Suspense Mystery Crime

“ 12 accounts of theft, 3 DUI’s, and 5 aggravated assaults,” I read. “ I just don’t think you’re cut out for the job.” His name was Tom. Tom Smith. He wasn’t the regular person you can say that and was even more different to try to become a cop. Even if he was to join the team, I don’t know if he would be cut out for the job. He showed up at a job interview with joggers. I’m not agreeing with his sense of style. 

“ Believe me, man I’ve changed,” He goes. “ You probably think I’m not in the right place - or mind in fact, but I want to give back to the USA for my crimes.” I could see the remorse in his chiseled chin, dark brown eyes, and diamond necklace. His eyes shot from the record to me, then to outside my office. If I was a cop I would of course let him in, but I am a detective. I know when someone is faking or not. 

“ How about this. You come back on Tuesday and I will tell you my decision." His neck sunk. His expression switched in a flash of an eye. I don’t know if shutting him out is the right decision, but I have 6 days to think about it. Or I’ve already made up my mind. 

I dunk under my door and walk over to Edison’s office. “ Whatcha working on?” I ask. I learned that small talk and compliments can convince anyone. From a badger mole to an Elderly Woman. 

“ A case,” He says without even looking at me.

“ So let’s just say that this bee found giant unpollinated flowers that he really wanted, but he also saw his worst enemy - Tom Bee getting swatted out by a human. What will he do?” Whatever I said, Edison stopped what he was doing and looked me in my eyes. 

“ Listen, Jack, I think you should except Tom. You know, give him a second chance.” Edison was a real mind reader. “ Okay then,” I said. “ I guess Tom is now part of the team." I went to bed that night not liking that decision. Was Tom good enough? Well maybe. No. yes?  I couldn’t make up my mind. I squirmed that night like a fish out of water. But this is the opposite. I feel like I’m drowning. 

Next Morning

“ It’s a beautiful day isn’t it Edison?” He looked at me and rolled his eyes. “ So what is that?” I leaned into his computers and it was a blueprint of a house? “ Eddie, what do you need that blueprint for?" He panicked. “ Umm, It is for my best friend he is buying a new house and he asked me to check if it was good for him." He gave the fakest smile. 

“ Hey, Jack! I need you to look into this case." It was Commissioner Roberts or Kathy to me. “ Yeah, anything you need.” 

“ Can you stop hitting on me and look at this?” She slams down a paper in front of me. It had a picture of a red spider on it. “ What is this?” I ask. “ Exactly!” She exclaimed. I don’t know either, but whatever it is, we need to shut it down immediately. I got you, Downey, and Smith on the job.” 

“ But Kathy, there is no Smith in the department.”

“ Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. I just hired a new guy - Tom.” My heart sank to the ground, and I was too dizzy to pick it up. “ Anyway, I need you guys to visit this Old Warehouse which had this Red Spider painted on it. And I need the others to shut it down stat. You on the other hand need to find the source and their location. 

“ You ready to go out?” 

“ Umm - yeah,” I mumble. “I can’t believe I’m going to be on a mission with Tom.” It wasn’t long before I realized I had said that out loud. Standing right behind me was Tom himself with the biggest smile on his face. “ I can’t believe I get to go on a mission with Jack Bank!” He exclaimed. I groan. “ Well believe it while it lasts kid.” 

We pull up to the scene of an old dusty building. Sure enough, it had the Red Spider painted on it. “ It says Tetranychidae,” I observe. “ Well, it sure does Captain!” Tom Explains. I would give 20 bucks to punch him in the face. He is so annoying.

We walk into the building with our guns out. Downey and I at least. Tom doesn’t get one yet. Thank God. I walk around a little bit. I see a small red paper with the words: Diamonds I do love diamonds. Something doesn’t add up. Doesn’t Tom have a diamond necklace? If it weren’t for my curiosity I would’ve arrested him on the spot. “ Well, it seems like this is all our evidence. Lemme take this back to the station. Run a few tests.” Downey then takes his leave leaving only Tom and I

“ Don’t you love the thrill?” He asks. Not again. “ Yeah, whatever.” He smiles and we walk further into the building. There are red spider necklaces scattered around on the floor in a circular pattern. Tom takes some notes and squats down to get a better view. I notice something sticking out of his back pocket. No, I notice it immediately. It was a bracelet. An Avicularia purpurea bracelet. They were the most notorious crime business in Oklahoma City before I shut them down. We never actually caught the leader of the Avicularia purpurea gang. It all makes sense now. 2 spider named gangs, one leader. It had to be Tom. I mean who else?

The only thing that didn’t add up is why would the leader of 2 notorious crime gangs want to become a rookie cop? It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to look any further into the twisted mind of Tom. “ Hey!” I shout. “You’re under arrest for multiple accounts of murder, terrorism, and drug dealing. With a confused look, Tom replied, “ Listen Man you got the wrong guy. I am even working on this case with you!” He squirmed but my grip was strong, because of my past rock-climbing career. “ Jack please don’t do this to me! I’m begging you I’m clean - except for my nondrug-dealing past. C’mon man.” I wasn’t falling for anymore of his tricks. I cuffed him and loaded him into the back of my car. He wasn’t getting away this time.

2 weeks later…

They had a ceremony for my brave and valiant efforts. I excepted that medal with pride. I wasn’t going to let anything ruin this day for me. I glanced over to my best friend Edison. Or at least where he was supposed to be. He wasn’t there. How could he just now show up to the best moment of my life? After the ceremony, I drove to the Department. I wanted to scare Edison then get mad at him for not coming so I went in through the back door. 

I had caught him on the phone! “ Yes, the dim-witted detective doesn’t know a thing! He already arrested this rookie cop off a grudge!” He goes. “ This is the time. Launch project Tetranychidae into full action.” He then walked out of the department. Oh, shoot.

December 15, 2020 22:01

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