
Oscar was gazing up, at the stars amazed. He loved it because each star was different, they strolled around the universe every night, but tonight was calm, still and peaceful. Oscar was indeed happy he had skipped the third extra science class for this. Tonight was the night Oscar was waiting for. Oscar and his father were going to sleep under the stars and on the damp cold grass listening to the old tape of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon and Oscar’s famous hero, but his father was more of a hero, then anyone in the world. Oscar’s father was there for his whole life, although his mom loved him more than anything she passed away due to a brain tumour. Oscar lay there peacefully looking up at the glistening golden-yellow stars, there was a little rustling in the bushes and Oscar sat upright and wheeled around, it was his father. 

“Hey, there kiddo! I brought snacks, we’ve got veggies and dip, hot chocolate, Oreos, hmm what else..” Oscar’s father said with a beaming smile and a twinkle in his eye. But Oscar was not listening, instead, he was too focused on something shooting in the sky. Oscar knew that it was a shooting star, but in his mind it was a spaceship, and in it was his adult self-admiring earth’s surface. ‘I wish when I get older I will build a spaceship and walk on the moon just like Neil Armstrong’ Oscar whispered. Oscar knew in his heart that he could do it, he just knew it. Oscar was a nerdy, smart, handsome, kind and funny boy. He had big beautiful baby blue eyes, silk chocolate brown flowy hair and a beaming big smile, he also needed glasses both like his dad.

“What is happening over there, aren’t you excited, because I know I am!?” Oscar's dad asked. “Oh yes, indeed, but I just saw a shooting star, so I thought I could make a wish,” said Oscar plainly. 

“Well what did you wish for?” asked Oscar's father curiosity jumping in the way of his normal questioning voice. 

“Well, I can't really tell because the scientific research proves that when you wish and it does not come true it is because, you probably either told someone or, you have not tried hard enough,” Oscar said intelligently. Oscar helped his father put down the sleeping bags, and then settled down. Oscar was fascinated by the tape, and he highly enjoyed his self. Oscar ate one Oreo and everything went black, Oscar was so tired he had fallen asleep right out of the blue. 

“Hello! Who's there! I shouted as a headache began to blossom in the way of all the things Oscar was thinking. ”I heard you wanted to see me, “ someone said in far in the distance, Oscar could not make out if he knew the man our if he was a complete stranger. 

“I am Neil Armstrong and you must build a space ship” and then suddenly the man vanished and the only thing in the world was a wee little simmering light far in the distance. Oscar started afoot, but the destination of the light never got closer, but in a way it just got farther. It was like the world just halted or shut down and everything inside it did too. And then suddenly out of the blue, the whole world turned into beams of light. Oscar woke up to the golden sunlight shimmering down on him. Oscar yawned and stretched, he smiled and saw his father had prepared French toast and scrambled eggs, Oscar could not be happier in his life.

10 years had past and Oscar was now in college. He had his own apartment and had a roommate: Jhon Lenny. He and Jhon were almost like brothers they were so supportive and truthful, they practically loved each other. John and Oscar worked so hard in college so they could one day in the future travel to the moon and actually be what Oscar saw with his dad: himself beaming with joy and admiring upon earth's surface from the perspective of an alien. 

After dinner every night Oscar and Jhon would work on the blueprints of how to build a space ship for hours until one of them went to bed. Although tonight was going to be different, it was going to be one of the first early night in  

The next morning, was too soon for Oscar. 'Ding!' Oscar's alarm clock was beeping like crazy. Oscar rolled over and grabbed the alarm clock. Oscar shuffled in his side table searching for his glasses, he found them and put them on his face and shut off his alarm. He hopped out of his queen size comfy bed, he put on a pink polka-dotted tie and a suit. Oscar took out the bag with the invention in it put the bag safely on his back and hopped onto his bike. In the air was a fresh morning breeze, the birds where chirping and the sun was not too hot but nice and crispy warm. The spirits were hight in town today, “Hello Oscar, care for a sample of my new buttercream?” Luca the baker from Luca's Street-side Sweet's questioned.“Oh that sounds delightful but I am sort of in a rush afterword.” Oscar shouted back with a smile on his nicely lighted face. The bike ride to the small cozy office was quite nice and almost untied all of the knots in his stomach. Oscar knocked on the wooden door and almost instantly a woman with a cheerful sounding voice said “Come on in!” 

Oscar pushed open the door knowing he could not go back, if he got the job to design and create space ships and to take them for test runs, his life would change forever. “You may take a seat if you would like.” the woman gestured a hand to the nearest squishy grey chair. Oscar sat down slowly in the chair, and his tummy filled not only with knots but also with wild butterfly's, his tummy was now like a whole tropical forest with tons of vines. “Hello my name is Oscar Willgepert and I would like to present the O-2000 HPM SPACE!”

“We will have to wrap it up because it is already 1:00! Time sure fly's we will email you your results and see if you got in!” Dr. Janet said her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Bye!” Oscar said trying to hide the excitement and keep out the professional Oscar. When Oscar got out of sight he exploded with joy he was so proud of himself, he jumped up and down. The interview went great, more than that, Oscar was great (Luca’s buttercream was great too very yummy indeed). He hopped on to his bike and rode out of sight.

The following month Oscar was waking up at 7:30 in the morning for work at The Motor Republic but before he did anything, he checked his email. Today was Sunday the only day Oscar got to sleep in, but instead of doing just that he checked his email’s even though there were dark circles under his sparkling baby blue eyes but he did not care, he just had to know. Oscar scrambled to his small wooden desk stumbled into his black plastic chair and turned on his Chromebook, Oscar had almost fully fallen asleep when a voice came onto his computer and said: 

“You have one new message.” Oscar instantly woke up and saw the email that read: 

  You and five other people have been invited to the job of a lifetime today at 9:45 be at the international space station for a trip to the moon ( a yes do not forget your plans and space, ship model)

Good luck,

Singed: Dr. Janet Moore

“I did it, I did it, I DID IT!” Oscar yelled and then he got changed, brushed his hair and teeth and he was off in the direction of the sun, Oscar thought he could be the happiest man ever to walk this earth. 

The international space station was a glorious building with tall windows and a ginormous launch pad, inside it had everything an astronaut needed.

“Welcome to the international space station! Get on your suits and get ready to embark on a most magical once and a lifetime journey! Oscar got changed as quickly as possible and was the first one on the ship. The fresh-smelling space ship was everything Oscar had ever imagined, out the circular windows were each people’s rocket’s on mini launch pads so they could be tested out. Soon enough everyone was there, and all of them were about to walk on the moon. Oscar was so happy it was as though a smile was superglued to his face and nothing could get him down. 

“5,4,3,2,1…BLASTOFF! Oscar felt like everything was being sucked right out of his body and them he was floating. “Do NOT remove your helmet or anything ELSE” read the sign. Oscar stared out the window and there it was… the moon. The doors clicked and Oscar got out into space. His dream came true. It was difficult to move so he had to go to a swimming movement. He swam trying not to die of happiness or overflow with joy and before he knew it he was floating just above the surface of the moon. Oscar was looking back up at the stars remembering when he and his dad were listening to Neil Armstrong on the moon. Now here he was not able to belive his eyes on the moon in the atmosphere, studying each of the small tiny stars and the tiny little outlines of each planet. Oscar would never forget looking down at his home planet and then looking up at the glistening stars and other home planets to creatures yet to be discovered. The stares were wonderful. The End.  

April 29, 2020 21:57

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