The Migration

Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about a meeting of a secret society.... view prompt

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Ua sat quietly on the rock and observed the group assembling before him. He had called the meeting to get the opinions of the membership and see if the recent new developments were cause for concern and if so, how it was affecting the group. There was the usual jockeying for position, some thinking that those they represented would have more influence if they were in the center of the group, others were leery of some of the group members and shifted positions so as not to be close.

Ua did another quick look to see if most were present. He waited a couple of minutes for the chatter to die down, then he rose to his feet. Instantly the noise ceased. He nodded slowly to the group pleased that he had their respect. He began to speak.

“I am pleased so many of you could make it to this unscheduled meeting to address the issue of the late migration of Hs. As many of you are aware the migration happened much later than normal and the numbers are quite a bit lower than usual. For many of you I am sure this has been most welcome news.  We have been hearing some rumors as to why this has happened, and some have come to me asking how it will affect us. Aa, would you like to speak on behalf of your group and Ov’s group?”

Aa nodded his head regally in acknowledgement of being asked to speak first. “I would be pleased to if Ov is agreeable?” Ov nodded back in agreement, he was rather shy and much preferred to keep quiet and observe. “The late and reduced migration of Hs has resulted in fewer of them on their trails. This has been good for our group and many of you as well I am sure” Aa said looking around at the assembled members. Many heads nodded in agreement at this statement. “As for why, we are unaware of the reasons. We have as little contact as possible” Aa nodded again to indicate he had finished speaking.

Ua looked toward the back of the crowd, to those usually not heard to see if they had anything to contribute. “A, Q, Cc have you anything to add?” They quickly looked at each other, slightly panicked to be asked. Cc spoke up for the group. ‘” We have been mostly unaffected so far, later in the season may be a different story though. We will continue to avoid them as much as possible as I am sure you all understand.”

Ua nodded to Cc when he had finished speaking. He found it was always a delicate balance on who he recognized to speak. Everyone couldn’t speak as it would take much to long, and a lot of the opinions were probably quite similar. He looked over to where Sv, Pl and Ts sat together. This bunch was usually considered some of the lowest in the pecking order among the membership, mostly because of their habits and association with Hs.

Hl glared at Ua when he seen where he was looking. As if they should be given the chance to speak, he thought to himself and let out a loud squawk. The membership shifted around nervously at the sound and chatter ensued.

Ua looked up at Hl sitting on his perch and rose to his feet “Enough! “he roared and silence was instant. “I will remind you that this is a safe place for all when we conduct a meeting and you have chosen me to lead you. Everyone will be treated with respect”. Hl nodded to Ua, He was still leader, but one day he may be challenged.

Confident that all was okay, Ua sat down and again looked to Sv, Pl and Ts. “Ts, you and Sv and Pl have the most contact with Hs. Can you shed any light on why the migration was later and smaller than usual?’

Ts quickly conferred with Sv and Pl. He then rose to his full height, which was not great due to his small stature and began to speak, mindful to speak slower than normal so all would understand.

“You are all aware of the late and lower than usual numbers in the annual migration of Hs. Sv, Pl and Ts and some others normally have close contact with Hs close to their dwellings. We hear and see things that many of you never do.” He looked around to the others, many were nodding. The annual migration was later than normal this year due to an Illness.” There was some chatter at his words. Ts continued when the sound died down. “Hs’s numbers have become great and many of the Hs hives have developed an illness. It has spread rapidly among them. Hs has decided to try and limit the spread of the illness. They would delay the migration to our territories and many would not migrate at all. They would stay in their hives isolating themselves from others.

“Can we catch it?” someone yelled out.

“Are they blaming it on us?” yelled another.

Ua rose to his feet again, he understood how unsettling this could be. Such a thing could cause big problems for some in the group. When the noise subsided, he looked to Ts to continue and sat down.

Pleased at having all attention focused on him again, Ts continued. “No, from what we have heard, we cannot catch the illness and they are unsure how it began, only that it did not start anywhere near here and that they are fighting amongst themselves on how it started. Many have died and become sick, especially the old and the weak.” With that last statement Ts sat down indicating he had nothing more to add.

Ua let the words of Ts sink in as the group quietly chatted to each other. He thought about how he would address the membership for a moment before rising to his feet.

All eyes turned to him when he arose, anxious to hear what he had to say.

Ua addressed the assembly.

“There is little we can do for Hs. Most of the issues around them are of their own making. All we can do is try to stay away from them as much as possible for our own health and safety. We will continue to monitor what happens with them and will reconvene if things change.” Ua looked around at membership before concluding.

“I declare this meeting over, as always the truce remains in place until sundown. Return to your lakes, meadows, streams, sky and forest.

August 19, 2020 22:42

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1 comment

Kyle Johnson
21:09 Aug 23, 2020

Interesting story. Strategic naming of characters


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