Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Fiction Suspense

Ah, so we meet again. I thought it might have been later than sooner, but FATE decided it so.

Looks like she did. So how have you been?

An urgent choice must be made, and you want to make unpleasurable small talk? So very like you.

Ug, so incredibly formal. Loosen up a little would you? This one’s choice will be easy. Life’s been cruel to him. He’ll choose me. Just wait and see.

You do know I hate that phrase with a passion. I do not decide that. Our good friend FATE does. If I had my way, you would not have a job.

You’re being cruel again. Don’t tempt FATE, she’d gladly put me out of my job. And then what will I do?

You might learn a little empathy. Stop the small talk and let the poor man decide. He might just have a little fight in him yet. This time it is up to him and not the ability of those trying to save him. It does not happen often.

He’s going to suffer if he chooses you. It’s long hard road to recovery.

Yet there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. I have not met one person who have been happy when you come. What you bring is grief and misery.

Well, obviously you haven’t been there when they welcome me with open arms. What I bring then is relief and comfort, and occasionally joy.

Most of my occupation revolves around joy. In your occupation it happens like you just stated occasionally. That is the difference between us.

Okay, but how can you argue that joy is better than relief and comfort. If someone has joy, but are uncomfortable, then they aren’t satisfied.

That can be argued both ways. Yes, I may be tough, but after the suffering comes joy.

Yes, the joy of me. Freedom from the suffering. Why are you so cold to me? Can’t we just get along?

You and I are polar opposites. It is either you or me, not both.

But what if it could be both of us?

Do you mean to start the zombie apocalypse? Dead come alive? That sounds unpleasant to say the very least.

Zombie apocalypse? That’s very modern of you. I thought you didn’t always keep up with the times. No, I wasn’t thinking of starting the apocalypse. More like right now. Couldn’t we stay like this a little longer?

This poor man is teetering at the edge of a cliff, deciding to either leap off it or run to the fireman’s arms. It is pure agony, and you would like to keep him in it? How very like you.

That’s such a dramatic metaphor. It’s more like sitting on the fence.

Except the fence is electric and there’s a fire on one side and water on the other.

And let me guess. You’re the water, and I’m the fire.

Not on all occasions. On this one you are though.

A traumatized cop who has almost seen more of me than I have? He’d gladly accept the easiness of my open arms than fight for your cold ones.

Yes, but you are forgetting the most important thing. Love. He has a family.

Everyone has a family.

A loving wife with two children and another one on the way. Do you think that he would simply leave them and go easy?

Well, he’s definitely considering it. He can’t seem to decide which one of us is the best choice.

You would think that choice is simple.

Do you hate me? Am I an enemy to you?

Enemy no. Colleague yes. And sometimes, opponent on a day like today.

That means the same thing.

Well, the connotations are different and that is what matters.

You are so old fashioned. I, on the other hand, get all kinds of new things. You get all the traditional ways, but then, then you get the creative ways. They are the most fun. You are no fun and all tradition.

Actually no. The humans have found all kinds of different ways to keep me around longer. They do not seem to want the same with you.

Excuse me? Have you seen the weapons they come up with today? Today, they are finding like a million new ways to bring me closer. More of me, less of you.

Ah, so you are admitting that we are opposites.

What? No.

I believe you just said “more of me, less of you” meaning if you are around, I am not and vice versa.

But what about right now? Right now, we are here together.

No, we are not here together. Today is an exception. We are waiting for him to decide, either you, or keep fighting for me. Not both. Then I can get on with my job.

But there are other days though, when we’re there together, thanks to human tech. Brain dead, on life support. Paralyzed. In a coma.

Oh, and would you look at that. Both of them feature you and both of them are terrible situations.

You’re trying to change the topic. You’ll see more of me and you’ll just have to accept it.

Ag, you are giving me a headache. Would this man just choose me already? Talking with you is like talking with an idiot. Oh, wait. It is talking with an idiot.

That was a lame attempt. But it was an improvement from last time. So, what have you been up to lately?

I have been busy with all the usual. Babies, car crash victims, more babies, surgeries, plane crash victims, more babies—

Yes, yes babies, I get it. Sorry that I asked. And before you ask, I’ve been busy with all of those too. Seems like we meet again in those types of places too.

Only sometimes it is a race to see who gets there first with things like car crashes, unless FATE has decided prior, which is most cases. So that does not count.

Of course, it counts. We’re both there at the same time! Maybe FATE has decided you and I should be together.

I am not ready to start the zombie apocalypse. So, in your dreams maybe. FATE would not be so cruel to me.

Okay, that one actually hurt. FATE could be cruel to you. She was cruel to this guy. I mean after all he’s been through, look at him! Shot and dying on a surgeon’s table.

He is not dying yet. He has not decided. FATE has not been kind. If he chooses me, I hope FATE will turn his life around.

At least, if he chooses me, I know I will be kind to him. I’ll take him out of FATE’s hands.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe there is some good in you after all. But you will still bring grief and misery to his family.

And you would still bring suffering to him.

I think that if he chooses me, after a little bit of suffering there will be great joy. His family, his unborn baby, his elderly father. After they almost lost him, they will love him a little more.

That is if he chooses you.

Wait, I think he has made a choice. He is reaching out.

He’s reaching out to you with both hands. Congratulations. He chose you. Just as he should have.

That is so unlike you to say.

What can I say? You make a worthy opponent. This one deserves you. Anyway, I should be going. Cheers LIFE. May FATE treat you kindly.

Goodbye DEATH. Until we meet again.

January 11, 2021 20:03

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Tia Jackson
05:21 Jan 19, 2021



Rain Ashford
12:10 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you! <3


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