
“Thank you for sharing that story Sarah, you’re in a safe place now. That’s enough for today,” my therapist tells me in his typical calm and relaxing voice. I grab my jacket off the chair, waving goodbye to everyone I pass. In such a short time, I’ve really managed to make some nice new friends. 

“Hey Sarah!”

I turn around to find some girl from school approaching. I don’t even recognize the voice. I squint and cover my eyes from the overbearingly bright shining sun out today. “Why didn’t I bring my shades?” I think to myself.

Once the girl reaches me, I turn back headed home and begin walking. I hoped that if I didn’t say much, maybe she’d get the hint. Unfortunately, I had no luck.

“Hey! It’s me, Jamie from Biology! How’ve you been holding up? After the whole...fiasco, you know? I know if I was in your shoes I’d be so scared to leave the house,” she explains as she walks along my side, dodging people walking the other direction. “Especially that weirdo, Theo, it must’ve already been hard being friends with him. But for him to be such a creep this whole time under our noses-”

I interrupt her train of thought when I speed up and take a sharp turn down an alleyway, putting up my hood and stepping on a roach crossing my path.

She spits and makes awkward noises from behind me. Must’ve walked into a spiderweb. “Uhhh...is this a shortcut you know or something?” Jamie asks as she follows reluctantly behind me. 1...2...3...4...5. 

             Once I was confident she made enough steps into the dark hallway, I turned on her and rushed to her, covering her mouth with one hand bringing her over to the wall. She begins to fight back but I won’t budge so easily.

“I’ll keep this short and sweet...Jamie was it? Don’t go around talking badly about my baby like that. Theo will come around, I know he will! Now get out of my sight. If anyone asks, we never talked. Got it?” I tell her strictly before releasing her. She falls and breathes in and out quick and heavily. 

             I crouch beside her and bring my fingers to her face. They trail through her hair and slide around her ear. “What a beautiful face. He would love you” I think to myself as I run my finger down her cheek and lead to the rest of her body. She didn't let me finish enjoying her fascinating features, immediately running away from me. Very rude of her.

Once I reach home, both my parents are waiting for me. Ever since the arrest, they’ve been much more caring of me. It feels so fake. This isn’t like them. I ignore their questions about therapy as I remove my jacket. In the corner of my ear however, I overhear the television. 

“Breaking News. Brand new discovery made in the investigation of the kidnappings of Sanction city. 2 weeks ago we had discovered that the police found a new suspect going by the name of Theo Walker. This just in, after carefully dissecting the bedroom of the suspect, the authorities found many condemning pieces of evidence tying him to the crime. Including photographs and notes on every single victim, and even what appears to be future victims of his terrible schemes.” My mom turned off the television. Look Theo, I helped you get on TV, you can finally scratch that off the bucket list.

It’s been 2 weeks now since the kidnappings ended. Tension is still very high. I’ve been going to therapy. They don’t let me see you Theo, it’s messed up really. I forgive you for what you did. Hopefully you can forgive me in return. We can start fresh again like we- like I did in the past. 

I conclude the day's journal entry. Dumping my thoughts in there has been a very nice way for me to collect myself. Maybe I should write a book. Imagine, a book about you Theo, you’d be even more famous. Don’t worry, I’ll make you the main character my love. 

“Now let’s learn more about this Jamie girl,” I think to myself. Finding her on social media wasn't that hard, apparently she’s kind of a big deal. “Oh she has a boyfriend? They post a lot together, how cute.” I scroll past photo after photo, my patience thinning after each swipe. Then I practically strike gold. “She posed in front of her house! I know EXACTLY where this is!” I say to myself while nearly crying from laughter. That was too easy.

The sun's rays shining through my window begin to dim down. The people out and about begin to disperse. “Now’s my chance I guess. No time like the present”. I close my blinds before leaving the room and locking the door behind me. 

“I’m going for my daily jog now that the sun is down and hopefully the heat along with it” I yell to my parents as I grab my jacket and keys, with one foot already out the door. Jamie really made that easy for me. It’s like she wants to be found! I check my jacket pocket, my blade is still right where I left it. Thank god. I know He always has my back, He’s the very one who brought Theo into my life, how could I ever have any doubts? 

I had hoped to reach Jamie’s house right as the sun finished setting but there was no need to rush. By the time I got there the streets were emptied, only being filled with the shadows of the night and the illuminating brightness from street lamps sprinkled around the town. Times like tonight are truly wonderful- no... magical! Yes, magical!

When I arrive in front of her house, my smile reaches across my face, cheek to cheek. I can barely contain my excitement. I haven’t snuck around like this in what feels like forever now. What catches me off guard is that Jamie was already looking out her window. I pull out my knife and wave. Terrified, she runs back inside, closing her curtains and I after a moment her room goes dark. 

“That should get the message across” I say proudly to myself as I begin to walk away from her house. On my way from leaving, I see some boy up ahead of me. Jamie’s boyfriend. “Did he see me? Did he see my weapon? Will Jamie tell him?” my brain frantically scrambles to think of a plan for this unaccounted for intruder.

Before I can think of anything, he already reached me. We lock eyes and share a moment of silence, neither of us moving a muscle. For a second it felt like all time had frozen and the only two people left on Earth were the two of us. 

“Excuse me, uhh Sarah, right? I saw you on the news. I’m just on my way to see my girlfriend, so if you’ll just-” he says as he walks right past me. I know I wasn’t the only one who experienced that intimate moment, he felt something too. He had to, right Theo? I’ll have to remind him of it again. I have to act soon before he forgets. His girlfriend could be a problem though. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. 

I ran back home, almost dropping my phone. But I don’t care. There’s no time to waste.

August 15, 2020 03:46

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