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Candy had touched my life at the tender age of 6 weeks old,she had the cutest little face, eyes that would melt your heart, cuddly and playful and so lovable. I fell in love. A friends cat had a litter and we waited for her to be old enough to bring her home and introduced her to her brother Scooter whom we found two months prior at a auto shop, the shop owner said that he is the shop cat and just wanders in and out and asked if we wanted him. He was a stray he was almost a year old this was back in 2002. We were getting our tires changed and this sweet Black cat jumped up onto the counter and just rubbing his sweet face to us wanting to be petted. Well that evening my husband went back to the shop and there our Scooter was again. So he called me to ask if he can bring Scooter home. I was so excited and said yes!!They touched our hearts like no other..throughout their lives they give us nothing but unconditional love. The cuteness the cuddles the kisses everything to express how happy and healthy they felt. They had the run of our home, it was their territory. So we had to abide by their rules. As the years went by they grew so fast, bringing us so much joy, so much fun and laughter to fill our hearts. The thought of being without them some day would sadden us, and we put it out of our minds. Sadly it was in December 2017 that Scooter's health started to decline, we were running back and forth to the vet, he started to feel better with the meds. I remember it was December 27th 2017,that I noticed my Candy was limping, I thought that she had jumped off the bed and hurt her foot. The next day it seemed it was a bit better, but because of the weather real bad out, decided that I would take her to the vet the following day. That night I made sure I picked her up and lay her beside me, kissed her face over and over telling her that Mommy will take you to the vet and you will be better, she kept rubbing her face as usual on my face as usual before falling off to sleep. At one point I heard her jump off the bed use the litter and then eat. The next morning when I woke and sat up to go check on her, I found her laying on my bedroom slippers next to my side of my bed, where she knew I would find her when I awoke. I called out to her..hey baby are you Ok?, I did not get a response from her, I bent down beside her and noticed that she did not move..I felt her and she was a bit stiff, and then shook her but to no avail, My baby had passed on in her sleep. My heart was torn into a million pieces. I kept kissing her...I yelled to my husband who was in the living room..he came running and so did Scooter. I sobbed uncontrollably blaming myself for not taking her the day before to the vet over and over again. I was broken, my baby passed three months before her 16th Birthday. Scooter was lost he would go into the bedroom looking for his partner, there was a sadness in his eyes that never went away.

February comes along, and Scooter again was displaying health issues, he again started to have problems going to the washroom, we again took him to the vet, they decided that he would need surgery to remove the blockage that was preventing him from having a bowel movement. It was a scary feeling, but we wanted to be able to do everything to save his life, since Candy never did have a chance. Our hearts were torn having to put him through that, but we had to give him a fighting chance. The surgery was a success, he remained at the vet hospital for five days, we made sure we saw him two times a day and spent time with him, letting him know that we have not abandoned him and that we love him. Finally we did bring him home, even though he was happy to be back, but he was never the same cat again, he was on medication which he hated and it was causing him and us stress to administer it. But being the trooper that he always was he made it easier. For the next few weeks would be challenging, making sure that his bowels were regular, at time it was and then at times not. He still missed his Candy girl, going around the home like he knew she was missing and not coming back.

It was the 2nd of March after I tried to administer his medication, that his breathing was shallow, he kept lowering his head and not responding to our voices asking if he was ok. His eyes seems very glossy. We immediately called our vet and raced there as fast as we could. Upon examination my vet told me that water was filling in his body, his heart was very weak and he was in pain, before she could finish I felt the tears just just pouring down my face..I could not go through our Scooter suffering. We made a choice, which in all my life wished no one would ever have to make. The vet prepped him and had him on intravenous to keep him comfortable. We hugged him and kissed him and let him know that we loved him, we sobbed uncontrollably, holding onto him while he slipped away. He was reunited with his Candy, and that was what gave me solace and comfort. Both our babies were in Pet Heaven! My life was never the same, Scooter was my husbands buddy, he would crawl on his belly and always sleep on his chest, always so gentle as he would paw his face. He was the sweetest and most loving being as well as my Candy. I missed having her sleep beside me, most of the times on my arms or her face on the palm of my hands as her paw gentle over my hand. I missed her and Scooter so much. Our lives revolved around both of them. Making sure we rushed home to them so they were not alone, even though they had each other to keep them company.

Suddenly there was a kind of silence when we came back, no one to greet us as we walked through the doors. Our hearts were so broken. At times I never got out of bed, I just lay there and cried. I had no bowls to fill, no litter to clean...everything was gone. There was a void that could never ever be filled. I wanted Candy and Scooter back!! I never knew the feeling of loss till it happened to us. Two pieces of our hearts went with them.

There is more and a continuation to this story, which will melt your hearts. But for now this is their story, their life, their adventures which will be forever in our hearts.

May 09, 2020 22:24

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22:35 May 20, 2020

Hi, Sabrina! I am here from the Critique Circle. This was a heart melting, adorable story, and I loved all of it! But I will say that there were grammar mistakes. I would also recommend dividing your story up into more paragraphs. Other than that, awesome story! Keep writing and stay safe! :) -Brooke


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