Horror Mystery

Murder Music

The end of school, everyone was planning to go to the dance. The dance was in the gym, but little did they know, things wouldn't go as planned. Everyone thought it would be a fun normal dance, but it wouldn't be.

The morning of the dance, everyone made sure they were ready, and especially David Rio. He had a date, a good one, her name was Maya Lakewood. David was super excited and wanted to look good. He got ready, wore a black and red velvet tuxedo with some black dress shoes and he had his hair combed to the side.

Maya wore a wine red dress. The dress had some dark purple flowers on it. She had dark red heels and her hair curled. They knew that it was going to be a great night. By the time the dance was going to start at the big basketball court, everyone was there and more showing up.

David picked Maya up and they went to the dance. They got there and nobody was inside yet. There was someone or something inside so they had security guards to check it out. They came back out with nothing, it was all clear for the dance to start.

After about thirty minutes into the dance, things started getting weird. The music kept cutting out and the same person kept leaving over and over again almost like he was checking on something. The next time he left David and Maya were going to follow him.

As they were following him, he put something over his head. They then started smelling something horrible. The guessed he must've put a gas mask on. They didn't like the smell so they decided to just look out for anything bad.

They went back and enjoyed themselves and the music. After about an hour in, they wanted some snacks. David left to get some and as soon as he left, he heard someone screaming. He dropped everything and ran back but on the way he fell and hurt his ankle. Although it hurt badly, he didn't care and got back up and limped all the way back.

He saw that Maya got stabbed. He also saw the same person they were following running away from the scene. He told people to call an ambulance as he ran after the person gathering some friends with him. They were chasing him and almost caught him but the ambulance got in the way.

They were getting so close, but then he took a sharp corner in an alley and they tried to cut him off. They then saw that he was climbing up the side of a building. They followed him up and saw that he about to jump off. They ran after him when he least expected it, David caught him from falling and pulled him back up.

They went back and saw that the ambulance was loading Maya up and the cops finally arrived after they got back. The guy still had his knife though and when nobody was watching, he stabbed David and went to jail. David also had to go to the hospital.

The both had to go into surgery because of how far the knife impaled them. Sadly, David was the only one to make it out. Maya had apparently got stabbed right in the middle of her heart. David was still asleep from the surgery and woke up two days later. He heard the news about Maya and was angry and sad. He still hadn't figured out who stabbed them and even though he was still in recovery, he got up and went to the jail that the guy was put in.

He was in a lot of pain and needed to find out who it was. He tried remembering what he looked like the night of the dance. He was too worried about Maya that he didn't really pay close attention to his face. But by now he was furious because he killed Maya so he just kept on going down to the jailhouse.

As he arrived, they tried calming him down. They did but didn't want him to be able to see anyone. David was trying to convince them and let him see the man who stabbed him and his date.

They finally let David talk to him after a while. David didn't know who he was looking for, so he just went to an empty one. He had a lucky guess and found him, and guess who it was. It was his best friend Mike Feld who said he wasn't going to the dance.

At this point, David was so mad he punched him so hard and knocked his tooth out. He got up and left and went back to the hospital where he stayed for a few more days. He was so close to crying out of anger but tried calming down. After he was healed he planned a funeral for Maya and really hated the fact that Mike, his own best friend killed his date and nearly killed him.

He had never been this angry at someone and this was it. His life was over for the time being. David was now going to have trust issues and have to eventually try to forget it. He was going to have a scar from it. Maya was really special to David and now she had to leave him unexpectedly.

David already missed Maya so much. They treated each other like family. But now she's just gone for what reason. They didn't even get to say goodbye. Where was she when he needed her the most. Davids own best friend killed the person he knew best. Was he jealous. Was he upset he didn't have a date. Why kill someone innocent that went to a dance with your friend.

People should at least get a final sentence. And Maya deserved one, she deserved so much more than to get stabbed to death. Maya and David were so close and didn't want to have to separate yet. They could've had so much more fun with each other. Now David is scarred for life.

May 07, 2021 20:51

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