
There's an eerie feeling lingering in the air tonight. It's most likely because I'm home alone but it's still making me jumpy. I've been feeling this way for awhile, but tonight it's much stronger then it ever has been.

My roommate is working and won't be home for awhile. I know that it's just my imagination but I feel like something terrible will happen tonight. Like I'm on a roller coaster and about to dive.

The wind is howling and the trees outside my window are shaking violently. I normally like the rain but tonight's storm is unsettling. Even my long hair is standing on end.

I walk over to my mirror and see my brown eyes and hair reflected back at me. For some reason I can't pull my eyes away from the mirror. I feel almost paralyzed like when I'm having a nightmare.

Suddenly I see a little girl behind me. She's wearing a blue dress and has a big smile. I don't think she could be much older than five. She's short with extremely bright hair and teeth. She has an even brighter ribbon attached to each of her pigtails.

"I love nights like these. They make me think of all the exciting things that can happen within a few moments." She says happily.

"How did you get in my room? Why aren't you wet?" I ask turning around to look at her. She stands there and starts to giggle.

"Come on, I think my master wants to talk to you." The girl says and grabs my hand in her small one. The second she touches me I feel very awake and excited to find out what she wants to show me.

I follow behind her barely able to take the anticipation I have. For what I'm waiting for, I don't really know. I just feel so enticed by everything near me.

She leads me through my apartment building and across street after street until she finally stops in a dark alleyway. Only now do I feel cold creeping up on me

"What is this place?" I ask quit intrigued by what could be around me.

"His nest. Hold on I have to go and get him. I recommend that you don't tell anyone about what happens, bad things will happen to you. I must go and get him, my master is hungry and I know that you will feed him plenty." the girl says and walks off. The minute her hand leaves mine I feel myself get much more tired and fearful. The realization of what's happened has dawned on me.

What could her master be? Will he kill me? She said that he was hungry was she bringing me to a cannibal? What are they going to do to me? Is this all just a cruel trap for something terrible?

Questions continue to run through my head each more terrifying than the next. For some reason I still feel like the little girl is good, but I just know that whatever is in this alley won't be.

"Well, well, Curiosity did a good job. I can tell that I have a big effect on you." I hear a deep voice say but can't tell where it's coming from. "She is quiet good at bringing people to me. Not as good as I am at finding people but still very good."

I stand there feeling every bone in my body, every blood cell in my veins, screaming at me to run, to leave and never look back. Not wanting to argue I begin to sprint toward the place I entered the alley. The girl is standing there and I somehow know that I can't leave through there. I turn to the other side and find the source of the deep voice.

I remember the girl calling this a him but that makes it sound much to human. It has blood all over it's face, or what I think is it's face, most of it looks like twisting intestines but the other part looks like the skin was ripped clean off of it and what I assume is the eye hangs there, twisting constantly in it's socket. The rest of it is covered in skin so tightly bound to the bones it looks like it's a skeleton.

Suddenly there are screams coming all around me. Screams that show something so vile, so cruel must have happened. It only takes me a second to realize that they're coming from me.

"Am I really that ugly?" the deep voice says as some of the twisting intestines move on it's face.

He begins to move toward me, dragging his head I'm sure because his body most weigh a lot less. He's walking so slowly but with each step I feel more and more awful.

Suddenly he moves much quicker, like everything around him is pushing him closer to me. In a matter of moments he is standing right in front of me. His face contorts in such a strange fashion and pulls every little bit of good in me out of my body. I feel limp and hopeless.

I wake up in my bed and feel so relieved to see that it was just a dream. My roommate is snoring loudly in the room next to mine. I have never been so relieved to hear her again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think he would do it." the little girls voice says. Everything in me crashes down again

I turn over and see her and her master standing next to each other. I feel cold and terrified once again. Everything in me goes rigid and I feel my body slamming against the hard floor. I want to end, to feel deaths grip, for it would be welcome to this feeling.

"You already drained her once master, you're hurting her! Stop she's served her purpose!" the girl says sounding more motherly than anything else.

"I'll leave her soon enough, don't worry." comes his deep, terrifying voice.

"That is enough Fear!" the girl says sounding more like a mother than a child.

"I just need to know something." he says, "Can you keep a secret?"

August 20, 2020 00:23

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