Shaping the Future.

Submitted into Contest #283 in response to: Write a story with the line “I wasn’t expecting that.”... view prompt


Contemporary Fiction Romance

Yes, love makes the world go round. This was a thought Cosmic Mystic Elke told herself more than once, as she was enjoying this romantic stage of her new world. She and Big Al Grayson went on proudly defying their Christian parental influences, by continuing to have sleepovers with each other.

To be sure, after Big Al had invited New Age Cosmic Elke to turn back to God in his more liberal minded church, she had accepted that in all her days, Jesus had always close at hand. That thought had stood her in good stead when Big Al's tall but rigid mother had tried to force Cosmic Elke to be married in a traditional white wedding.

Cosmic Elke kept on telling herself that love makes the world go round, wondering if enforcing any stereotypes was going to shape her future, let alone any future developments. Was this sudden need to have a wedding ring going to affect the ultimate destiny of any couple or indeed, Goodly Town community?

One moonlit evening, Big Al did do the bended knee proposal. He slightly swooned before Cosmic Elke after a genre specific three course candlelit dinner, even a love song on an Aussie format of a gypsy violin. Big Al was convinced she was his one true soulmate, forever to be his companion until prime time serendipity.

Their love appeared forever young. Big Al wished to establish lots of goals, like saving targets, acquiring an impressive mansion, a suitable residence for all his unlimited cute babies, plus a large back yard for safe adventures for his planned dogs and sprogs. Cosmic Mystic Elke secretly decided that this was too goal focused.

Big Al was her true love, or so it seemed. But all these goals and objectives were mainly for football teams, in her womanly opinion. She had been one of the crowd at Goodly Town Footballers, the worst team in the state. Their forwards definitely required dedication to goal setting, to accomplish something like achieving, she did not.

Big Al vowed to keep on loving her and standing by her, even beyond their prime time, as a loyal companion. Elke believed that part, but hedged her decision saying, "Let's wait until I am expecting our first baby, then we can enjoy some simple ceremony in the church. I am not a big fan of all that fuss. I have never been a Bridezilla. So not my circus. Once was enough, at the moment."

Big Al had to agree, even to swapping sleepovers in each other's beds, instead of always having Cosmic Mystic Elke always at hand. None of their parents in different branches of their Christian churches approved. In fact, Big Al's mother Mary came over to Elke's house one morning, totally uninvited with no invitation or phone call to arrange a suitable time.

Mary had to wait a while, as one of Cosmic Elke's regular clients was consulting. When Elke was free, Mary entered her home office and sat down to more than encourage Big Al's one true flame to join her worthy church groups. Cosmic Elke agreed to spend one morning per week to collect and prepare dontations for food bundles and supermarket vouchers for the underprivileged in Goodly Town community.

Mary went home, as days passing by turned into Elke measuring her 35th birthday. One evening, she was over at Big Al's, preparing his favourite dinner while he was rolling with the flow, having a drink listening to music. The mood was mellow and laid back. Elke heard him answer the front door.

Big Al said to the visitors, " You better come in." Cosmic Mystic Elke was listening, as she paused their evening meal. She went to join Big Al's side, as he seemed more than flustered for once. He grasped Elke's hand, as she looked at the woman and tween.

"I'm Mahalia, and this is Elly. She is Big Al's, from when we met one night at a band in the hotel by the bay. It's about time he took an interest in her welfare."

"I wasn't expecting that, " Big Al mused aloud, while Elke kept her lips zipped. Big Al wanted a DNA test, so a swab was arranged, after he signed the consent form. He knew Elly might be his, because some years before, he been more than drunk one night at a work social night with his police force. He had one of his first encounters when Mahalia had led him to the shore, then left his arms, smiling.

After Mahalia took Elly back to their seaside motel, Cosmic Mystic Elke tried to understand. By now, the stork had overlooked her, and she was growing to accept that if was not anyone's beeswax, despite Big Al and his mother still expecting their family circle to continue. Mary was rigid, but not so much as her parents. Big Al had some explaining to do, but it was before he and Elke had met. Even the best guy in Goodly Town could be a sinner and saint on the same day.

Big Al and Elly did match in the DNA department, and somehow he did feel good that he had now become a father. It was part of the social change in the world. "Each to their own." Cosmic Elke said, "Let's invite Elly for day or so, then proceed from there. Does Mahalia want money for child support?"

"Maybe, that is a possibility." Big Al nodded.

Cosmic Mystic Elke soon found that Elly bonded readily with both her and Big Al. At eleven years of age, she liked the beach, had always wished to meet her real father, and liked Elke's relaxed approach. Goodly Town met a new one, everyone could notice the same smiles of Big Al and Elly.

Mary had to overcome some underhanded comments when she took Elly to church one Sunday, but that was only some adults. Mary stood by Big Al like the Christian warrior she was. The other kids at the church soon invited Elly to their fun summer in Goodly Town. Mahalia agreed to let Elly spend weekends with Big Al.

Big Al and Elke shared this shaping of their future, even if there was still no need to race to the altar. Elly grew up lovely, a credit to all her influences. When Elke did finally wear her wedding frock, Elly was her bridesmaid, in a simple seaside service, celebrating the blessing of a unique family love that eternally made the world go round.

December 29, 2024 16:51

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Mary Bendickson
00:41 Dec 31, 2024

Loving it!


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Graham Kinross
16:38 Dec 30, 2024

I like that they adapt to the revelation of the child instead of it destroying their relationship. That’s a good sign for them.


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