Drama Fantasy

He looked at her in such a way that the world became brighter and warmer in her eyes! She loved herself in his eyes! She felt like a Queen! A star! 

Eyes know how to speak! "I love you! I want you! You are beautiful! I'm so happy to see you! Thank you for being you! Have a good day! It's such a shame you're leaving! I miss you already!" But he won't say all that out loud to her, because he's married! And he fell in love with her without wanting to! He didn't want it, but life gave him her! The Empress! A lioness! A lioness! A lioness with an unexplainable attraction! He lusts for her with his whole body! He wants to possess her! But no! No! He can't! He is faithful to his lawful wife, there are statutes-fidelity, responsibility, authority, the marriage contract! What a temptation! He's strong, powerful, charismatic, judicious, and he just knows you can't!

    She was drowning in his eyes! Her soul fluttered! She lit up like a light bulb from the way he looked at her! She felt warmth, acceptance, love, love, need, admiration, lust for her! Delight! What blissful feelings! How warming to the soul! How one wants to be always near this person! How happy it is to be loved! And how sad that he's married! Married and faithful to her! And faithful to his faith, his values, his family! She never wanted to be a mistress! Never! To be a third wheel! To go to utopia, to put a cross on her future, to compete, to conquer, to suffer. What a pity, what a pity he is married! How she's drawn to him! How she longs for such a husband! How she wants to embrace him, kiss him, dissolve in him! But she won't tell him that! After all, she knows that married people do not leave the family and was not going to betray her beliefs, goals and dreams of family happiness! She understood everything with her mind, but her soul wanted him! She fell in love, too bad! It's sad!


An internal conflict! 

His or hers. 

Everyone has their own values! Understanding what's right and what's wrong! 

But the attraction is maddening.

They're coworkers, and they all work in the same team, and so does his wife! 

When they meet for a moment at work, she and he are euphoric. Both of them are 110% energized and the day gets even brighter! And how they want to be close to each other. At first, he was immensely excited about their meetings. His eyes lit up and sparkled at the sight of her. He needed her to just be in his life! His eyes were saying, "Just be! Don't go away! Be there for me, even as a coworker. Just be there!" And she was! As time went on, his eyes grew dimmer and dimmer. His eyes were filled with the sadness of not being able to be with her. Sad. Now just being near her didn't fill her up anymore! How I longed to touch her! A hug, a kiss. She saw it and it made her very sad.

   Everyone was trying to stay true to their values and principles! And her mind was telling her: "Don't! Don't go in there! It's not worth it! There's no future! There's no future!" And the sad thing is, he's right! The mind is right! But my heart, my heart was longing for love, for warmth. And it said, "Why don't we try it? Maybe it's him. Maybe everything will work out?! And maybe, maybe...."!" Ah, like a seal but!

   Even though he's married, he felt lonely with a family. And there are children! But there is no more love with his wife. Domesticity has done its work. She is unmarried, single, and no children. He impressed her with his attention, loyalty, tactfulness, generosity, and most importantly tolerance. The job has become a burden. And she would be glad to change it already, but as she imagines that he is not ... That he, this married man is no longer in her life, she cried for twenty-four hours on a tearful twenty-four hours! She was so attached to him! To this sunshine that she wasn't ready to say goodbye to him! The mere thought that he was no longer in her life drove her to hysterics! The unbearable pain of the impending loss of the man she loved! And she realized that this was not a healthy story, but she could not, could not give up on him. Her heart was occupied with him! Her mind was occupied with him! And she decided that she wanted to give herself what she wanted! Saying to herself, "You should be with who you want to be with!". Listen to your heart! To give what it longs for! And that's his! His love for her! Her love for him!

   And so, after much deliberation, after weighing all the pros and cons, having gained determination and courage, she decided to confess her love to him! 

She told him she wanted to see him! Ridiculous! Ridiculous, but he showed up with his wife! His wife noticed his uncharacteristic providence at home. He was agitated, tense, excited.... And she went to work with him! To guard him! From the predator! And there she is waiting for him outside work. Excited. Scared. Trying her best to be brave and not chicken out on her decision. Not to back down. And then! She sees the two of them walking to work! At a distance from each other. His eyes read regret, disappointment, sadness. Ah! Of course, she tried not to show disappointment, surprise, exasperation. The plans had fallen through. Not to him, but so his wife wouldn't read it in her eyes. She puts on a mask of friendliness and blurts out a smile, as she always does to them. His wife tensely walks to the other entrance, doesn't say hello to her, glimpses him, sighs heavily, and lowering her eyes walks through the doors.

   Forbidden love! Maybe that's what's causing the craving! No one will say it? No one will say how they feel about each other? Is that it? He and she are afraid to admit their feelings for each other! Fear of rejection! Fear of judgment! And instead of "I'm in love", he'll tell her "if I could, I'd choose you!". How she wishes she could say "you're my sunshine! You are my love! Thank you for being you! I love you!". But no, with a heavy heart she will leave and say goodbye "I want you to know! I'm glad I met you in my life!". 

   They never became intimate! They just caressed each other with glances with words! Just like that, the mind, the frame took over the heart and the "should" over the "want"! 

July 19, 2024 21:41

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