The Adventure of the Two Idiots

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write about a few people spending a long-overdue weekend away at a cottage.... view prompt



It was 12 am, Tuesday.

“I am so glad that we convinced them to stay today too!” said Eva.

The Fleen family was spending their summer days in one of the one-floor cottages that they reserved in the countryside.

The cottage was shaped like a huge watermelon, built by woods and a roof that was made of thatch. It was surrounded by enormous trees and small green mountains. You can hardly recognize the cottage on this late time of the night due to the cottage’s dark color.

The Fleen family members that went to the cottage were: Eva (daughter), Aunt Lola (Eva’s mother), Violet, Aunt Jessie (Violet’s mother), Ivy, Aunt Maisie (Ivy’s mother), and finally Patricia Grandma.

“It’s already past midnight! We should go to sleep, tomorrow’s evening we are going back home. Do you hear me you three? You will not convince me anymore, we spent enough of time here. Oh, my dear cat Olive must be missing me!” said Patricia Grandma.

“Yes grandma” said Eva, Violet, and Ivy smiling.

The three aunts, Lola, Jessie, and Maisie were watching their daughters that still didn’t move. 

“Didn’t you hear your grandma? GO TO SLEEP!” said Aunt Jessie.

The three got up from the floor (in which they sat facing each other to plan their night adventures) and frowned at their aunts and went to the corridor that led to the cottage’s bedrooms.

“They want to stay up late today too and have fun alone!!” said Violet

“We will have fun too. I swear I will not let this night pass like the other boring nights, adventure-less. How about we go outside through the backdoor and plan what we will do?” said Ivy

The two obeyed and they went outside making sure that they don’t make any noise on their way. The night was starry, peaceful and silent that you can hear the faintest noise. 

“So, Eva when did you see them go to bed yesterday?” said Violet

“Between 2 and 3” said Eva

“Great, so they are not taking long from now. Anyone has an idea of what we can do tonight?” said Violet excitedly

“Oooooh! I think I have one!” said Ivy

“What what?” said Eva

“Look, we will probably be hungry by the time they go to sleep, right?” said Ivy

“Pastaa!!” said Violet

“Oh yeah! We didn’t do our tradition of cooking! How did we forget that!” said Ivy

“But the adventure isn’t that!” continued Ivy mysteriously 

“What do you mean? Isn’t escaping grandma’s yelling and cooking successfully without waking anyone up an adventure enough?” said Eva. 

“No Eva let’s do something different! And you can’t keep telling about us if they caught us Eva, that’s really annoying!” said Ivy

Eva went red faced 

“So, I checked at dinner that there was no milk, and we can’t cook our pasta without milk!”

“Well, that’s true it’s important for the sauce part” said Violet

“Soooooo, we will go to the supermarket!” said Ivy with a huge smile on her face, apparently waiting for approval from the others

“WE CAN’T DO THAT!” said Eva, who was starting to freak out.

“Well, Eva if you think about it, the supermarket is really near from here..” said Violet who was thinking deeply

“NO! As a matter of fact, I think I saw milk in the refrigerator!” said Eva.

“Oh Eva COME ON!! Why make it so hard? If you don’t believe me, go sneak up on them and see inside the refrigerator again!” said Ivy

“YES I WILL!” and Eva got up and went inside

The kitchen was opened to the living room, where the three aunts were watching a movie. The lights were turned off. Eva walked bending herself and went inside the kitchen and opened the refrigerator just an amount that won’t let her aunts notice that someone is in the kitchen. And sadly, no milk was there. Eva frowned and closed the refrigerator roughly without noticing.

“Did I hear something in the kitchen?” said Aunt Lola

“I didn’t hear anything” said Aunt Maisie

But aunt Lola wasn’t convinced “I will see”, she said

Eva was freaking out from the inside. She wanted to tell about Ivy’s stupid plan. But she didn’t, ahead of her was the kitchen table, so she ran walking on her knees and hands to hide beneath it, when Lola turned on the kitchen lights.

“Lola the handsome guy was killed!!” shouted Aunt Jessie

“WHAT!!! BUT HOW!!” said Aunt Lola as she ran to the living room again.

Eva breathed and thanked god under her breath, and she went outside walking slowly..

“No milk…”

“Look Eva, we know you don’t like this type of adventure, we are not shaming you, we all love you, you know that right?” said Violet

“Yes I know” said Eva who felt tears burning her eyes but tried her best to suppress them

“So, me and Violet will go and you can stay, you will just wait for us in the cottage’s entry door when we lock it after going out, is that fine?” said Ivy

“Yeah that’s better” said Eva

“Okay Violet lets go!” said Ivy.

The three went to the high fence surrounding the cottage, where the entry door was locked. Eva picked the key from beneath the flower at the ground and opened the door. Ivy and Violet went outside, and Eva locked it again and said “Be careful!”.

The road was empty and silence spread along, Ivy could hear hers and Violet’s heartbeats.

They reached the supermarket safely and there were few people only, they went to the refrigerator side and picked up milk.

“I will get some chocolates for the dessert” said Violet.

“Great! I will see if they have popcorn if we want to watch a movie later on!”

Violet went to the chocolates section, she was looking at the different kinds when she noticed someone wearing a black sunglasses, black cap, t-shirt and jeans. The man smiled at her and left the section.

Ivy went to the cashier after not succeeding to find popcorns on her own, she asked the man, who had a long greasy hair and was wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans, “Excuse me, do you have popcorn in here?”

“No” said the man

Ivy turned around and saw Violet returning with a nice feast of chocolates. Behind Violet, the man with black sunglasses smiled at Ivy too when she noticed him. 

“Freak” she murmured under her breath

They paid for their food and went outside.

“I am so hungry” said Violet

“I swear I can hear my body screams of hunger” said Ivy

They walked in silence for a while when a car behind them was flashing lights on and off and making loud beep-beeps. They jumped from the shock and stopped. The car’s window was opened when the same man with the black sunglasses said “Want a ride?” smiling broadly than ever. 

 “Act like you didn’t hear him, act normal Violet!

Violet started crying and said “I-I-I saw him e-e-earlier”

“Yeah believe it or not, me too, just stay calm” said Ivy

The car was still chasing them slowly. Flashes on and off. Finally, they could see the cottage. Violet was still crying and murmuring under her breath “I shouldn’t have come” “We should have went to sleep” “Grandma will kill us”

Violet legs couldn’t bear moving anymore when she noticed their cottage, she screamed at the car “YOU IDIOT FREAK!”

The man opened his car door. He moved a few steps and started wearing black (of course) gloves and yes, he was still smiling. 

“RUN VIOLET RUN!” said Ivy shouting

The two ran as fast as they could, but the man was merely walking behind them.

They reached the entry door which was locked, Ivy and Violet screamed for Eva, but she was not outside. Violet started kicking the fence but nothing happened.

“Violet let’s go to the back side!!” said Ivy

Ivy remembered that the back fence was not that strong. They reached it and the man was walking towards them.

Both of the two tried kicking and breaking the back fence, but they couldn’t break it, apparently it was still good enough

“ADEVNTURE!!! ARE YOU HAPPY!!! WE WILL DIE” said Violet as she went back to the front entry door. But Ivy was screaming for Eva and to her shock, her Grandma. The man behind was now running to them, apparently tired of their childish escapes.

When they reached the door, they heard footsteps coming from the insides, their voices grew even louder “EVA” “GRANDMA” “MOM”

To their shock, Grandma Patricia opened the door, saying “WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TWO DOING OUTSIDE AT THIS TIME?”

Ivy too started crying with Violet. They both hugged their grandma. Violet looked back and she heard the car going away.

“Why are you crying? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?” said Grandma

“Where is Eva?” said Ivy

“Asleep like what I told you to do in your room!” said Grandma

They went inside and told their Grandma what happened. She screamed from part to part “ARE YOU KIDDING ME” “IDIOTS YOU ARE” “YOU DESERVE THAT”

Eventually the three aunts woke up and Grandma Patricia told them what happened. Though not exactly, she said that the man caught them and tried to drag them into his car. Ivy and Violet were smiling at the fact that Grandma Patricia still, at a situation like this, added salt and sugar to this horrible incident.

“And that was the adventure of the two idiots” ended Grandma Patricia her version of the story

“No more adventures” Ivy whispered to Violet

“Well, at least not at past midnight” said Violet smiling.

August 05, 2020 18:12

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Karen McDermott
12:53 Aug 13, 2020

Cute story :) There's a few full stops missing off some sentences - just something to watch out for next time.


Lubna Alrasa
17:48 Aug 13, 2020

Thank you! I appreciate your comment.


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