High School Fantasy Friendship

  There was a time that Humans and Werewolves were in peace. The Werewolves were sweet and caned. They made sure that the humans were safe before they would go to their homes. The human’s mead villages for themselves and the werewolves who’d find a cave nearby so they can protect the humans. Then one man named Alexter has enough of the wild animals named the werewolves.

Alexter has a big plan to give reed of the werewolves. So Alexter got all of the hunters. To hunt down the wild animals. But one kid named Lisa over-hued the hunter’s plan and so she told her parents. Lisa’s parents are going to help the werewolves to escape. So they told the people that helped the wolves and that loved them came to get there.

They have a plan so when the moon was at the highest point. That night they attacked the werewolves. The people that have planned that night helped the werewolves to escape. But they made the biggest cost of their lives: they can stay there and live with gust people or they can go and help the werewolves to escape and never go back to their homes. They made a big choice to help the werewolves to escape from the other humans.

They went west and found a cave that they can stay it is in a forest far away from the village. So they are safe like before the people that helped the werewolves to escape was the woman and they have to live their children and their family’s they were very sad for a moment. But they got happier that they were with the werewolves. Some of the werewolves got very angry at the human’s but they were happy that the sweet and nice humans are with them. The years went by and the werewolves were not that safe they kip moving to different caves every three to five years.

The wolves and the humans were happy they were happier than they found out that some of the women were going to have babies. Some of them were werewolves and the rest of them were humans. But they fond about that the female alpha was going to have a son. The months have passed how it is May they just have there now baby boy they have named. Him Aaron is a nice and strong name.

But Aaron was different from the other werewolf’s pups. Not like an Omega but like an Alpha. Like he was born to lead a pack. The five years went by. Aaron today is your first day to go hunt ending said his Dad.

The first thing that you need to catch is a rabbit. I’ll get a rabbit dad side Aaron thin he herds a nares nearby so he went tries the nares and fond a rabbit. He was going to get the rabbit until. He heard someone behind him. He turned and saw a little girl about the same age.

What are you doing she said and then Aaron’s dad came running.

Aaron gets away from her she is a human Side his dad. So he grabs Aaron and tokes him away. Aaron said bye and went back home with his dad. Aaron’s parents were very mad but they were happy that he was safe. Aaron never forgot that little girl that day and he will always remember what she looks like. 

Nine years went by Aaron is fourteen now and he found a way that he can make his werewolf form invisible from his mom’s and dad’s pack and the human’s. His parents are trying to make him go to school. Aaron is very mad that his parents are trying to making him going to middle school. But if Aaron goes to school. He can make the other humans think that the werewolves are saved to be around.

But Aaron’s side. This is my life and you can’t control what I do. But he side and you are my parents and I need to listen. So I can be a good son. I’m sorry Dad.

I’m sorry Mom. That I yelled at you I have a very bad temper side, Aaron. If I have to I’ll go to school. So we werewolves can be port of the humans like we were before the war. That’s my son said Aaron’s dad.

Middle School is going to start soon but we can yours some of the humans that steed with us to be your parent’s but you have to remember to be like the other humans so you can blind in but you will see us in four year’s Side Aaron’s mother. Ok, I’ll be the very first werewolf to have human parents then Aaron smiles when he side that. But will someone think that there are my real parents? But they have to think that if you are going to blend in with the humans.

But remember that you are special and that you are very different side his mother. But make sure that no one will know that you are a werewolf because they might think that you are dangerous to the other humans but remember that you are a human, Not a werewolf you are a human and you need to asked like a human to be a human you will not show your ears, tall or your eyes to the humans. Even your feck parents my beloved son side his mother. She puts her hand on Aaron’s cheek and side.

I will always love you no matter what happens she side. You shod go and pack up your little thing’s so you can go to school. But remember that you are coming back in fore year’s side his dad. Aaron wants and to go pack up but all he owned was two special gemstones one was a Brent red ruby and the other one was a dark purple amethyst. Aaron put’s the two beautiful gemstones in his front pocket and went to his parent to say good-bay.

Aaron left with his human proteins to go to school and to find a place to stay. Aaron was sad at first but he became happy because he can finally be a normal person all Aaron wanted is to be a human know he can gust be a human. But he needs to know how to be a human in steed of a werewolf they side. 

“Aaron time to wake up it’s time to go to school” Side his new Mother. Her name is Amber a beautiful name for Aaron’s new Mother. “Aaron got up from the floor right this instant Aaron you have to sleep in your bed not on the floor you have to act like a human, not like a wolf” Side his mad Mother. Ok, ok I’ll sleep on my bed, Side Aaron. Ok, Thank you, Aaron and I’m sorry that I got mad at you Side his Mother.

It’s fine Ante Amber I mean Mom, I’m cep forgetting that you are my new Mom said, Aaron. " It’s fine Aaron you are getting used to calling me Mom yet” Side Aaron’s Mom. “You shod get dressed before school the bus is going to pick you up today and I’ll pick you up from school”. ‘‘Is that all right with you Aaron” Said Aaron’s Mom. Aaron gut dressed in his school uniform.

It was a lite Blue and white uniform with lite blue shorts with whites sockets and black shoes. " Aaron you look so nice,” Said Mom. I hate it. It makes me look like that I’m a little kid again Said, Aaron. " Um, Aaron I can see your ears and tall” Mom Side.

Sorry, sorry I’m going to wear a jacket so wean my ears apery. So I can cover them with my hued Said Aaron. “Aaron comes on the bus is hear” Said Aaron’s Dad. I’m coming dad. Bey sees you later.

" Don’t get in trouble” Said Aaron’s Dad. Aaron runs out the door to catch the bus before it drove off to school. Aaron went on the bus and there were lots of kids that were the same age as him so when he went in Aaron went to the very back of the bus. Then they drove off to school there was one more stop before they go to school. they have to pick up a new kid a girl.

She had dark brown hair and brown eyes she had a purple bow in her hair. She was caring three books and a backpack that was purple like her purple bow in her hire. " Can I site her?” She said to Aaron.

Yes of cores side Aaron. Hi, My name is Ava Said the Girl. Hi, My name is Aaron. Have we met before you look very filer like I sow you when I younger Side Aaron? Ava said you also look filer I think that I saw you when I was five.

The bust stop. Ava said Ow it time for school. Hey, Aaron do you want to be friends. Yes, But I never had a friend before said, Aaron. That’s fine I never had a friend either said Ava smiled at Aaron when she said that.

They went off the bus together happily. So this is Dragan’s high school. Said Aaron. Dragan’s is a word school name said, Ava. So let’s go Ava grabs Aaron’s hand run he runs with her in said there was a big case of gold troves. So what class do you have first?

Aaron grabbed his pack back and open it and grades a paper with all of his class. I have M- Ma- Math First and it is in room 207 said, Aaron. Me too said, Ava, This is going to be fun. As she starts walking.

When they went to see one of the staff’s that can show them the way to room 207. Hi, there are you lost Said one of the staff’s. Yes, Um can you show us where is room 207 is? Yes, on the second floor and tack of left and there will be room 207 Said the staff. Ok, Come on Aaron, Side Ava This way. Thank you, Side Aaron.

They find room 207. Class, class lineup said the teacher. Two new students are going with us for the rest of the year. Their names are Ava and Aaron. they came into the class. Hi there, My name is Ava and my name is Aaron. Places tack a set there one at the back of the class and there is one in in the middle. I’ll tack the one in the middle said, Ava. And I’ll tack the one in the very back said, Aaron.

Aaron was having a hard time tacking notes so he can remember them later. And then the bell rand. Ok class time to go to your next room said the Teacher. Aaron waits for his last three classes. when school was over he set by a big tree and when for his Mother to pick him up.

What are you doing Aaron? And he looks up and sows Ava standing there. What are you doing? She said. I’m am waiting for my Mom to pick me up. I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up to ow there she is said, Ava.

Ava is that a boy that I see he better not be your boyfriend Said Ava’s Mother. “MOM” his gust a friend Mom and don’t call every boy that you see me with is my boyfriend. Bey Aaron sees you tomorrow She said. Bey Ava sees you later Said Aaron. Then his Mom drove up and said.

Aaron comes in. Aaron which Ava’s Mom drove of. Um, Mother “Yes”, she said. How do I open the door? You gust grab it and pull gently. And he did. I op-ed a door today. Aaron went in the car and his Mom drove home.

May 21, 2021 19:56

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