The Secret

Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Write a story about a very skilled pickpocket. ... view prompt

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Roundsview was a small neighborhood in the shape of a cul-de-sac which contained ten homes, all but one big empty house on the corner was filled with families. The buildings were tall, sleek, and colorfully painted. The people were wealthy, sophisticated, and bright. It was the sort of place where nothing was kept a secret because everyone knew everything about one another. 

One sunny afternoon a moving truck caused a commotion of excitement in Roundview. Someone was moving into the empty house on the corner. The families gathered outside pretending to mind their own business while undoubtedly spying on their mysterious new neighbor. They watched a shiny new Rolls-Royce pull into the driveway. A tall, young, handsome man dressed in a suit stepped out. The people of Roundsview soon learned his name was Bard. Bard was a traveler who rarely stayed at home. They invited him to the neighborhood gatherings every weekend only to discover they did not agree with Bards sense of pompous self-admiration. However, they tolerated him every week for Bard would bring his neighbors gifts from the latest exotic or new place he had ventured in. 

As excited as the neighborhood was to receive these wonderful things they continuously warned Bard about the dangers he could encounter from such traveling. There was a pickpocket at large currently in every story of the news. He was picking pockets from different countries all over the world for the past year and there was not one trace of him anywhere. Bards face furrowed with worry but he promised his neighbors he would be extra careful on the next trip. Careful indeed.

While Bard was in Spain one fine summer morning he spotted a young child playing with his mother's diamond ring. The mother tried to pry it from the child's hand causing a tantrum from the child. The loud cries and screams embarrassed the woman who decided it was okay to let the child keep the ring for now. Bard watched this interaction from afar as a familiar urgent feeling began to rise in his heart. As the two walked along the boardwalk, Bard cautiously following nearby, the child placed the ring in his coat pocket and became distracted by a flock of seagulls screeching past. Bard seized this opportunity to whisk by quickly slipping his hand in the child's pocket, snatching the ring, and continuing past them without a care in the world. 

It wasn't until he reached the end of the boardwalk that he allowed himself to turn around. The mother and child were buying ice cream at a shop and had no idea that the shiny diamond ring causing them so much trouble had been removed from their person.

“I’ve helped yet another small family.”  Bard sighed with relief.

His entire ideologies of life were dedicated to helping others with what they could not see. The diamond ring was definitely causing both the mother and child serious distress and now that distress had been removed from their lives. Bard chuckled to himself feeling accomplished for yet again another successful service done to the community. As wealthy as he was Bard did not need his collected treasures for himself. He stayed true to his commitment of giving back to his community by anonymous donations to charities and gifts for his neighborhood gatherings. 

After leaving the boardwalk, Bard decided to go take some pictures at Park Guell a famous tourist attraction in Barcelona. While taking photos he passed a family with four children arguing. The parents left them to sort it out on their own. Bard listened in on the conversation and learned the children were arguing about money. 

“We should split the $400 equally.” one child said. 

“No, its my birthday, I should have half of it and you guys split the rest” said another child.

“Wait, who has the money?” the smallest child inquired.

“I do, see.”  said the tallest child quickly lifting a large wad of bills out of his pocket and pushing it back down. 

Bard felt his brain ticking away. He found a large wood chip on the floor and began walking. As he was passing the children he made sure to accidentally bump into the eldest child. 

“My apologies” he said as he stopped for a brief moment and continued passed the children.

The children stared at him walking away slightly shocked from the interruption of their argument and then continued right along. Bard could hear their voices slowly fade as he walked further off into the distance. He chuckled to himself as he now had the money in his pocket and the eldest child of that family had a wood chip in his pocket. But alas those kids could finally stop arguing over money and could now enjoy their time in Barcelona. Bard learned long ago that money caused nothing but trouble and it clearly was proving to be a disservice to that family. Family was precious and they should be enjoying their time together. This made Bard think of his girlfriend Amy. He decided it was time to start a family of his own.

The following week Bard arrived at the neighborhood gathering with his girlfriend Amy. All of the neighbors loved Amy as much as Bard loved her. So Bard stuck with his decision to get down on one knee and ask the question. He used the diamond ring he acquired back in Barcelona. Amy said yes and the whole neighborhood pitched in to help plan the wedding. Amy was not much of a traveler so Bard pledged to postpone any traveling until after the honeymoon. This was the longest time Bard had stayed here in the neighborhood since moving in. He knew it would be difficult trying not to help out the community here but his future family was his top priority. 

As the wedding preparations were underway, the neighbors noticed a daily recurrence of things going missing. First, little Sara’s cell phone went missing after her parents gave a speech about technology keeping children from exploring the outdoors. Then a neighbors car keys went missing after neighbors complained about him trying to drive after consuming alcohol. Next was someone's wallet, family heirloom, glasses, the neighborhood was beginning to panic. Not wanting to worry Bard during his wedding week the neighbors kept quiet about these mysterious disappearances. 

At the wedding, Bard felt a new sense of excitement as he watched Amy walk down the aisle. The party went off without a hitch. The neighbors were having fun, dancing and drinking. For once Bard was able to walk around socializing without people waiting for the conversation to end. After consuming too much alcohol, Bard’s closest neighbor accidentally disclosed to Bard that his father's expensive watch had gone missing.

“In fact, a few other items have gone missing as well like Lucy’s family heirloom ruby necklace” Bard nodded with a furrowed brow and gave his neighbor a pat on the back. 

“hmm, I'm sure the stuff was just misplaced” He declared with a chuckle. It was better this way, less material things would allow his neighbors to spend more family time together. He quickly slipped away to go dance with his beautiful bride. 

Wrapping his arms around Amy he swung her into a dance.

“Did you hear about all the missing stuff?” Amy asked him with concern.

“Missing stuff?” Bard looked at her almost in a daze.

“What do you know about it?” Amy smiled.

“Nothing, just heard some talking that's all” Bard kissed her on the forehead.

“Lets not worry about other people's problems right now. I want to enjoy this moment with you” The two continued dancing in the silence of each others company. 

The newlyweds spent the next few months adjusting to living together. Bard had never felt this joyful in his life. This feeling was even more special then when he was helping out his community. Maybe it was time for him to focus on his new family from now on.

“Okay honey I’m off to work” Bard turned to Amy with a warmness in his heart as she walked into the room. She was perfect, his everything and she mustn't ever know his secret. He gave her a kiss and she took off.

Amy smiled to herself as she got into the car. She loved Bard so much and she felt extremely bad for lying to him a few months ago. She shrugged and pulled out the expensive ruby necklace she had stolen on their wedding day. Some things are meant to be a secret she smiled to herself as she pinned it around her neck and drove off to work. 

December 07, 2019 03:00

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1 comment

22:30 Dec 14, 2019

I love this idea. Your writing has such a light-hearted tone and it's just a small joy to read about Bard. I love that his brow furrows whenever someone tells him about the pickpocket or the missing things. I love that Amy seems the perfect match for him, even if they're both hiding it from each other. And I physically reacted with a surprised head tilt when I read: "'I’ve helped yet another small family.' Bard sighed with relief." I don't actually think you need the first two sentences of the next paragraph. I realized what you meant and...


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