Fiction Adventure Horror

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. The brisk air of October stabbing at my face in little prickles causing it to lose it sensation of the slightest feeling, even as I placed my hand upon my face it felt foreign. I felt a presence as if something were watching me, I glanced up looking around in the crowd of New York city and right across the street stood a man, he wore a long pea coat and his hands were placed in his pockets for a moment his eyes met mine before disappearing into the crowd. I turned on my heals and began walking super-fast paced my shoulders accidentally bumping other people who occupied the sidewalk “sorry” I repeated on an endless loop like a broken record. I ducked into a nearby coffeeshop, which just happened to be my regular coffee shop I stood by the window peering out and breathing heavy I looked around at the millions of people looking for that odd man. I heard glass break behind me causing me to jump out of my skin “goddamnit” Joanna the coffee shop waiter muttered, “let me help” I offered getting to my knees of the smooth wood floor laid out throughout the coffee shop and scooping the shards off broken mug off the floor.

“Thanks” she smiled. I put the broken glass on the tray she held, and she hauled it defeatedly to the back room. The bell of the coffee shop chimed; I brushed of my blue jeans and looked over and there stood the man in the long coat his hand back in his pocket and his eyes glaring through my soul. I backed up wearingly and he inch closer, “what do you want?” my voice shaking. He did not respond he just continuously edged closer until I had no space to back up anymore. “I know what you did” his voice deep even in a whisper made chills crawl down my spine and his face was inches from mine his eyes the darkest black and soulless. He then grabbed my arm crushing it in his hand, “HELP” I yelled but no one appeared. He led me out the door and onto the crowded street I look around in the crowd and everyone focus was on their phones no one noticed my pain, worry, and fear. “say another word and you’ll wish you hadn’t” he said peering disgusted at me as he cut my repeated pleas for help. He slid the door of his sinister van open before throwing me in there with no remorse, he slid the door closed before I can even complain. I was clueless as to where we were gone, I could just feel the bump in the unfinished road the pothole that almost took the wheel off jolted me the most.

Suddenly we halted to an unexpected stop. The man got out the car and I lost track of him for at least 15 seconds before he threw the door open, he once again grabbed my arm with his full might as if his intention was to rip it off. We were at a big white building sounded by a big fence topped in barbed wire. He led me into a big tunnel that led to double doors with a huge guy posted up near them. “I found the last one” said the guy with the long coat on, the huge guy moved out the way of the door without uttering a single word. Inside was a hall that stretched for miles and a bunch of closed doors throughout the hall. We walked down to the third door opened it and he threw me in. “stay” is all he said before slamming the door shut. I looked around the room in the middle was a dingy worn wooden table, with two chairs on either side cameras in every corner and above the door a tiny red light radiated from the camera almost too tiny to see. I tried twisting the knob only for it to reject it was clearly locked. So, I decided to sit in the chair after a long debate of whether I would hold my weigh or not. I sat there for what seemed like years but, I guess was only about 30 minutes. Through the door burst a frail blond woman her expression showed that she was about business. She was dressed in a navy-blue suit and underneath the blazer was a white button-down shirt in her hand was a red folder on it read ‘classified’. Slowly she pulled out the chair across from me in no particular rush. She slammed the folder on the table when she was finally seated and threw it open, “Riley Jefferson. Is it?” I swallowed and nodded. She looked up at me and quickly back down, she licked her fingers and continuously flipped through the pages. Her flipping went on for ages, before she finally looked up and said, “it’s time to take you to the room.” I couldn’t even process what she said before the guy in the long coat grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the room like I was a rag doll, before I could protest we were standing in front of a bright red door the woman was behind us. “OPEN IT!” she shouted eagerly. The man reached out slowly put he leather gloved hands on the knob and the door creaked open out flooded a fluorescent light. When I could finally see again There were six other humans in there trembling as the woman and man entered. They had Numbers one through six on them, their hands were cuffed in front, and they were dressed in black and white stripes as if they were prisoners. They were all around the same age mid 20s; number one Caucasian short blonde woman with huge blue eyes, number two was an African American man around six feet or taller he had a square jawline and his hair was overly grown probably from being in here too long, Number three was a woman with fire color curls and dark eyes her face always appeared between scrunched and fearful, Number four was a Mexican man his hair was back in one braid and he was barely taller than number one, Number five was a woman with a bob cut evenly around her head, and finally number six was a beautiful woman with frizzy brown curls and Carmel she had a personality showing that they weren’t going to break her. They all stood in line based on their number I was thrown in line and a jumpsuit was forced into my hand, the woman and man then turned on their feet and slammed the door shut and my freedom went with it. 

October 11, 2020 16:36

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Liz G
22:16 Oct 21, 2020

Your story is really interesting and descriptive! There were some punctuation errors, and some of the sentences seemed to be dragged on a bit too long, but overall good story and interesting plot!


Uniquely Drea
18:00 Oct 25, 2020

thank you for the compliments! and I really appreciate the constructive criticism!


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