At Xenty.

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a waiting room.... view prompt

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Early Monday morning on Watford street, were busy heads moving up or down with different steps adding to the honk of vehicles and as usual, Jeff was running his way through the crowd, 

"Watch it man" the man yelled with readiness to break his hand.

"I'm sorry," he said, not giving a second look, he waved down a cab. "Xenty".

"Yeah man" the driver replied.

He blankly stared through the glass.

"Here we are" he pulled up at Xenty Institute, "what do you think could be wrong here?"

No reply. 

With no light on Jeff's face, he undid the seat belt looking dead. Handed the driver some notes.

With heavy heart, Jeff alighted from the car as the driver drove off.

"Morning man" Jeff greeted, "what's going on here"

"Are you for the job too?" A man asked

"Yeah" He replied nodding.

"It's the strangest thing I've ever heard," the man said, "the workers have to enter the premises, before we; jobseekers".

"It's inhumane of them," a guy voiced with traces of frustration in his tone.

"This is a damn shit!" The other standing with him exclaimed, kicking a flower grown just by his side. "I have to get out of here," he said while waving down a cab. "Not gonna stand here like a show-off snackball," as he entered, he lowered the car window and had pushed his head through "Y'all should make this wise decision" he yelled out as the car zoomed out of sight.

"I guess some have been here early enough" Jeff shrugged.

Yeah, early enough to be frustrated of just waiting outside the gate," the man added, "hopelessly standing by the side of the road," he buttressed.

"Did you see who gave the order?" Jeff asked curiously, reclining away from the railings he had leaned on

"Yeah," he replied, "it was a security man."

"Really?" He said fusing, " so they couldn't..."

"Here he comes again" the man interrupted, with his head tilted a bit to the right, to see Jeff's behind.

They both moved closer to hear from him.

You can all come in now, the young security man said with a smile.

"At last" Jeff murmured with a sigh.

Welcome to Xenty Institute, a security man greeted.

"Over here" another man signalled, "Hi, everyone, I'm Brent" he said in his almost tiny voice. "I'll lead y'all to the waiting room."

"Is this some sort of joke again?" The voice came from behind.

"Welcome back" a lady's voice had said from the counter to Jeff.

"Uhungh" Jeff mumbled, following the line. His intense howled at him giving him slight headache.

"Wait in there.. you'll be called upon " he said dutifully and left.

In the waiting room, grayish twin seated metallic chairs, half filled with elderly people; weak and kind of ragged. 

"Arhhhgh" what kind of smell is this" one had whispered loudly

"What a waste of time," a man in suit said and left angrily, just then the one that that talked earlier followed.

Close to the door, Jeff and his talkmate had seated just looking around, as they waited impatiently.

"Have you been here before?" Talkmate asked, "overheard the lady at the counter".

"Yeah," he answered, "i was here last week and had waited to stupor. Not these few though, and the air was thick of sweat out of frustration, had to leave with my shaky legs, when I overheard someone said people are still waiting outside seeking entrance just for 4 job slots" he chuckled, I bumped into that lady at the counter while leaving the waiting room angrily and didn't apologize thereafter, I guess she couldn't write off my enraged face." Jeff narrated with a sigh, resting furthermore on the chair.

Talkmate smiled, "you gave up last week, what brings you here again?"

"I guess, it's simply there was no other place my passion could push me to" Jeff replied offhandedly

10 minutes gone and none of them were called.

The door opened and an aged man entered with Brent... "please do..."

"What's going on?"...."how long do we have to wait?"...

Lots of questions simultaneously filled the air interrupting him.

"Seriously, I don't know anything" he replied calmly, "please do make a seat for this man"

All sighed and sunk into their seat as the old man stood where Brent had left him.

Even Jeff's angry self had given up to whatever comes out of the wait.

He stood calling the attention of the old man to come sit. He then walked to the other end of the room, beside two other applicants discussing. Jeff stood there pulling out his phone, "10:56pm" he read within, "not that I've gotten any fun planned for the day" he said to himself and heaved a sigh

"I hope all these worth the pay" Stranger A had said disgustingly.

"Of what essence is it then if it doesn't" Stranger B replied offhandedly.

Jeff listened without looking at them

"Hey good man" Jeff's talk mate said softly, walking to his side.

"There he goes again" Jeff had thought.

"The atmosphere is quite tensed" Talk mate continued, " it seems we all, in here aren't that passionate about this job, since, it's the best of all others." Talk mate concluded.

Getting the attention of the other two by the side.

"Don't know why an applicant for the post of general manager", he said adjusting his tie, "would be mixed up with all others, another remarked proudly.

Jeff's aim is completely opposite, no word could match up with their discussion

"Just gonna work 6 months and bid them bye" a voice came from adjacent their corner, " don't like seeing too many people around me, especially these kinds" he buttressed shifting a bit away from an old woman sitting close to him.

5 minutes after series of discussions had flown, the door was flung open and 3 men had walked in. 

All poised as possibly as they could.

"Time up" the one at the front said initiating an applause as some joined.

"Time up? or you're just starting" Jeff shrugged.

"Well done man" Talk mate patted him on his shoulder.

Confused of whatever Talk mate had said, he watched the old people leaving one after the other.

"Yeah, the interview has ended" the speaker said triggering confusion the more.

"I'm Wesley, CEO of this Institute" he introduced and has continued "this is Mr Johnson," he said pointing, "Mr Williams, Mr Brian, and that is Mr Kingsley".

Everywhere became silenced.

Jeff was fully focused as if reading the man's lips.

"The selection test had started last week and now it's ended" the man explained.

The atmosphere became serious with curious looks plastered on everyone's face.

Brent then came forward "I'm Brent, the human resources manager" he said with a smile, with the aforementioned names, y'all know whom your partner is, therefore your tendency of getting this job lies on whatever you've said or answered and your countenance towards our essence of existence" he ended pointing at the wall caption " We Care for Our Old Humans"

With reality dawn on them, their hands dropped.

Jeff started tracing every inch of his words back to the beginning, right within himself 

"Evaluate yourself now," he paused, "to know if there's further need to wait for the human resources manager for direction to your office."

All calm.

Surprisingly, one after the other some started leaving, except four people including Jeff.

Full of smile " now that the road is clear, you still have to wait as said earlier" he paused smiling at Jeff as Jeff smiled back.

Jeff and others clapped, full of smile as they all left the waiting room

Happily, they sat back still waiting.

July 09, 2020 18:46

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1 comment

Adeboyeku Seun
23:51 Jul 15, 2020

Uhmmm lesson learnt❤


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