
Content warning: violence


The convicts

“It’s the second season of Released! with even bigger and more exciting challenges than last year! We’ve got six new convicts from female prisons and six new convicts from the men’s prisons!” The dapper TV host directed the camera attention to 12 people in prison jumpsuits stood in a line. They had cuffs on their wrists and ankles and a metal contraption circling their neck. The host was a dapper man and spoke in loud, enthusiastic bursts and wore a huge grin, displaying unnaturally white pearls.

“Now these 12 people were all convicted of horrendous crimes but, we at the studios are giving one lucky convict the chance to obtain their freedom and have a second chance at a normal life! These convicts have been nominated by their prison and have been selected throughout the year after a process of rigorous testing. We have selected 12 of the most cunning, abhorrent monsters that ever existed”.




“Who are you placing your money on guys?” Robbie posed this question to his two other mates who were drinking beer and hardly paying attention to the spectacle on the screen.  Harrison quickly scanned the bunch of convicts as the host began to explain the roles.

“The man with the lanky hair. Kinda homeless looking.”

“Number 6?”

“Naa number 9”

“I reckon 11 looks pretty rough.” Michael suggested.

“Of course he is” Harrison said. “He’s a convict.”


Task 1


“TASK 1” came onto the screen in big bold letters. The host began to talk.

“In this task, the contestants will have to keep one of these.” He held up a novelty gold key which was comically large. “They have to keep hold of these for 60 minutes. But, there are only 10. Meaning of course, that two of these contestants won’t be able to advance to the next task. In one minute, the handcuffs will be released, and the convicts set free.


The clock was counting down. The convicts were bracing themselves. Ready to pounce. The keys were all sat on a table that was placed in the middle of the street. The clock go to ten, five, three, two, one- when it got to zero, all of the cuffs clicked and fell off the convicts. Five of the convicts, two of the women and three of the men ran immediately for the table, picked up a key and scarpered. Some of the remaining convicts had been prevented from running towards the table as they had been grabbed by one of the others and a fight had now broken out.

“This is the kind of thrilling action we wanted folks and it’s started already” The host was ecstatic.

One of the women was being held down by two of the other women. She managed to wriggle free one of her legs and then thrust her foot forwards into one of their midriffs. This caused the convict to fall of her gasping for air. This convict looked around. Saw four men fighting and looked towards the table with the five remaining keys which currently had no one else standing around it. She got up and ran towards the table. She stood for a moment staring down at the golden keys. The other convicts had remained fighting. She laughed and wondered why the five before her had not done the same thing. She picked up all five remaining keys and fled.

“Wow no look at that! Number five has taken all the remaining keys and she’s gone!

After hearing this exclamation, the remaining convicts ceased fighting.

“Where did she go?” Number nine said. Directing this question towards four and two.

“I don’t know.” Four spat. “This big old bitch was sat on top of me.”

“If you hadn’t kicked her away”

“Couldn’t kick you off you fat bitch.”

She received a fist to the nose for this comment. In retaliation to this, she thrust her knee into two’s crotch. This doubled her over giving four a chance to run away. She had seen which direction five had gone, but there’s no need to let the others in on this.


Five had run a few blocks away and had to stop to catch her breath. She looked around to find somewhere to hide. She considered asking a pedestrian to swap clothes so she would not stand out in a jumpsuit. She doubted they would agree to this though but if she got violent with them, she was warned this would mean disqualification. And then, she felt something heavy connect with the back of her head. She fell forward on to the floor and then the blows continued. Four had been following her without her realising. Now she was caving her head in with a brick she had picked up in the street.


“And number five is OUT! Four has taken her out of the contest and taken the keys for herself!”


The task carried on without much more excitement. The six contestants who held the keys and managed to conceal themselves well enough that the others had not managed to find them. The clock whittled down to zero. Time was up.

“Well there we go folks, 10 potential places only taken up with six people! Let’s hear it for the others who will not be advancing any further.”

The last five without keys began to tug in vain at the metal around their neck. And then, it tightened on each of them. Crushing their windpipe and squeezed the life out of them. Once they were dead, studio staff members came to collect their bodies.


“There’s task one guys and what a task that was! We’re gonna go for an ad break now but stay tuned for task two!”




Task Two


The screen displayed; “Still in the game – No’s 5, 2, 3, 7, 11, & 12.

“Alright folks are we ready for task 2? For this task, we have six cards, each with a letter on them. Each number represents the challenger that the contestants will battle against. And here are our six challengers” Six people appeared on to the screen wearing T-shirts with large white letters A was a large bulky man who was introduced as a vicious killer. B was a bulky woman who was also introduced as a vicious killer. C was not as fierce looking and was given the nickname; “the pensioner poisoner”. D was a bank robber; E was a woman who had killer her abusive husband with a hammer and F was a fifteen-year-old boy who was arrested for selling drugs for his stepfather.

“The contestants will pick a number which will match them with their challenger! Once selected, they then fight. TO-THE-DEATH!”

One by one, the contestants picked their number and then the fight began. Number 3 went up. She picked B. The woman she matched with was three times the size of her and she was visibly terrified. There was a large boxing ring that both contestants went into. No.3 was staring around her, looking at the all people in the crowd cheering. She looked B in the eyes. She was ready to kill. 3 had never killed anyone in her life. Not intentionally anyway. She knew the game was over for her now. She could hear people in the crowd laughing too. They knew she was done for. One guy was catcalling her. He held glass beer bottle in his hand. As quick as a fox, she leapt out of the ring towards the man who was too shocked to react as No.3 grabbed the bottle, smashed it on top of his skull and then stuck the broken bottle into his neck.


Almost immediately after the glass pierced his throat, her neck clamp had tightened, and she was on the floor gasping for air. They crowd was in chaos. The host, slightly panicked, signalled for the studio staff to collect both bodies. And the show commenced.

Five went up against E and was victorious after she pinned her to the floor and throttled the life out of her. 2 Went up against A lost after he picked her up and slammed her head against the floor multiple times. 7 went up against D and won. 11 went up against C who he won by mercilessly beating him to death. Finally, 12 went up against F. He stared at the young boy who was stood as far away as possible from him, trembling. The crowd were jeering at him and demanding no. 12 wring his neck. For a long while, the two just stared at each other until, eventually, 12 turned around and exited the ring. It seemed the crowd were expecting another assault, so they all moved back and gasped. However, 12 just walked away. The host gave him another chance to come back. But 12 kept walking until his neck clamped tightened, ending his life.


The finale

Final three contestants: 5, 7 and 11.


“So we’re down to the last three ladies and gents. For this task, we have decided to leave it up to the voters to decide who will be crowned the victor for this years’ Released!” The host moved over to the three contestants who were now chained to chairs. It was clear from their faces they were not expecting this to be a public vote as all three were visibly panicked now.

“Before we start voting, lets find out a bit more about our final three”. He shoved the mic into no.11’s face.

“My names Dennis. I-I what do you want to know?”

“How long you been in prison for Dennis?”

“8 year so far.”

“What do you get up to in prison?”

“What do I get up to in prison? Well, I work in the kitchen I guess.”

“And what did you go to prison for Dennis?”

“I killed my wife and her lover when I found them in our bed?”

The crowd made an “oooing” noise at this statement.

“Do you regret doing this Dennis?”



He asked the other two a similar round of questions. No. 7 was Sebastian who had spent four years in prison for armed robbery. No.5 was called Alana and had been in prison for three years so far for burning down her ex-boyfriend’s house, injuring both him and his new lover. She also regrets her actions and told the camera she was suffering from mental issues at the time.


The host stared at the camera and announced that now was the time to commence the first round of votes. “You have five minutes to get your votes in. By using the app, vote for the person you do NOT want to see win. GO!”


The five minutes ended. “Time is up, your votes are in. It’s a close one ladies and gents!”.

The crowd went silent.

“In third place this year, we have-“A pause for dramatic effect. “No. 11!” The crowd started applauding. This applause continued as No.11, Dennis, had his throat crushed and was dragged out of sight by the staff members.


“Two left folks! Give a big cheer for these years two finalists, No.5 and No.7”. The crowd cheered.

The host began to ask them both more questions. How old they were, what hobbies they had, did they get visitors when they were prison? Favourite food? Favourite colour? What did they miss about real life when they were in prison?

“Final question.” The host announced. “What will you do when you get out of prison?” The mic moved to No.5.

“I-um. I don’t know I would get a job, I guess. Adjust back to normal life, y’know?”

“Anything else?” The host asked encouragingly.

“Whatever there is to do I guess, i-“

“Thank you No.5” He moved on to 11. “How about you 11?”

“I have been missing my Mother. She got ill over the past couple of years while I’ve been in prison. So, I would do my best to fix myself up and look after her now to make up for what I’ve done in the past.”

There was a loud “aww” from the crowd.

No.5 started rocking about as much as she able to in her chair. “He’s lying” she screamed. “He doesn’t have no goddam sick mother and if he did, he won’t bloody look after her!” She went on screaming and shouting as the audience began to boo her and shout insults. The host tutted and turned to face the camera, blocking the convicts from view.

“All right guys, final decision. Get voting, this time, vote for your winner!”


The clock ticked to 0. The host beamed at the camera.

“Votes are in and finalised. Hasn’t it been an exciting show this year everyone?” More applause. “And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The winner is.” Long pause. “NO. 11!” More applause. No.11 was released as no.5 got the air forced out of her body. The host held up 11’s hand into the air and began to talk to the crowd about the show this year and plans for bigger and better for the next contest.




Who did you guys vote for? Robbie asked.

“I went for five. Didn’t believe 11.” Harrison responded.

“I went for 11” Michael said. “Five was annoying, don’t you think?”

“I little I guess.” Robbie said. “Ah well” He flicked the TV off. “Fancy going to the pub?”


August 14, 2020 11:13

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Barbara Burgess
09:13 Aug 21, 2020

An intriguing story and wonderful take on the prompt! well done.


Lee Dickinson
17:56 Aug 21, 2020

Thank you:)


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