Your Guitar Is the Tune to My Words

Submitted into Contest #72 in response to: Write a romance where your character falls in love with the last person they expected to.... view prompt


High School Romance

Hello and Happy Holidays. I hope you are doing well. Just to let you know, this story was rushed. I hope you do find it somewhat enjoyable. God bless you. :)

I watched the hands of the clock go tic...tic...tic. Anticipating when we were to be finally let out. It was Friday to my delight, and only 10 minutes away from freedom.

Every single day from now, Mrs.Fritz always forgot to assign us to partners for a project. This was her first time giving us group work. Her reason behind it? The world may never know, but her.

Tic...tic..tic. Another 3 seconds, why does time insist on going slower when you need it to run? This I will probably never know. I glance back at my teacher, her curly head turned from us, as she wrote big letters on the board.

Then she went on to say, " Where words fail, art paints a beautiful picture and music speaks.” (Adding to- Hans Christian Andersen)

She approached the rows of chairs in her heels.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the topic of your project, that I'm least happy to say, none of you reminded me of." I direct my eyes away and a few people signed. I was one of them.

Others start to whisper, relaying their unpleasant thoughts of the matter. Group work simply wasn't something we're used to. For this class anyway. I wanted to be here, of course. Music to me is life. It's my way of coping when there's nothing else for me. Especially after...

"Julian" Mrs.Fritz called. My head pops up. Mrs.Fritz had a stern look on her face. I slowly stood up, heart-pounding as the class turns to look at me. Some with uninterested eyes and others distasteful. I forgot that I was unwelcome here. They think I wasn't serious about this class and I don't blame them. Curse my stage fright. Curse my stammering, and my shaking and my... "Julian!" I quickly look up again. Mrs. Fritz was furious but didn't say anymore. The class giggled.

She points to the box beside me. I turn to pick it up and brought it to her desk. On my way back a foot suddenly shot out. I single handily (with my feet) hopped over it. While smiling to myself I tripped over something unforeseen. I landed on the floor. The class laughed and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I turned to look. I expected feet. But it was a backpack. I know right, lame. In my defense, it was one of those huge backpacks that seemed to have bricks laying inside.

Mrs.Frits hushed the class.

"Now, in this box are the names of the girls in all my classes. Boys, you can figure the rest out, I hope." And we did. One by one we came up. I went to last.

"Their student numbers are on the bottom, email them, and set up a time to create your work ¨ That was when the bell chose to ring. Great timing. The class emptied. Students, meet up with their friends, and some share who they got. I stayed behind and opened the crumpled paper. I wrinkled my nose. Riely Davis.

It was evening. I was slumped in my wheelchair, thinking of what to say to Riely-my partner. Yes, we know each other. No, we don't like each other. I sighed.

" Dear Riely..." I started typing. Then deleted it. Too formal.

" Hey, Riely." Ok no, we're not friends, I don't say 'hey' to just anyone. Maybe a hello would work. 

" Hello, Riely. I'm your partner for the Musical arts class. My name? I am Julian Stewart" Don't laugh at my name, it was my parents' idea. " We don't have much in common but we are partners, so please don't leave me hanging and create some music with me. If I say please you have to say yes. Please? Yes, it is me. Julian. Your partner."

I hit 'send' before I can reread it and go on another endeavor on what to write. I'm good. I began to get up when I heard a ping. Well, that was quick.

I open it, expecting to see a long list of why she won't do it. What I saw wasn't bad. Nope. It was worse. All she wrote was "NO," In all caps mind you. I don't think anyone likes that.

I emailed her back.

" What do you mean no? Its a project, 50% of our grade? Are you willing to lose that many points?"


" No, I'm not. Which is why I'll ask for a new partner."

I typed back.

"You know her decisions are final."


" There's always away. I don't want to work with you."

I type back furiously

" Why?!"


" Because Julian, you're not even serious about music!"

"Yes, I am!"

"Prove it!"

"I will!"



Then it all stopped. I furrow my brows. I´ll definitely prove it.


Can anyone blame me if I say, 'easier said than done?'

It had been a week already. You didn't miss much. We met up, we argued, she danced while painting and we argued more.

I looked up from my guitar as she came up with a new dance. That's another thing. We worked separately. Which wouldn't help.

I set my guitar down and went towards her.

"We should be working together," I said.

"We should, but you're not sharing your music." Her brown curled bounced as she danced. Left foot up, left foot down, right foot to the front.

"Because you started without me."

She said nothing. I sighed, hopeless. Then she unexpectedly tripped over her feet. Did I mention she's a bit clumsy? She began to fall, but I caught her. She looks up at me quickly. Her pine green eyes staring at me in surprise. We stayed like that, and my heart skipped a beat. But that wasn't worth mentioning. I lift her and she awkwardly steps away.

"How about this. We share what we have then found a way to combine it." I suggested.

She looked up in though then started nodding. 

She followed me to my seat. I played some cords. She slightly sways to the melody, that fast and slow tunes. She looked up from the sheets and smiled.

" You never told me you could play so well." She said

 "You never asked."

She frowned again. That made things better.

Then she showed me her dance. I watched as she moved, well with no music. I was intrigued and I smiled. She noticed and replicated my smile. Oh no, it's starting again. His hair bounced as she did her last turn. I clapped and she bowed.

"What do you think?"

 "It's good, but the song isn't that long, if you're to dance and paint that long, you have 3 minutes to do so."

" Don't underestimate these feet" She wiggled her fingers quickly.

I chuckled and put her hand down.

"What? Do you think I can't match your pace? "

I shrugged, but the smile never left my face. Her hand, which I was still holding slipped out of my hand, to my dismay, as she got up.

She nodded towards my guitar. "Play something with the same fast pace. And I did. She didn't disappoint. She matched the pace well. I watched in anticipation as she twirled and moved as she placed her foot here and there. The final cords went quicker and quicker. So did she. Arubltbly I stopped. We both were breathing heavily, a crazy smile brightening up our faces.

"Amazing." I breathed and her cheeks flushed pink. Let's hope she in the same boat as I am.


I went to get water after practice. We were getting closer to completing things... I almost had forgotten my stage fright. Almost. When I came back, it was all over my mind.

I handed the bottle to her. Her fingers lightly brushed mine and I didn't notice that she had looked up when It did. I sat down. Riely glanced at me. "Something bothering you?"

I glanced at her. "That noticeable?"

"Written all over your face."

I chuckled with a deep weight on my heart. It was silent between us for a second, before I suddenly said, "I have stage fright"

I look at Riely again. She was slowly nodding. "We all get a bit anxious when we performed."

I shake my head. "I get nervous, I can't speak, I start shaking and can't strike a chord."

She smiled sadly at me.

"Well for one, you won't be singing anyway. Two how are we going to play in front of the class then?"

I ran a hand through my hair. " I don't know."

She places a hand on mine. "I... have an idea."


"Here we are!"

"A restaurant?" I asked

"It's the place me and my friends come to play."

"Why?΅I asked her. I can't even play in front of my peers In front of random strangers? I think not.

"To get experience. Also, it's my parents' restaurant, the customers like to see dances and hear music. It's where I get my gas money from."

I chuckled as I watched her eyes light up as I did. I cleared my throat.

"What am I doing here."

"To get the experience she said."

I wiggled my finger at her.

"I don't dance"

"But you do play."She said mentioning my guitar. I have a sinking feeling about this.

A few days go by as I spend hours in Riely restaurant, trying to find the courage to play. Instead, I would turn my backs on the viewers and run to the back sweating. That's what I did just now.

I was in the back, I was angry, furious even! What's wrong with me? Cant I play something? Anything? Why am I still having this problem, It been 4 years! I guess you don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Good. It was an embarrassing moment for me.

Riely came in after a few minutes.

" Julian." She called. I ignored her.

"Julian, come on. Try again."

"I can't!" I roared. I turned back to continue, but I saw the hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. But I really can't" I said softly.

Her sad, pity smile came back. It made my stomach turn. I didn't want anyone's pity. I just don't want to play anymore.

"Why can't you play?" She asked.

I shrugged, not trusting myself to speak.

"There's always a reason why?"She said

I shake my head. 

Jullian, work with me here

I already tried that. I was right not to trust my mouth.

I turn to her worriedly and saw the same sad look in her eye turn into anger

" Well, I'm sorry to disappoint! I'm sorry I tried!"

She turned to leave, but before she did, in a low, and disappointed voice she said, "I expected too much from you." Then she left. Ouch

I did it again. The one thing I avoided. Disappointment in people eyes

That day I went home gloomy, well gloomier than usual after what happened between me and Reily. My heart was heavy. I was worried about her. And for once, I couldn't dent what I felt for her. Or what I started feeling for her. My shoulder sinks further. She probably never liked me.

I entered the door greeted my mom, then climbed the steps to my room. After an hour of crying, I heard music being played downstairs. Just kidding. Well, maybe just a tear slide down my face. I skipped down the stairs to see my mother with a guitar. My brows shot up in surprise as I admired her from afar. Once she finished, I was still staring.

"You'll catch a fly." She said. I shut my mouth quickly and went to sit by her.  

"You played."

She nodded.

 "I followed you today." 

I whipped my head towards her.

"Mom, that's creepy." 

She shoved my arms playfully and I grinned.

"When you were little, you loved playing. You played for anyone and everyone. You love it."

I nodded, not saying anything.

"You are exceptional."

"Maybe then, but not now," I said more to myself than her.

She went on to declining my statement.

"When I saw you on the stage today, you looked happy, but then your fear came over. You had that same look in your eyes, you did four years ago, Julian."

"I didn't want to disappoint people by playing."

"Why would you disappoint? Your music is great," she exclaimed

 "That's not what dad thought! " I rose from my seat to go back to my room.

"Jullain your father loved your music," Mom said quickly.

I stopped in the hall. My mom went on.

"He was sad that you let fear take over. When you stopped playing for yourself and others because you let a few comments hurt you.΅He wanted you to be stronger."

I left, not saying anything. Those words played back in my mind over the night. Then I concluded. Riely was not disappointed because I didn't play. She was disappointed that I pushed her away when she tried to help. I have forgotten what I did to my dad that day. Man am I lame.


The following day, I made a decision. I would play. I know I said that but I mean it this time. I went down the stairs. My mom was in the kitchen, the guitar was gone and food was placed on the table.

When she saw me, she smiled. I gave her a small smile.

"Good morning, hon."

"Good morning mom."

Silence passed between us, the sizzling pan filling our ears. And my nostrils. Is that bacon I smell? 

Then finally I said, "I'm sorry for last night."

She didn't look back.

"You're already forgiven."


" No buts. Eat your breakfast."

"Mom, I'm sorry"

"Julian, I know, and like I said I forgive you. I know talking about this is hard for you. And I'm proud of you for trying again in the first place" She smiled 

"It was Riely's idea?"

Mom sets more plates down. What is this dinner?

"Riely, the one you don't get along with?" 

My cheeks redden. My mom saw it.

"Ooo, what is this?"

I shake my head, sat down, and started stuffing my face. She didn't say anymore, but it was apparent on her face that she already knew. Then her eyes landed on my guitar.

"You're going to play today? "

I nod my head. "For Reily, "I said before I could stop myself.

"And for you too!"I said quickly

She smirked once more

 "I'm sure you will. I appreciate it."

I chuckled.

"I'll play for dad too, "I said softly. 

"You go do that. Do it exceptionally" My mom said.

And I did.

At school, I tried to talk to Reily but she ignored me. Of course, she's still mad. I would be too. So for the whole day, I waited to go to the restaurant.

After school, I walked there. When I got there, Riely was just finishing a song.

"And I saw you, looking at me with those brown eyes." She sang

I have brown eyes, I thought in my mind.

" They glistened, the sparkled as you whispered your sweet words. I thought we've gone to the impossible, where 2 can love without feeling cold. But now I only have a quiver of hope that Your brown eye will look into mine again." 

She finished and the place erupted with clapping. My heart dropped at her words. I began walking up to her, hoping to apologize and make things right. She was surrounded by her friends. They stopped talking once I was near.

They looked back at me then Reily.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

Reily gave me an icy glare then walked away. Her friends shrugged and followed after her. That's what I expected. And that's what I would leave it at if I were the old Julian, but now I've slightly changed my mind. I was also going to change hers

I went up the stage and a few people who recognized me whispered. 

Let's say they're bad at whispering.

"Can he even play?" I heard one say then cast a glance at me.

I'm having a feeling of Deja vu, but that didn't stop me.

I looked to the crowd and say, Riely. Her eyes anticipating, waiting to see what Id do. She looks somewhat hopeful. That's all the motivation I needed.

At first, I started slow, getting into it. Then I played faster and faster and faster, as my fingers glided along the strings. The melody sounded throughout the whole restaurant. It was quiet as my blaring guitar played. The melody came slower until it stopped. Then suddenly I played quickly again. I strung the last chord. Then silence. I looked up. I back off the stage slowly. Well, this is awkward. One by one, people started clapping. My heart thumped. Did they like it? They liked it! The whole restaurant, well most of them anyway, were cheering. I smiled at them, then bowed.

I left the stage, a heavy burden being lifted off my shoulders. I went to the back as usual. 

My breath came in short, and I was sweating.

"That was amazing Julian." 

I turned around. It was some girl. Kidding. Maybe she was some girl to you, but she was Reily to me. The girl I liked.

"It was all because of you,"

"She shook her head. "That was all you."

"No, it wast. Without you, I wouldn't be up there. I only played for you"


I nodded. "Well, you and my parents-"I was saying but was cut off when she hugged me.

"You are amazing Julian Stewart" Then she chuckled

"Don't laugh at my name" I said. Then I laughed.

December 19, 2020 03:32

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