to do it, just wanted to get it over with. I, along with most of the class kept the camera and mic off. Only two people kept it on. Daisy and the teacher.

Daisy was really good. Like really good. She probably should've been teaching the class. That didn't make me feel any better about my so-so art, causing me to put in less effort, and boom, lazy


The rest of the class started to warm up, mostly to Daisy. It was hard not to. She had these brown eyes that were just filled with sunlight and a huge smile that made you want to do the same. But, me being cranky from well, everything (me and quarantine really don't get along), I just wanted to be stubborn and wallow in my apartment. Daisy finally had enough of my crabby mood and messaged me privately.

Hey Malakai, what's up with your funk?

Quarantine. I responded.

We all have to deal with it. Stop being a baby about it and deal like the rest of us. We're trying to have fun. You're just being a douche.

That pissed me off, and I said something rather stupid. You're just mad that I don't like your ugly art.

I know, I know. I have the pettiness of a 6-year-old. Thankfully,

Daisy was unfazed.

If my art is so bad, make something better, you cranky old tortoise.

I don't know if she heard of my competitive streak from school, but she had basically thrown down a gauntlet. And boy did I run with it.

So on our next assignment, I poured everything I had into my art. I presented it with a cocky smirk, knowing for a fact that it was better than everyone else's, Daisy included. But instead of being mad, Daisy had just given me that damn smile.

"Awesome job! It's really good."

I don't know why, but that just made me madder than before. I tried every class after that to get a rise out of her, but she either just smiled and laughed it off or gave back as good as she got.

At some point, we became frenemies, our banter necessary for me to keep from going completely nuts.

And then, one day, she hit me with that smile for the millionth time. But this time, it hit me straight in the heart. I had looked around, waiting for cupid to show up with his freaking bow it hit me so hard. But there was no weird baby angel, just me and Daisy, the class fading out.

Ah crap, I had thought, she's cute.

And if I leaned on her for sanity before, she became a complete addiction for me now. She missed a class once, once. And my stomach had dropped and I texted her twice an hour until she answered to make sure she was ok.

Well, now it sounds weird, but I swear it was with the best intentions at heart.

So yeah, that happened. And now I don't know what to do when the school year comes. I'm going to try and pursue her, that's for sure. But I have no idea how. The idea of it just gives me weird feelings. My social skills for the physical were way out of practice. It was probably going to be hella awkward.

But you know what? They say you have to break eggs to make an omelette, right? Time to break some eggs, I guess. Because I want that special smile from Daisy.

I had wound up telling my best friend, Lucas, all of this after his girlfriend, Katrina, noticed how much more I was smiling. I had made so much fun of him after he became so whipped for Kat. Now it was his turn to laugh. Over Zoom, to add insult to injury. His wifi sucked so when ever he laughed, it sounded like a demonic robot, his poor computer trying to keep up with everything.

"You are so freaking cheesy." He had snickered. "Be careful, stay away from Katrina, she's lactose intolerant."

"Yeah, well we're both intolerant to your friggin' jokes, so don't come at me."

"No she's not!" His affronted look was hysterical as he looked over at Katrina through the Zoom window. "Right?"

"No..." she tried to hide a smile.

"Liar, liar." I teased. "Bad, Kat."

"Luke is right though. You're just as bad." Katrina shot back.

"Well whatever." I flushed.

"I am making myself the president of your moral support team." She declared.

"Oh lord. This was a mistake." But I smiled through it.

Who knows what the school year is going to bring. Hopefully, something really good, and hopefully, Daisy.

July 31, 2020 23:57

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Opeyemi Oyenekan
08:52 Aug 08, 2020

Wow, this is awesome! The expression of emotions and all, got me reading through.


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Verda H
16:27 Aug 06, 2020

This was so cute! Lovely high-school style read.


Sophia Sanikidze
18:28 Aug 06, 2020

Aw thank you.


Verda H
06:24 Aug 07, 2020

You're welcome! Would love it if you checked out my work too :)


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Your writing is both frenzied and lighthearted, which I like. However your story contains a central conflict, but has no resolution. The conflict being the unrequited crush. You might consider, in this writing or future ones, either avoiding any central conflict and building your flash fiction around a concept or theme, or resolving any conflicts that you create that are central to the story.


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Unknown User
11:33 Aug 10, 2020

<removed by user>


Sophia Sanikidze
14:41 Aug 10, 2020

Yeah, I get what you mean. That was probably my intention, but I sometimes go on tangents haha


Unknown User
18:02 Aug 10, 2020

<removed by user>


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