
My temporo-mandibular joint would soon dislocate from its place letting my jaw drop from my face if I continue yawning this way. Damn, that was a good sleep. Why is my mouth dry anyway, as if I never drank water the whole day? Wait, what time is it now? What happened yesterday night? Did I pass out without drinking any water? Why can't I remember anything? What did I do yesterday? Oh yes, Jim took me to the doctor. Damn yes. But his face was awful. I meant the doctor's face. Jim is an extremely pleasant person. Love is all he is sows, love is he earns back. Recently, I could not sleep especially in the night times. I lost my appetite too. Before it turns out to be the worst, Jim as in James Bonnet, my dearest friend took me to the hospital. One thing, I hate the smell circulating around there. Two, I hate my doctor. Dr Stephen Barnes. I hate the way he converses with me, as if he owns all my life. It took half of my life to retrieve myself and my fellow companion out from that terrible hospital.

"What happened?" The doctor asked. 

"He hasn't eaten a proper meal for the past few days. Sleep, No way. I don't know what is wrong with him." Jim replied.

"Well, it is not like that, Jim. I really don't know what is wrong with me. I think it's the spoilt milk." I argued.

"No. That can't be of any problem. I will give you some pills. Dissolve it in milk and drink before sleep." The doctor said. 

"Ah, man. I hate medicines. Why did you take me to this doctor, Jim?" I scowled.

"Now, Will. Stop being rude." Jim replied. Well let me introduce myself. My name is Will. And sorry that is all I have to introduce.

"You will be perfectly alright. I guess it's the sleep." The doctor smiled. 

After nodding our heads constantly to the doctor's advises, Jim and I walked to the front. He opened the door and escorted me like a prince. No one could feel anymore special than that. Trust me. 

"Com' on man. I don't want those medicines. I am perfectly alright." I said. 

"No, let me get the medicines for at least a week. Extras might come handy." He replied. 

"What? Now who is being rude huh big boy? Stop knocking me down with that time." I admit. That pissed me off, but I shouldn't have yelled at him. He is such a nice guy.

"Say whatever you want. I am getting the tablets." Okay I take it back. He is likeable.

And that is how I got a peaceful sleep and no wonder why my mouth is dry as the great Sahana. Wait a minute, is it Sahara? My bad. I am not really good at studies. I never went to school. Well, you can say I never wanted to. Who the hell goes to school and studies the same subjects for twelve years thinking it would help them in their mere future? My opinion, it simply irritates our little brains and adds a pile of distress above the student's heads. Ufff. Can we go back to the best sleep of my life? Thank you.

So, let me get my mouth drenched with some water. I cannot stand the thirst. Oh my God. Who the hell has put that kind of rap music on high volume?

"Hey, shut it down." I yelled. 

Looks like a rock band. Jim hates that kind of music, it can definitely not be him. Who else can it be? I know only one human being living around with that kind of taste. That can be it. Which day it is? Is it Monday? Oh no, then I know who is playing that music. I certainly know and I hate him.

The door knob turned and creaked to open up to a tall fellow with an silver coloured foil covering one of his tooth in the front. His stooping and lanky posture always frightens me away.

"Hey, buddy. You woke up?" 

"You? Peter, what the hell are you doing here? What? Am I having a babysitter now?" 

"Ah, haan. That's right. Now better stay in this room. Just an hour more." And he shut the door right against my face.

"Don't you ever shut the door on my face, you skinny chicken," I screamed. 

Really who does he think he is? My babysitter? Wait a minute. Did I not mention that already? Oh, man. Should I really say something else now? That is not the matter, why am I even pressing my brain over them. Peter mentioned just an hour. What will happen in an hour? What time is it? I think I should ask Jim to fix a wall clock in my room. I will never know otherwise. Wait, let me pull this curtains and check outside. Looks like our neighbour Harrison Ford as started with his routine. Oh it is funny isn't it? No? If I tell you the reason then it might sound funny. Our neighbour, Mark Flockhart is a huge fan of Harrison ford. Whenever he visits our home, he tries to imitate Indiana Jones but accidentally gets whipped each and every time by his wife, Wendy. Basically he is a comedian, he entertains us. But poor soul, does not realise that.

Wait a minute, why is he coming back home? I thought he is leaving to his air conditioner sales. That is what he does for living. But why is he coming back? Loosening his tie? Hugging his kids? Wait a minute. I know this routine, this does not happen in the morning, this happens in the evening. When he returns back from work. What the hell. Did I sleep for a whole day? That is so bad of me. I missed all of my meal for a single day. At least I would like some food and water now. Water. I actually forgot that I was thirsty. Now that my brain reminded me it again, the thirst hit me back. This time very hard. Now I should dramatically beg for water.

"Hey, Pete. I need water. I am a really thirsty man. Please understand."

No sounds of him walking. Really? Is he a sadist? Well, I cannot blame him. That music would pluck your eardrums and turn you into a nomad. He is not getting any money for babysitting me. Such an... Oh, wait. He is coming. Thank god.

The door opened swiftly and he stood there with water and some chicken. Wow, today is the best day. Chicken!

I did not even bother to look behind me when Peter yelled something and locked the door. 

That is the best chicken I have ever had. I can feel my stomach bloating up. Uh oh, I shouldn't have drunk that much of water. And I should again scream for Peter. I think Jim should not pay him any money. Him and his stupid babysitter. 

"Hey, Peter. Could you please come over here?" I yelled. "Again." 

So much respect and courtesy to make sure he opens the door. I feel like a hostile. One day or the other, he will bloody pay for it. 

There he comes. Him and his loud thumping on the floor. 

"What is the matter, Will? What now?" Peter asked. 

"I need to pee, please," I said. 

"I am not gonna fall for it buddy."

What the hell. What do you mean you're not gonna fall for it? This is a life or death situation, mister. My bladder is filled with dirty water, it has reached the brink. If you don't open, it will definitely overflow my friend.

"Please, it is urgent." No other way. Be gentle and plead him. His heart should melt in that way.

"Okay right, come out." He finally unlocked the door and let me out. 

Oh my god. Him and his taste in music. Seriously send this guy to the nearby asylum. I wish they run your ears over a treadmill. Or is it supposed to be other way around? That is not the issue here, ouch run run run.

He has ruining my couch, who let this peter beggar inside our house. Littering all over the hall. But I cannot stand up for my couch currently. Priorities first.

There it is, phew. That is relieving. So, where was I? Peter and his taste for music. I wish I could stuff all those chicken into my ears. Am I not wasting it? Either way, it is inside me, so no problem. Still, why waste the chicken, the most delicious chicken. I think Jim would have cooked the chicken I ate before. That reminds me. Where is Jim? 

"Jim!" I yelled. No reply. 

"Jim Jim!" I yelled again. This time Peter came and stood before me. 

"Can't you be a good boy for another fifteen minutes?" He asked. I noticed a quilt of pleading in his voice. Which usually doesn't happen. By the way, why should I even wait? Oh, I should be asking him that loud.

"Why should I even wait, Pete?" I asked, "What am I waiting for?"

"Ah, man. You never listen to anyone. Do you? Will you stop it now? It is irritating." He turned rude instantly. Seriously I never expected him to plead, but him turning rude was a bit normal. One of the reasons I hated him, the other is his taste for the music which is still playing on top of its volume. And who includes the sounds of bells in their music. But it does sound familiar. I have heard it somewhere else too. Isn't that our house bell?

"Pete, reduce the goddamn volume, will you?" I yelled at him. 

"Right, I’m relieving now." With that reply, he went to the front door. I had no other option than to follow him. 

The door opened and let in a handsome guy dressed in a stylish blue suit. He was holding something big in his hands. What is it? Now is not the right time to blind my eyes Mr Sun. I recognize the face. The wave of energy inside me after the sight of that guy was unanimous. I realised how long an hour could be, right after seeing him. How long I waited. Oh, wait a minute. This is what Peter told the other time. He meant Jim would be returning! But why the cake? It looks like a cake for me. Delicious. Yum yum. 

"Jimm! Heyy! You're here! Oh my god! You're here!" I jumped here and there in excitement. Trust me when it comes to Jim, nothing is else important to me in this world. He took his wallet out and counted some hard cash to give Peter. I did not like the idea, but still, Jim's presence made me forget all of them.

"Ha! There you go, my boy! I hope you behaved very well. Come here Will." 

That's it I used up the chance to leap on him and slurp all over his face. 

"Aw! I missed you too! I love you, Willie Will!" He said. 

"Me too! I love you too Jim! I was waiting for you a long while!" I said.

"And happy birthday buddie! You're turning four!"

He remembered my birthday! Which I am not very talented at. Still, it is my birthday! I got blinded by happiness and a combination of excitement and drowsiness. I did not know how to react. So I jumped on him, licked all over his face and cuddled him with love. Woof!

And I barked in happiness. You are my family. You're my world. I love you forever Jim!

July 10, 2020 12:02

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