Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a summer vacation gone wrong.... view prompt

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Black Friendship Funny

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It's the beginning of summer and already the heat index is on over kill. Every New Years Eve, my resolution is to lose weight so that I can get into a swimsuit with confidents or at lease find a suit I can fit my large bottom in. If I could just move the fat around like take what's on my stomach and push it up to my breasts and not so much on the hips or thighs move that to my butt. Now summer is here, and I haven't lost a pound. Did I think I would, I find out every year that my diet starts tomorrow act runs out of time. Now summer is here, and I am thick as they say, but the mirror says fat. I am not asking the scales opinion. My best three girlfriends decided without my vote to go to the beach this summer. We got a good price on the room at a North Carolina beach front. we could walk to the beach from our rooms, Thank God for small favors. First day going to the beach I thought I was going to have a heat stroke. I wanted to rent scooters, but my friends said that its only across the road. We can walk. I was thinking who put you in charge. When we got to the actual beach, I was looking for any spot with shade like the shadow of someone's large beach umbrella. But a course my besties wanted to put their beach chairs in the ocean water like one of them saw on a television show. So here we are like hotdogs boiling in the heat.

I went back to the hotel three times to go to the toilet and take a shower because my skin felt and was so hot, sticky and salty. When it was time to get ready to go bar hopping I had no more clean underwear. I had to wear my swim suite bottom. I was having a good time drinking and dancing, I had to go to the toilet and that's when reality hit. I couldn't get out of my swim suite bottom it was on me like a pair of too small spanks underwear. it would not come off and I really had to go. I found a nail file and clippers. I tried to cut myself free with no luck. I almost took out my eye pulling so hard. I needed help because I had to go. I texted my girlfriends to come to the ladies room. I confessed the truth about my situation. They were wonderful. everyone got around me and grab a side and pulled together. We couldn't stop laughing.

They looked at me and said that we are in this world together and we are so blessed to have found each other since the eighth grade and stay together through wedding, divorces and child births. whatever comes our way we will handle it together as we always have. Now you have to walk back to the hotel with no panties. We laugh the whole way back to the hotel arm in arm. I was sweating to look good in my eyes and thoughts, none of this mattered to my friends just me. I washed my underwear in the sink and started again the next day.

Morning, the next day for the beach and I am already so tired. Heat really just drains you. I always saw myself in my dreams going to the beach each day with a different and new swimsuit with me looking so good that I would turns heads, the guys couldn't keep their eyes off me, the girls envious. fortunate for me it was only in my dreams. Maybe I should have thought of something else because this did not happen, I didn't even come close. I am still trying to catch my breath from last night. Well, back to reality and heat. Today my goal is less showers before the evening out and getting use to the heat, today I was walking in the sand Infront of this gorgeous man when my foot turned over, I felt like my ankle was broken but I had to look cool and play it off. thank God I had on sunglasses because there were tears in my eyes. A course the gorgeous guy asked me if I was alright. I could only whisper fine. I had to wrap my ankle with my head scarf and hopped away. at lease my toenails were painted nice. My girlfriends said to put my foot in the ocean to cool it off and it may get better.

It was much better that I fell asleep in my chair in the water, big mistake, jelly fish, or yes. I have never seen them in person just photographs. I thought it was a left-over grocery bag that ended up in the ocean. I screamed at the top of my lungs, the lifeguard called for paramedics and that was my second day at the beach. We are only here for five days, and so half of my vacations is over. It just can't get much worst. Maybe on the way to the emergency room we got a flat tire. I felt like the old movies of how everything just goes wrong and so we get out of the vehicle and when I stood up, I really needed to go pee. I thought to myself not again, Luckly we were near a clump of trees near the road so again I needed help to get off my panties to go. One of my girlfriends started to scream she thought she saw a rat. No, it was a skunk. Yes, it sprayed me only because I couldn't get out of the way because of my swollen foot and my panties around my knees from peeing. At first, I cried and yelled and cried some more but then I began to laugh, and so did my girlfriends, Afterall what is a vacation if you don't have a good funny story to tell. I did just want to go home and start over with my swollen foot. I am going back to the beach in my new swimsuit and new attitude. I don't mine the heat, the sand or the humidly. I am just going with the best people I know and love in the world. So, what's a little sweating to look good.

August 10, 2024 02:44

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Suzanne Jennifer
15:29 Aug 15, 2024

Very funny and relatable story. I love the imagery and the endearing relationship between the friends. We all should be so lucky as to have that kind of lifelong support. Sprinkling in lines like "at least my toenails were painted nicely," is a lovely way to show rather than tell the reader the Main Character is an optimist. There are a few grammar errors and the story could use some structural editing for clarity and flow. Your story made me smile and that is the best part. ; )


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