A stranger becoming an angel

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write about someone welcoming a stranger into their home.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Historical Fiction

Women emancipation and girl-child education is one of the most ridiculous thing that people in the past regarded as "an abomination". This was because they termed women to be helper of men and so need not to acquire skills and knowledge. But in the society or community of Paroketo clan,one man rejected the perception that girls should not go to school. Mr. Vincent never had many children but had ony one daugther called Amony. This name is in alur language one of the tribes in my country Uganda. Majority of the elders did not educate their daughters but only sent the boys to schools. This was beacuse of the perception that girls will marry and be helper to their husbands. Vincent was exceptional, he had to send his only daughter to school. With a lot of struggle he managed to educate his only daughter. While he was struggling and mobilizing resources to send his daughter to school,his brother and other elders could mock and laugh at him while saying, "you are jsut wasting your time and money in educating this girl". He was determined and gave deaf ear to the elders. His idea of educating Amony never went well with his own brother and other kinsmen including the king. This brought alot of envy and jealousness against his family. When Amony graduated from University in the field of medicine,she came back home to her parents. Her return to the village brought more mockery and envy against them. The envious elders had to call for a meeting to discuss his family's affairs. This put his family's life at risk. The entire community looked at them as wise-saker and show-offs.Amony became scared of ehat was happening to them and wanted the family to flee away from the village but the father refused. Mr.vincent tried to convince the elders to understand him but they took him as a trouble maker. So one morning Amony's uncle was sent by the elders to terminate vincents' family. So he had to poison them in food.Vincent and his wife died instantly. Fortunately enough Amony was not around by the time of the incidence so she had to survive. Mr.vincents' death brought bit of relief to the elders but the thrat was Amony since she survived. So they had to make an allegation against her of killing her own parents yet she did not do it. She pleaded with them but they did not listen to her. As per the tradition,she had to barnished from the village to evil forest. She lived a miserable life with only wild animals. Life in the forest was not easy for her since she was alone. So one morning,she was found by hunter from a neighbouring village of Alwi looking miserable. The hunter had to take her home with him. He sheltered her and made sure she was comfortable. She narrated all the ordeals to the hunter what led to her barnishment from Paroketo clan. The felt petty for her and even built a house for her despite being a stranger. When the hunter told the elders about her,she was welcomed by them and given good hospitality. The community of Alwi did not know about her profession but what they knew was a poor lady with impoverished life who needed help from them. She created and lived happy life. One time,the prince f the kingdom felt sick and was diagnosed of testeral cyst but know one could manage that condition .He was taken to various neighbouring hospitals but nothing positve came their way. The king tried all means but the condition was worsening day by day. They had to take him to the national referral hospital but unfortunately they found the specialist had died. The royal family broke into tears because of their sons ' condition. Amony too was worried of the prince health but was fearing to tell the king about her profession. She had to use the hunter to talk to the king to give her a chance to try her medical knowledge on the prince. Upon hearing about the stranger's profession,she was taken to the hospital where the prince was. She had to work on the prince until he got well. Everybody was puzzled because they didn't expect the prince to be well again. "This is an angelic stranger who has come to save our land from sicknesses and diseases,"the king lamented. Due to her professional work on the prince ,the community had to offer her plots of land ,a mansion where she could live comfortably. Her presence in Alwi made the community to given a referral hospital by the government. This development improved the status of the community and every member of Alwi termed her to be "the saviour of Alwi sent from heaven". As she was having comfortable life in Alwi, Paroketo clan was under huge calamity of diseases. They suffered and lost many people to the various outbreak of diseases. When they came to hear of Amonys' contribution to Alwi,it was already too late for them. They tried to beg her for help but she refused. She was treated like an angel and not a stranger in Alwi because of her contribution. She later married the prince of Alwi and lived a better life while the hunter was also rewarded with huge plots and businesses for bringing a strange angel to their land. The community of Paroketo came to realize about the benefits of girl child education when it was already too late for them.The community of Paroketo suffered from the various sicknesses but they could not help because of their illiteracy and ignorance. Amony's uncle felt ashame when he came to realize that his brother's daughter was now a wife to a prince. "Educating a girl child is like educating the whole nation",the uncle larmented with a lot of sorrow in his voice. All the elders of Paroketo had to regret their ignorance .They all the started taking daughters to school after learning lesson from Amony.The community of Paroketo came to their senses and educated their girls as well.

June 02, 2021 16:03

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13:27 Jun 03, 2021

Sam, this is so interesting -- but please add paragraphs to make your writing more accessible and easier to read. Also, you may want to use more dialogue to give your characters more personality. Proofread to catch grammatical mistakes. All that aside, you have a talent for writing so keep doing it :)


Sam Okethwengu
12:37 Jun 06, 2021

Thank you for your compliment and hope to improve in the next story


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Sam Okethwengu
12:37 Jun 06, 2021

Thank you for your compliment and hope to improve in the next story


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