"How do you figure out the truth, without the truth being revealed to you?"
"How do you know what will become real, before it is even spoken about?"
"How does one know who will be the one to arrested for committing a crime, when there is no evidence that they actually did it?"
When asking who, what, where, when, why and how, it is better to know what the facts are, what the proof is to show to all that it is an open and shut case. Without proof, nothing has happened, and no one will ever believe word of mouth only.
When the door is opened wide, and the entry is slow and surely coming, then we go in and find out what has been a secret up to that moment. Then the truth is found, then the evidence is gathered, and the people who needed to sort through it will show their proof and go from there.
If the factual truth is never found or discovered, if the moment when puzzles piece fit perfectly, if the time comes to a halt and no longer goes forward, then one should worry. It is us who may know or may have an idea of what we may know, yet nothing considered proof.
Seeking out and venturing out on our own is never suggested, because of the dangers and the things that may bring one's life to an end. The things that are seen with the naked eye are blindly overlooked because one may not know exactly what to look for.
"How do we know where to start, how to start, when to start, who to start with and who to look for?" It is with great detailing and with great precision that we meticulously handle and thoroughly delicately tirelessly work on all the many fragments to sort out all evidence, to reconstruct a case that is airtight.
I start out slow, it gives me the opportunity to search for and research for, to look and relook at all the various pieces that will allow someone to have the light bulb moment and so be the one to solve the case if there is one to be solved.
Then the moment becomes clearer, coming into full view, and you blink quickly before it's gone never to return, never to reveal all that was seen and then blurred.
"How do you read a person who is no more than a blank less, existence, a shell of a former person who is no longer there?" "How do you find them either guilty or innocent?" "How do to come to a conclusion, when the person is in no shape to plead either way?"
"Are we so heartless that we define and redefine all the many ways, whether they are any part of that which is associated with the person (directly or indirectly), whether the facts will be revealed in with the evidence and proof?"
It gives us much thought, much to digest and to think about, coming to endless conclusions and looking at all that is part of a crime, which is yet to be considered or solved. To think too far ahead, more mistakes are made, and the crime is placed aside.
It is with all that one wishes for to happen, all that we want to make things more worth the effort and time placed on making a done file. Then as we move to the next case, the next listing of a crime anew.
Crimes can range from extreme to minimal, from hideous and gory, to small time crimes, crimes that take little to no effort to be solved and completely remove afterwards.
The trial for the crime can take forever, can cause more misery and heartache, leading to a meltdown and a nervous breakdown, which will cause one to find a way to release and be released.
It can be crimes of no injury or use of weapons, to those that may bring about loss of life and a vast number of weapons. I can be planned in one night, with little effort, to one that is planned out many months in advance.
When we look deeper into the period involved in either case that will only make us dig deeper and allow us to separate all that which gives us much to use, then we trim this down more and we allow ourselves the chance to make the different.
No judgements. No misleading. No excuses accepted. No way out and no way around, the fate of one or more is placed in the hands of those that are picked to state: "Guilty or Not Guilty". "To imagine if you will how twelve individuals have your life squarely in their hands, if even but for a moment."
It is not easier to understand this or even in a small way, it is all about the response to they are told and all the final decision, the final call for what the sentencing will be.
We become one in our decision, only if all agree. Only if all will see the crime and case in the same way and in the same light. It only takes one person to cause or bring about a hung jury. Only one to be the make it or break it moment. The one person may not be sure enough to agree with the eleven.
It can become a screaming match in epic proportions and can cause all who have decided to turn on one person and forcefully make them change their vote. It can become those who access fear deciding to inject this same fear into the one who has voted against.
The many people who make these choices (in committing the crime and who make the decision in response to the crime who committed it) are no different. One decides their future fate, and those decide the punishment for the crime committed.
It became less and less obvious, became less and less seen and noticed. It becomes less of a sentenced crime, except for shorter and shorter time, more with slaps on the wrist and returned to do more, do more damage, and less of those victims to feel or be safe any longer.
It can become a much more pressing situation, more of an ending of all matters, letting those who commit crimes in the first place be more adamant to commit more crimes and much worse crimes.
"Does it seem fair?" "Does it seem right?" "Does it make for better endings and new beginnings?"
The likely hood is that most would state a "No" to any or all three of those questions. It means when reading this, I hope you will be able to come to your own conclusions and they remain as your own.
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