
This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.


*This feeling, this dread, compressing your chest into a nervous, acidic pulp like putrid, century-old-squeezed orange juiceTM. Hereinafter referred to as “this anxiety.” Subscribers of "this anxiety" may feel worried, ill, and/or not fine. Subsidiaries of “this anxiety” include (but are not limited to) Generalized Anxiety Disorder®, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder® (“OCD”), Panic DisorderTM, and Social Anxiety DisorderTM. Services of this anxiety and its subsidiaries are operated and brought to you by the Overactive Amygdala of the Brain and Early to Late Childhood and Adolescent Experiences, LLC. All rights reserved. ©Since the beginning of time

Article 1 – Service Term and Activation

Service may start at birth. May run indefinitely. Service may also be acquired during substandard life experiences. Service does not take full effect, however, until activated. Activation code: turn1ng13. However, activation may start unexpectedly. In the back of a public library on a Monday. In the freezer section at the grocery store at thirty-six years old as Kiss from a Rose plays. In a humid seventh-grade history classroom. Index card with subscriber’s presentation notes on Abraham Lincoln (who also subscribed to "this anxiety") shaking in their hand. Activation may also occur while solving a complicated math problem. Sweating palms that leave stains on the subscriber’s classroom worksheet, smudging endless rows of the order of operations until you can no longer discern the numbers. One wrong move, and the equation, the subscriber, falls apart.

Article 2 – Duplication

At a later stage in the contract, subscriber may meet the love of their life. Genetic duplications and replicas of “this anxiety” strongly permitted; encouraged. Imprint it on offspring. Weave it into their DNA. Braid it into a tangle the most dexterous behavioral specialists won’t be able to untangle for even one-hundred-and-fifty dollars an hour. Pass it on and on and on until each and every leaf of your family tree is affected. Dry, weak, brittle. Crunching under rain boots on an October evening. No. Not even a walk in the crisp, fall air cleanses the mind. Offspring may/may not claim they got it from you.

Article 3 – Payment

Payment start-dates vary between subscribers. Dependent on activation date, genetic disposition, and/or time of enrollment. Payments to “this anxiety” accepted electronically in the form of: rampant, late-night text messages to a former or current lover, extracting hidden meanings from messages, researching medical symptoms under your covers on your phone at midnight when you feel a slight tingle in your chest. Payments also accepted in person. In person may cause increased heart rate; social anxiety; mixing up of words.

Article 4 – Termination

Termination of contract strongly discouraged. Termination methods include (not limited to): pills, cognitive behavioral therapy (“CBT”), self-affirming statements chanted like a magic spell into your fingerprint-smudged bathroom mirror. Forementioned methods may momentarily discontinue service provided by “this anxiety.” However, permanent discontinuation of service not guaranteed. Once terminated, service may be renewed at the discretion of “this anxiety” without subscriber’s consent. May be renewed anytime, anyplace. Includes but not limited to day or night.  2:04 AM in the dead of night. 3:06 PM in the flour, spice, and condiment aisle.

Article 5 – Liability

Subscriber shall hold “this anxiety” harmless from any and all actions and charges whatsoever. Subscriber may, however, hold harmful everything and everyone around them. Cashiers, small talk, the future. All of which will spell impending doom. No restrictions on how many entities subscriber may hold harmful. So long as "this anxiety" and all of its subsidiaries are held harmless in any and all events. Not limited to psychiatry sessions where "this anxiety" must also be held harmless.

Article 6 – Renewal

All services provided under this "anxiety" are never fresh. Always frozen. Frozen in time, three years ago. A memory the subscriber can't erase. Memories may be permanent. No limitations on the number of times a subscriber can reaccess and replay the uncomfortable/humiliating (and/or) painful memory. The time the subscriber stuttered on the t in telekinesis. Not guaranteed the subscriber is the only one who remembers this moment. Others are thinking about it at this moment. Most likely. Yes they are. Moving on from this memory is strictly prohibited; replays may be redeemed at any time. At night, lying in bed. In the morning. Stirring cake batter. Combing hair. Brushing teeth. Swimming laps.

Article 7 – Auto-enrollment

All enrollments automated at the discretion of "this anxiety." Enrollment may occur at any time for any reason. Reasons include (but are not limited to) early to late traumatic experiences, family history of subscribing to "this anxiety" and its related services, and/or chemical imbalances due to stress or illness. To unsubscribe, click here. Didn't work? Click again. Again. Again. Try again later. To speak with a representative,

Article 8 – Push Notifications

Enable push notifications on the myAnxietyTM app. Reply YES to receive daily notifications on the following: long-ago memories, negative early childhood experiences, the unknown realm of the future. Text STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP to 1-888-anxiety when you've had enough. Until fingers hurt. Until you can no longer type. Data and messaging rates may apply as taxes on your well-being. May feel like lighting storm inside stomach; illuminating its dark hollows. Such sensations are normal; courtesy of "this anxiety" and its related products and services.

Article 9 – Services Provided

Services include heart palpitations, sensation of bugs crawling on scalp, rumination, repeated thoughts, inability to think clearly. Strangers plotting against you. Time of service varies. "This anxiety" not required to provide listed services at any specific time. May occur at "this anxiety's" own discretion. When discontinued, services may continue at any time. "This anxiety" not obligated to notify subscriber of when services will take place again; if they will take place again; and/or how they will take place again. Services provided nationwide; worldwide. We do not discriminate. All welcome, regardless of age, ethnicity, or background.

Article 10 – Terms of Agreement

Subscriber does not agree. They never did.


This anxietyTM and its affiliates. Generalized Anxiety Disorder®, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder® (“OCD”), Panic DisorderTM, and Social Anxiety Disorder.TM All rights reserved. ©Since the beginning of time

February 25, 2023 03:40

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Delbert Griffith
14:55 Mar 03, 2023

This is fucking incredible! As a sufferer of OCD, I can relate to so much of this. Your fragments certainly echo my fragmented reality. Thank you for highlighting these disabilities and for showing how little control we have over such things. I know I'll never conquer my disability, but I also know that it won't defeat me. Nicely done, Liv. Nicely done indeed.


Liv Chocolate
06:00 Mar 12, 2023

Delbert, thank you!!! You're definitely not alone in this anxiety/OCD boat. I'm not sure what I have exactly, to be honest, but I know I've got something! I appreciate you reading this


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19:43 Feb 25, 2023

I love this. I love this so much. As someone with anxiety myself, I loved this concept and I’m absolutely obsessed with its execution. I worship this line “ Subscriber does not agree. They never did.” Amazing work!


Liv Chocolate
05:11 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you so much, Alexandra! Anxiety is the worst and you’re not alone! Hope you’ve found some ways around it 🌈


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Molly Kelash
17:13 Feb 25, 2023

Well done! Truly stuck to using only fragments and created something unique and darkly funny! Bravo!


Liv Chocolate
05:12 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you, Moly! 🧛‍♀️🤡 dark humor is my favorite so I’m glad it came across that way!


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Wendy Kaminski
15:26 Feb 25, 2023

hah! So well-captured and true-to-life, but just as fun as it could possibly come - terrific, Liv, as always! :) My favorite line that makes me chuckle even pasting it: "Cashiers, small talk, the future. All of which will spell impending doom." DOOOM! haha Great entry. :)


Liv Chocolate
05:13 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you, Wendy!! 😁😊 all the little things that give me anxiety


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I am currently subscribed to This anxietyTM's affiliate, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder®, which I was referenced to through the business comorbidity program from this autismTM. This story was so creative and fun to follow. It made me think all the way through, and really reflect on it. I'm glad that I read it!


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Amanda Lieser
04:08 Mar 17, 2023

Hey Liv! How incredibly creative of you! Oh my gosh did this story resonate with me. I loved the way that you introduced us and I thought that final paragraph was spectacular. My mother, a therapist, reminds me regularly that if people could choose, they would not endure their mental health crises. I think it helps us remember the power of empathy. I liked the way this piece felt like something I did not want to sign up for, but have been pushed into. How many times have we REALLY read the terms and conditions? Nice work!!


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Lily Finch
19:15 Mar 01, 2023

Liv, Usually, I would toss the "Terms of Service" out without giving them a second look. Yours, however, caught my attention with "Subsidiaries of “this anxiety” include (but are not limited to)... ...brought to you by the Overactive Amygdala of the Brain and Early to Late Childhood and Adolescent Experiences, LLC. All rights reserved. ©Since the beginning of time." That is a sobering and real deal to the anxiety some feel in life. You're dealing with such a relatively now talked about subject in such a unique way may cause me to look twic...


Liv Chocolate
06:02 Mar 12, 2023

Thank you, Lily! I've read a lot of legal (not for fun lol) so it inspired this story. Thank you for reading as always <3


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Sophia Gavasheli
00:38 Mar 01, 2023

"Not-Fine Print" - understatement of the year. This is so creative, Liv. It really did read like fine print. I love how the story meanders from fine-print-y wording to specific moments/memories(eg "In the freezer section at the grocery store at thirty-six years old as Kiss from a Rose plays.") Some of my favorite lines: - "Services of this anxiety and its subsidiaries are operated and brought to you by the Overactive Amygdala of the Brain and Early to Late Childhood and Adolescent Experiences, LLC. All rights reserved. ©Since the beginning...


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Michał Przywara
00:16 Mar 01, 2023

Mm :) Amusing and skin crawling :) It's a nice light look at a heavy topic, though I suppose dragging it into the light is probably a good thing. The format is very creative. Never thought I'd enjoy reading a terms-of-service :)


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Nathaniel Miller
15:11 Feb 28, 2023

Another fascinating story, Liv. Very well done. Nice and creative use of the prompt, too; would not have considered an atypical "medication" label as being food for a short story, but you've done so in a profound way. Impressive, really, how you're able to breathe life and novelty into even the most mundane of household items. This is also a very interesting look into anxiety. Feels touching, heartfelt, personal. Authentic. And the anxiety attacks the insinuated mc has are heartbreaking. Another great work, thanks for sharing!


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Lindsey B
04:32 Feb 27, 2023

As someone with contamination anxiety, I would have loved a "warning" about how much hand soap you'll use after successful application of anxiety (trademarked). Excellent story, as always! I love how you blend tough topics with humor... It really shows just how tough it is.


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Tara Leigh Parks
03:18 Feb 27, 2023

Such great work. Love all of it, specifically Article 2 and this part of Article 5: "Subscriber shall hold 'this anxiety' harmless from any and all actions and charges whatsoever. Subscriber may, however, hold harmful everything and everyone around them. Cashiers, small talk, the future." Excellent use of the prompt because you used it and created a compelling, important theme in a unique way. Thank you for this inciteful, fun read. It gives me a lot to consider.


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Unknown User
05:34 Feb 25, 2023

<removed by user>


Liv Chocolate
05:51 Feb 25, 2023

I hope you still have that one 🐣 Thank you for your undying support of my craft


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