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“No, no, no, no…..”

Seriphina sighed as she clicked her pen, “My dearly beloved,” she began to write, “I’m so sorry it had to come to this. I will always treasure the memories we share but I can no longer share a second more with you. I hope you do not hate me for this, for I could not possibly think of what I would do without your love.” She stood from his desk and quietly left the room. She would never return.

“NO, NO, NOOOOO!  THEY DID NOT! They did not just, AGH!” Sammie slammed her book shut and threw it at her wall. Groaning at the dent it had inevitably left before it tumbled onto her bed face down. Normally she would have been more concerned about the damage to the hardcover she had paid extra for, or the pristine pages of this new book than her wall. But as far as she was concerned? That book was trash.

How could Seriphina do that to Justin? In the second book they were as close as siblings! The war between the pirates and the navy made sure they were always on the run and always together. What with them being fugitives and convicts and all. They even shared that cute bonding moment when their hideout was attacked in book 3! Not to mention that in book 5, when it was discovered that Seriphina was actually a princess and could help dismantle the navy, Justin was always there to help her! Never a burden or a bother, just someone Seriphina could love! It made sense after they went through so much together.

But this book was garbage. Not only did the author dismantle all the trust they had for each other, but Seriphina’s actions were COMPLETELY out of character! Seriphina was always the bronze! The one to rush into trouble without a second thought to save Justin’s hide. She was strong, a force to be reckoned with! So when the author started giving her emotional breakdowns? That made no sense! Sure, being a princess is hard. But so was being public enemy number one! And she hardly scoffed at those wanted signs.

And Justin? He was the brains, the one to always have a trick up his sleeve or a plan to explain. He was a smart talker who could make anyone his friend. So where were these screaming matches coming from? Justin was always calm enough to explain a plan when a building was falling on them, but now he can’t stand the sight of his own girlfriend? What is with that? They used to be so close! 

But more importantly, how could the author do THIS to his readers? Sammie groaned again and leaned back in her chair. Staring at her stuffed bookshelf as she let her mind wander. 

He was on his eighth book! This was bound to happen! After eight additions, 14 movies, and a goddamn Broadway musical more boring than a funeral, it was obvious that this had become less of a passion project and more of a cash grab. 

But it still hurts.

These books were her childhood. Sammie grew up reading them and immersing herself in this world for so many years. All she wanted was to read these books. No, she wanted to live in these books. She wanted nothing more than to be with the swashbuckling princess who steals ships, gold, and the occasional kiss from her boyfriend. She wanted to see the look on Justin‘s face when she got them in trouble. To laugh at Seriphina’s jokes in the most desperate times. She wanted to be at the helm of their ship and steer them into a wild storm. 

She wanted it so bad.

Sammie stood and walked over to her shelf. This wasn’t the first time she wanted to be in these worlds. She was always changing her mind. Today it was a swashbuckling princess, but the next she could be a revolutionary, leading her people into battle. Maybe a talented professor with profound wisdom for her students, or a dancer who inspired the world. Maybe next week she’ll read a book that made her want to be a doctor who saves lives, or a general who fought for peace. 

But this also wasn’t the first time she had been disappointed. Dozens of books and stories had left her with a sour taste and a ruined day. Too many ruined relationships, forgotten character arcs and dead heroes for her liking. Not all of them could be winners and Sammie knew that.

But still. 

She was disgruntled to say the least. How could anyone do that to their own characters? And for what? A few more bucks? She wanted nothing more than to just fix the terrible mistakes these authors had made!



Sammie grabbed the (now slightly wrinkled) book from her bed and her laptop. Practically throwing herself on her chair and the items on her desk. She opened up her computer, a new word document, and got to work. 

There were a lot of changes to make. No more killing off side characters, a few more sweet moments between the couple. Make Seriphina destroy the corrupt navy instead of joining them. Add in new battles and more close calls. Take out the downfall of this relationship. And this time? Seriphina is going to stay. 

Sammie worked for a couple of weeks on this passion project of hers. A book isn’t (re)written in a day after all! But still, she worked tirelessly in between school and sleep. She adored this world and wanted to do it justice. But 3 weeks later at 2am, it was done. Post it notes with ideas and rough outlines of plots strewn across her desk. Sammie sighed and clicked save on her computer. She loved her new piece and as far as she was concerned it was great! She wasn’t the best writer by any means, but after years of reading she learned enough to write a pretty decent story if she did say so herself. 

Sammie closed her laptop and stumbled onto her bed yawning. Although to be honest? It was a bittersweet moment. She worked on this for 3 weeks. 3 weeks! Pushing off events, homework, hell, even sleep for this book. She loved it so much she favored it over everything! But that was just it. She loved it so much. The feeling of connecting plot points, stringing together dialogue and describing a beautiful view? It was euphoric, pure adrenaline. She had never done this before, written a piece for anything but school. She was only a reader never a writer and then? All of a sudden she was. And it was amazing. 

But now she wasn’t. Every plot point was connected, every piece of dialogue strung, every view described. There was nothing left. She finished her story and tied a bow on top. Yet, still she wanted to write, she wanted to take out a pen and put it to paper until there was nothing left in her head but static.

She wanted to continue.

But this time? She wanted it to be hers. To create that revolutionary or profesor. Maybe that doctor or that general. She loved her story, yes. But she could never publish it. Not legally. She had written it, but those characters? That place? It wasn’t hers. It belonged to a stuffy, uptight man who wanted nothing but money to add to his millionaire status. 

This time? It was going to be a Sammie original, with daring adventures and loveable characters. She was going to write a book that would inspire thousands of kids just like her to create something beautiful. Books that she could share with everyone.

Books with fewer run-away brides.

June 18, 2020 22:44

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1 comment

Adyson Jacobs
21:53 Jun 24, 2020

Great Story!


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