A Tale of Two Cities

Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'A Tale of Two Cities'.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Fiction

I was born in Staten Island, New York. I love where I come from. Some of the best parts about me are because I'm from this city. People say New York is the city that never sleeps and its honestly not far from the truth. There's an energy in New York that you won't find in other cities. As a writer, I have the advantage of living almost anywhere I choose to. It was soon after college that I realized to stay in this city would require me to get a second job if I was to live here comfortably.

I knew just about everyone from my old neighborhood. My Gram still lives in Stapleton, in the exact same house where she raised her four children. One of those children just happened to be my Mother. Gram had gone to school there, learned to drive there after her husband of thirty five years passed away suddenly from cognitive heart failure.

Most of my immediate family moved away years ago, some live in Queens, a few in New Jersey and my younger sister now calls Virginia home.

I was faced with a harsh reality. Do I stay in New York and struggle or find myself a new city?

This was when I talked a few of my good friends into taking road trips with me. At the time, most of us were twenty two and had saved enough that we decided to visit the South. It wasn't hard to see why people liked it down there. The weather was better, the people were good natured and the scenery was incredible.


Florida was never my first choice when it came to a change in location. Don't get me wrong, I liked it there alright. What's not to like? Palm trees swaying in the breeze, crystal clear water at every beach and sand so white, my eyes popped out of my mind when I first laid eyes on it.

My first trip to the sunshine state, I stayed in a condo in a town called Hudson (with three of my best buddies) the views were unbelievable. Early in the morning, I'd take my coffee and laptop and sit on the balcony watching dolphins swimming nearby. I remember thinking how can places like this exist? Most mornings I could write several pages before anyone else was even awake.

All the fresh air and beautiful scenery seemed to inspire me.

Less than two years later I returned to Florida. This time I went to Vero Beach. I had a friend Debbie that moved there shortly after high school. She had a guest room in her small bungalow that she normally used as her art studio.

We were nothing more than friends in New York but here I could tell she wished for so much more. One night after we had barbequed, Debbie leaned in to kiss me and I stopped her.

"Its not that I don't like you or think your cute, cause I actually do. But I need us to remain friends."

She turned her face away from me and I was afraid I had blew it in the friend department.

"I'm sorry. It never occurred to me..."

"Stop it Rick! You don't have to take pity on me now. I feel bad enough already."

I gently touched her hand. She looked at me through tear soaked eyes.

"I always thought you knew I liked you. I feel like such a fool."

"Why? For being human? You did nothing wrong. And your certainly not a fool. I mean I can see how I may have given you the wrong impression. Lets forget the whole thing ever happened."

"Ok, thanks for being so cool about it. Now help me dry these dishes or I'm gonna start charging you rent." We both laughed as she washed and I dried at her kitchen sink.


I returned to New York and began working for a local magazine. The pay was decent and it suited me just fine but I had always wanted to write a book. I phoned my Gram and told her I was coming to visit. She was thrilled. That night we sat together in her kitchen and I told her all about my last visit to Florida. She made us grilled cheese with tomato soup and suddenly I felt like a ten year boy again. I watched her at the stove and I thought back to a summer day long ago, when my parents wanted some time to themselves. My brother had gone out with his friends but my sister and I stayed over Grams. That day she told me stories about my father. I learned about his stubborn streak and then we ate our sandwiches together. Every visit with Gram was always memorable. This time I did most of the talking and she just listened.

We had coffee and crumb cake that I had brought from Grams' favorite bakery.

I stayed late but I now had clarity about my future.


My third trip to Florida, I went to Naples. Now this was my kind of city. I was now twenty nine and writing mostly freelance. This allowed me the freedom I craved to do two things I generally loved, writing and traveling. This was also the trip that made me fall in love with Naples. There were so many reasons why. Long days spent down by the water. I fished, I walked, I rode bikes and this city was more beautiful than any of the others.

Then after I was in Naples for almost a week, I met Megan. We just bumped into each other. There I was about to leave an ice cream parlor named "The Salted Cone" and I was looking down as the chocolate melted on my shorts. She was heading towards me but dropped her keys on the tiled floor. I got colored sprinkles all over her blouse. "I'm really sorry. I didn't see you there." I told her.

She smiled and my heart felt like it fluttered inside my chest.

"Its ok, I wasn't even paying attention." She lifted her keys off the floor and glided right passed me. I wanted to say something else but my tongue felt broken. So I took my cone and left the store. When she returned to the sidewalk, I was waiting there. My ice cream was still melting and she offered me some napkins.

"You always this nice to strangers?"

"No, not always. But you looked like you needed help. Isn't this place the best?"

"Yeah, its awfully good." She smiled again.

"What part of New York are you from?"

I laughed. It seemed every time I opened my mouth some local was asking me this.

"I'm from Staten Island. I guess I really couldn't hide it if I tried." Now she laughed.

"No, not even if you tried. I'm Megan. I have some family in New York."

"Wow, that's interesting. I'm Rick, are you in a hurry?"

"No, its my day off."

We walked as we finished our ice cream and Megan told me all about her family in Queens. She had first cousins there and she missed them dearly. I told her about my older brother who now lives in New Jersey with his wife and daughter. She asked me about my parents. I filled her in. My Mom had passed in 2012 and my Dad was soon after that. He never got over her and just couldn't go on without her.

We spent most the day together. Megan showed me some local restaurants and we shared a lobster roll at a cute little beach hut down by the water.

Seeing the city with someone just made it that more appealing. I walked her to her car and asked her if she was free for dinner.

"Maybe, it depends." She answered. I stood there trying as hard as I could to come up with a reply. Then I just leaned down, closed my eyes and kissed her.

When I opened them, she was just staring at me.

"So, will you join me for dinner?"

"Yes, I'd like that."


My return trip home, was not like all the others. I missed Megan. I missed the city of Naples and the state of Florida. How had this happened? When I entered my apartment it seemed smaller than usual. I called Megan before I even unpacked. When I got her voicemail, I was more than disappointed. I opened a few windows, sorted my junk mail from the bills and then phoned my Gram. She invited me to dinner but I had to take a raincheck, because I was exhausted from the flight.

That Sunday I stopped at her favorite bakery and went to have dinner with my Gram.

"Your early. Dinner wont be until six. Come in, Rick."

We walked into her den and I started pacing the floor. Gram had a look of concern on her face.

"I'm glad I'm early. I wanted to talk to you about something."

Gram pointed at her sofa. "Sit Rick, please your making me nervous."

So I did. I watched Gram lower herself slowly down to her favorite arm chair. She sighed deeply when she did this.

"Gram, first of all its not bad news. You know I've been spending a lot of time in Florida. I just came back from Naples. And I swear this was the best time I ever had there."

"I see, so was that it?" I shook my head but Gram stared me down.

"Ok, well, I really like it there. Its got everything I could want in a city. Its warm, the beaches are the cleanest ones yet and I swear the palm trees sway just the right amount..."

"Would you stop being so dramatic! I had a feeling this was coming. All I want is for you to be happy. And if that means Naples, well then you go and live your life."

I leaned forward and took her hand in mine.

"I will miss you terribly. You know that right?"

"Well, yeah but I'm not dead yet. You and this girl come and visit me as often as you like." I kissed Gram on the cheek.

"How did you know there was a girl?"

"I was young once and that look in your eyes is not just for a new city. So, are you going to tell me about her?"

I smiled. And then I told Gram how Megan and I met. She said it was pretty romantic.

Four days later I returned to Naples. Megan and I had our second dinner together.

It was one of the best nights of my life. The next day I asked her to move in with me. And we've been together ever since.

May 02, 2024 19:04

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