Under the Weather and Other Manipulative Functional Phenomena

Written in response to: Write a story where someone shares a cup of hot chocolate with a friend.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Friendship

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the back, or in some cases, side of your local “drug” store?

What goes on in that cordoned off room with persons in white coats hustling and bustling around. Counting pills. Measuring potions. The room in the back behind the other potions, lotions, and pads. Way in the back, neatly sits the higher power. The higher powered “stuff.” The powerful stuff designed throughout the years of experience and under the table deals. Shelved as the higher power. Stuff.

Functional gains got us to this point, although the majority of us did not know.

Did not know.


What goes on in the corporate meeting rooms is closing related to those hustling and bustling servants in the white coats. The higher powered stuff of what ails us.

Quick fix.

Quick fixes.

Survival of the fittest.

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning kind of gain of functionality. Waiting in the line of our despair for the magical pill of “feeling better.”





We rush to get what we think we are “owed”, when all along if we were more humble, we would not be standing or sitting here…….

In front of you.

In front of me.

Striking up a deal with the devil.

It takes time.

It takes your time.

It takes my time.

We may not feel it in the moment.

Or even tomorrow.

Time will tell.

It usually does.

Day by day.

Decide if you are a better:




We need ‘em both,

to get the job done.

Hiding behind another and their family is dirty, “💩”. Even with the friendly face of so called acceptance.

Reminder: He is the only One who can control the weather.

Rememeber that.

Snazzy umbrella or not.

Under the weather has steadfast fighter intentions. Soldiers and warriors, stewards-in-training believe the sun will rise another day. Even if and when we are too ill, sick minded to notice.

Violent weather conditions…..can cause the strongest of us to seek refuge. Solace. From the pain.

The literal meaning: A nautical term from the days of old sailing ships.(int)

No. Not broken down barnacle barges.

If feeling worse than usual, a sailor would be sent/go below deck to protect himself from the weather. (7/25/23.)

Arrogance drives us to belives we have control.

Over anything.




Drastic winds.

Getting from shipwreck to shipshape.

Takes time.

Takes your time.

Takes my time.

The devilish culprit:


A powerful motivator for some.

A method of mass destruction used by others.

And the remedy is not RICE. The prescription is not RICE.

It is “R”.


Be still.

All you weary travelers.

A political party’s impotence.

A personal financial troubles situation.

Usually occur in cloudy conditions.

Being exposed.

Has its detractors.

For others. They love to watch the show.

The horror show of another’s demise.

Pity them for they know not where or what they are doing.

An entire city’s failure to take care of their own.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul. The only option on the table.

Or not. On the table.

The deal is not sealed until the last sip is taken.

This time of of year, hot chocolate is a staunch reminder.

Of our frailties.

Of our faults.

Of the fact we must be reminded to


Before plowing over another person’s existence.

One article from as way back as 1826 used the expression under the weather to mean,



(not certain what that means)

”docked under stress of weather.”

How’s that for atmospheric pressure Ladies and Gentlemen.

Under the weather means also, being in some kind of distress.

Perhaps there is a link between the two expressions.

In the meantime.

Honor the mother and father.

Do not covet your neighbor’s wife.

And all that good stuff.

Against the wind.

Running against the wind is nobody’s choice.

We all do not have a seat a the table.

No matter how many beads we string along.

Note: String along.

The connotations are endless.


We, by the grace of God, will be called home when he decides.

On his terms.

Rough seas.

Calm seas.

Makes no difference.

IE. Spending time below deck, the basements of our lives, means very different things to people.

To think we have the control is


Put a bow on the beautiful package.

Not exactly.

Seamen live to learn that “under the weather bow” is where the rotten weather is blowing. They avoid at all costs this devilish area of the ship.

How do you like them apples.

Upsets the apple cart for sure.

Can’t we all just get along?

Not really.

Doesn’t mean ill will is the only way to tip over the apple cart.

There are many ways to describe under the weather.

The folks in the white coats in the back of the drug store know this.

I assure you.

From fair to midland is another way to describe under the weather feelings. Thatched roofs provide shelter, but only for a time. Until the roof gives out and the cats come tumbling down.

Richard Lederer, linguist, tells us the “under the weather” meaning feeling ill, comes from the language of sailors. There are only so many places to go.

When the ill feeling from the violent storm wreak havoc.

Riding the storm out.

Without the pretty bow and all.

When a storm is threatening.

Take note.


Head down.

Walk forward.

It matters how we approach the life He has given us.

It matters even more how we live the life he has given us.

Choose life of abundance.

And. Not deception.

It so prolongs the narrative just to keep the narrative going. You may need help someday and there is nothing worse than smugness.


Excessive pride in one’s achievements.

Knocks our feet right from under our bodies.

Leaving us with no means to get below deck any time soon.

Or sooner or later.

Or yesterday or tomorrow for that matter.

Riding the storm out means different things for different people.



It is never good to kick a person when they are down.


The deal isn’t over til the last drop is gulped.

Hot or Cold.

Black or White.

Remember that the next time sharing seems the prudent thing to do in order to get one’s way.

It is never worth the price of the marshmallows.☕️ when the outcome results in hurting our fellow man.

December 08, 2023 01:12

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