Wish You Were Mine.

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends by circling back to the beginning.... view prompt



Thanks to Brooke D. who gave me the grand idea of completing my series!!! Thanks, so much Brooke! If you have not already, please first read “Wish You Were Here,” then read, “Wish You Away!” Thanks for supporting me.

“Wish you were mine.”

I whispered, as I pulled a daisy out from the ground, the soil spilling over my dress.

I watched him with fascination as he showed his friends how to shot a free throw. The orange basketball hung in the air like the sun. I leaned against the old oak tree, sinking into its roots. I tangled the daisy in my hair, giggling as more soil spilled over me. His name was Caleb, and he was perfect in a way I couldn’t describe. He brushed his sandy hair out of his face, as he turned around for a second, his green eyes reflecting the sun. He smiled at me and waved.

“Daniella time to go sweets!” My mother’s singing voice yelled.

 “I’m coming Ma!” I chirped back.

 I took on last look at my god, and skipped to the car.

 I was reading on my porch when I heard a yell. It frightened me to hear the blood-curling scream. I shot out of my yard, onto the road. I saw Caleb staring wide-eyed at his dog Alec, which was lying lifeless on the road. I gasped, and rushed over to him. Alec’s fur was matted, and sticky with blood. The man that hit him rushed out of the car, his olive eyes filled with fear and worry.

“Oh my gosh kid, I’m so sorry! I will get you another dog!” He said in a rush. I put my arm around Caleb, who was crying.

“No,” I said softly, “I will.”

 Caleb looked up at me, and the man stared at me in shock.

“No no, I will!” He repeated again.

I stood up, and walked slowly to the poor man. I put my hand on his arm and led him to his car. His dark skin was slick with sweat.

 “I will do it,” I repeated.

 He walked to his car, and then slowly drove off, and called out the window,

“I’m so sorry kid!”

 Caleb stared at me. “Why are you helping me.”

I smiled. “Because it is the right thing to do. What kind of dog do you want?” He continued to stare at me.

“Thank you so much, Daniella, how will you buy the dog?” He said ignoring my question. I shrugged, staring into his green eyes.

“My savings.” He gasped.

“You would do that for me!?”

“Anything for you.” I murmured to quietly for him to hear.

 “I would like a black lab. You can name it.”

 I stared at him in shock. “Really!?” He smiled and nodded.

 “Look I have to go with my parents, and my dad is coming to clean Alec up. When is your birthday?” He asked.

 “June 21st.” He smiled widely.

“Really!? Me too!”

I laughed happily. “I have to go! See you around Caleb!” he nodded, then ran off.


I walked to the pet store the next day, and I looked around. Fortunately, I saw a whole litter of cute little black labs. I picked up the smallest one and walked home. I called it Finn.

The next day was the day before my birthday. I grinned as I watched Caleb teach him how to sit.

“Hon, who do you want to come to your party?” I pondered this idea.

“Lucy…. Caleb……. Jordan……and I will think of others.” She nodded, and started to walk out of the room.

“Wait! Can we just have a barbecue with the neighbors?” I said slyly thinking of Caleb. She smiled,

“Of course, hon!”

My party is tomorrow at 12:00 sharp, and I would be turning 14. I skipped to my room, to find the perfect dress. I rummaged through the dresses until I found the beautiful lilac dress, my grandmother had gotten for me. I smiled and slipped it on. It spilled over the floor, gently tugging on my shoulders. It was a light purple, with tiny flowers at the bottom. It was perfect for the occasion.

The next day came of fast as I could imagine. I hopped out of bed and peeked through the windows. The sun was peaking over the beautiful mountains, and the colors glared back at me. I blinked open my eyes, and got to work.

First, I grabbed the small little box, which was my present to Caleb. I then grabbed a purple ribbon, and quickly tied my hair into two French braids.

 After a day of waiting, and baking, it was time for the barbecue. I ran downstairs to help my mother carry some of the dishes we brought. Caleb’s parents decided for us to share a party.

 As we reached the backyard, I gaped around in awe. Fairy lights were strewn all over the places, causing a light glow around the porch. Present were perfectly tied together on a table. My mother set down the dishes and went over to talk to Caleb’s parents. Finn greeted me, by jumping up and down on me. I smiled at Caleb.

“Hey you want to go up to the field?” I grinned.




Dear Diary,

Yes, I still write in you please don’t judge. I still remember the day that me and Caleb became the best friends that have ever existed! Oh, you forgot? Sighs, let me refresh you stupid diary. He asked me to go up to the field, above where he played basketball. (And where I always watched him play basketball.) We sat for a while talking about our lives. He then sat under the old oak tree and sunk into its roots. He dug up a small daisy and handed it to me. I placed it in the crook of my ear and smiled.


“I have to ask you something,” I asked.


“Sure, whatever you want.”


“Do you like me, like as a friend.”


He ran his fingers through his hair, and blinked slowly. He then turned to stare at me in my eyes.


“Yeah, I do. You are so kind, and beautiful.”


I blushed, as he continued.


“Why do you ask?”


“I-I just always liked you. I always wished you were mine, and I just want to be friends.”


He smiled and blushed.


“Daniella, of course I want to be your friend, happy 14th.”


I am very proud of Caleb. We have trained for a week for the Montana Marathon! He can barely run three miles though. :P Oh, sorry I got off-topic, let me continue.


 I was so wrong. I wished he would be mine, but I had been blind. He has been mine for my whole life. We had been friends since we first saw each other, and I will continue to be his friend forever, because we are all in this together, side by side. He’s not my boyfriend, but I love his hugs, his advice, and the way he can change my mood with the slightest smile. He’s my best friend, but I still remember when I wished he was mine.


May 19, 2020 14:19

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10:28 May 31, 2022

How I Got My Ex Husband Back.. Am so excited to share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 5 years now. We were happily married with three kids, two boys and a girl. Four months ago, I started to notice some strange behaviour from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cares about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 3-4 days. ...


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Sadia Faisal
07:23 May 28, 2020

nice story, please comment on my story and follow me and ike my story if you like it


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Daryl Gravesande
11:24 May 26, 2020

Thanks for helping spread the word yesterday! All of my stories have at least double digits! I feel like a celebrity! I really appreciate it!


11:49 May 26, 2020

You are so very welcome!


Daryl Gravesande
11:51 May 26, 2020

I thank you so much!


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L. M.
23:46 May 25, 2020

Aww, what a tender story with well-written characters. :)


00:15 May 26, 2020

Lol thanks! I loved all of your stories!


L. M.
02:42 May 26, 2020

Thank you so much! Yours are good too!


11:48 May 26, 2020

No problem!


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14:01 May 24, 2020

Hello everyone!!! Welcome to the exciting prequel of Wish You Were Here!!!!! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks again!-Avery


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Daryl Gravesande
23:34 May 23, 2020

I love it! The title is how I feel about you! Also, read the description of the girl in "The Choices We Make". I think we are soulmates! (keep in mind I wrote it WAY before I met you, which is crazy! I got almost everything down except the eyes!)


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03:41 May 20, 2020

*Squeal* This was awesome, I loved learning more about how Caleb and Daniella's relationship came to be. I'm not mad about it, but did you just use all of the names that I used (Champ, Emily, Brooke, Caleb)? If not, then, sorry for assuming, but, I mean...Who wouldn't assume that? Okay, not trying to be mean. I like that you used the names that I used. It's cool. Great prequel/story! Keep writing and stay safe! -Brooke


11:30 May 20, 2020

Ok Brooke thanks so much! Actually I didn't use that purposely, but I will change it if you would like! Thanks or the feedback! :))))


12:43 May 20, 2020

I have a friend on reedsy named Emily, I'm sorry


16:25 May 20, 2020

No, it's completely fine! I think it's kind of cool we used the same names!


16:44 May 20, 2020

Ok. Thanks, I already changed it though.


17:04 May 20, 2020

You didn't have to!


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Emily Li
15:22 May 19, 2020

This is great!!! I have a story called dark times read it!


15:54 May 19, 2020

Thanks so much!!! I will!


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. .
06:28 Aug 18, 2020

Woah! This is soo good!


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