A moment caught in time

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt



Ten seconds, ten seconds trapped in time. As Nickolas reached for the candied yams his hand slipped and his elbow bumped over his glass of milk sending it pouring off the edge of the table. In the heat of the moment he shot his hand back to grab it but the button on the wrist of his shirt caught to a loose thread yanking the entire table cloth along with his arm. As the glass cup shattered on the floor he glanced up to an avalanche of thanksgiving dinner falling upon him. In those ten seconds he would never forget he destroyed hours of heartfelt work as it crashed over him leaving bruises not only to his body but his ego. If only he had asked someone to pass him the yams instead of leaning over the table. If only he had been able to catch the porcelain cup instead of butter fingering it. And if only his cuff button had not caught the eye of the loose thread, wondering how it would ever spend another moment without her, without thinking only doing, he became tangled in the thread. He cared not for the consequences of the future but fulfillment of the present. But yet the alluring thread broke under the pressure and was lost in the avalanche of food pouring down. It seems as though the button and thread were not meant to be together for more than that moment in time. Nick became detached as if this were some nightmare and he would soon wake up. Of course he did not but he wished on. The concept the bare concept of what happened is enough to make you cringe but living in the moment was as if you were being punished for an awful action. Karma. Karma indeed. For nick was no person who was easy to sypathize with. All day at school he was picking on the other students though when he got home all he wanted to do was be kind, be kind to his sisters be kind to his mother and avoid his father. And that he did. The only time nick ever made contact with his father on purpose was to protect his sisters. Far to young nick had to go through such awful things. Growing up to fast. Now at age ten all he thought about was if his sisters were safe or how to get their next meal since theyre father often neglected to feed them for “being out of line” and god forbid theyre mother try to step in. sitting on the floor of there grandparents kitchen nick now thought only of the beatings he were to endure. For his foolish actions. Actions. Actions were they? Or were they accidents? Coincidences?  What defines an action? Who is to say who gets to define anything? Society as a whole I suppose but then again whos stopping you from giving words your own meaning? Whos to say you couldnt say bark and mean something  completely different like drum for example. And its that very thought process that leads us to believe theres no real boundaries, whos to say we stop at words? Its widely frowned upon and even illegal to go around naked but why? Everyone has bodys! Or whos to say who owns property? Or what moneys worth? Whos to say five dollar bills are worth five dollars? Whats stopping people from simply not accepting that? What im saying is society as a whole is what decides thing. It doesnt matter whos in charge or has money if society as a whole doesn't agree. But thats not even true! Because say your tich, if society rebels against your beleifs, probably inhumane to be widely frowned upon say torture as interagation, you could hire guns man or assassians or lawyers or cover ups! But going back to what i said earlier if society as a whole dosent except the money the rich man has than whats that money worth? Well if some people still except that money whos to say they wouldn't trade it between themselves! Well then all the things they need to live not even including things they want would have to be made by other people who also still use the currency. But that would be hard to find since it was widely boycotted! So hypothetically they would break off and become their own people, they use a different currency and only interact with each other. Whats stopping them from becoming their own country and their own society? Well thats an easy one, these rebels who beleieve in the torture method and other inhumane idealogys would easily lose a war to the larger community theyre trying to split off from. So what im trying to say is even though the world seems boundaryless which to some extent I do agree with but they're are hard core limits to what you can do when society as a whole or rather as a majority isn't on the same page as you, theres not far you can make it but when society is in your favor you can make it pretty far. So once nick finally finished his existential journey through philosophy he woke up in the hospital. The news had been broken to him that his father had hit him across the head with a cake pan sending him into a coma two months ago. Instead of surrendering to the cops he held one of nicks little sisters at gunpoint until they agreed not to sen him to jail. Luckily after many hours a silent tranquilizer dart managed to be fired into nicks fathers side and he was out before he could notice. nicks sister lydia who had been held at gun point was fine and his other sister normania suffered light burns to her thigh but was okay as well. What Nick most took out of th situation was that everything would always be okay for him because he was an average guy, society agreed that child abuse is wrong, society agreed with almost everything about nick so he would be just fine.

thanks if you took the time to read this I know its not actually good I just enjoyed writing it

January 01, 2021 05:40

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