What Is Hidden, Hides the Truth

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt


Friendship Fiction

Betty Fettig



Lilly and Joe welcomed Beth with open arms as they hugged her at their front door. Breathlessly,  Beth responded as she kissed their cheeks,  “I am sorry I arrived so late. I had a stop to make after submitting my dissertation.”  Then, looking out into the room and not looking at her friends, Beth said, “Wow!” You and Joe went all out for this party! And to think this is just for me!” 

Congratulations blanketed the party area as Beth glanced around the space, where twinkle lights, streamers, and balloons announced her success in completing her masters. The decorations led to the garden patio, where she could tell the celebration was well underway.

“Nothing but the best for my bestie!” Lilly smiled, “After eight years of burying your head in your books, you deserve a few hours of congratulatory pats on your back! “

“I may have overdone the guest list,” whispered Lilly behind her hand, leaning into Beth’s ear. “But, won’t we have fun later tonight after everyone is gone gossiping about them?”

“Well, let’s get this party started!” said Beth. “But, first, I need to make a quick detour to the lady’s room. I will see you both on the patio.”


As Beth abruptly left her friends at the door greeting other party guests, she quickly shut the bathroom door behind her and let out a big sigh as she looked in the mirror. It took all her willpower to even come to the party tonight. It would have been easier for her to give an excuse, stay at home, and curl up in her bed had Lily and Joe not hosted this party in her honor. And now, today turned out not to be a day to be celebrated. Beth slid to the ground, pulled her legs up to her chin, and wept.

 She reflected on how this week started so ordinary; she felt satisfied with her life. During the past few months, a boyfriend unexpectedly became a welcoming part of her life even though she was not looking for a partner. She was so busy with her master’s program that she had no time for dating, not even for Lilly’s and Joe’s dinners. Beth is always one to have her eye on the ball. She knows what she wants, what she had to do to get it. To achieve her goals, Beth had to be focused and quick-witted and not get caught up in a relationship now. 

But, it was the day, two months ago, she walked into her new mentor’s office that she lost her singular focus. She knocked on his office door and paused before she entered. Mr. Brown will be the person that will have the most influence on her final success. As she entered his office, she wasn’t prepared for the way he stared at her. His smile welcomed her as he walked across the room and took her hand in his. 

“You must be Beth. I have heard a lot about your dedication and am looking forward to helping you during this last phase of your education, “ he said as he clasped her hand.

Tonight, as Beth sat on the bathroom floor, she recalled that first day in detail. Lucas Brown had her at that first smile. Just yesterday, only two months after that first meeting, he told her he wanted to move in with her. At first, her reaction was one of genuine excitement. But as the day went on, all she can think about is how she had not planned for this scenario. Living with Lucas and all it entails was not how she saw her immediate future. But, after being caught up in the moment this morning and then realizing she couldn’t live with him, Beth now finds herself forced to make an important decision that will affect more than just her future.

She has not even yet shared any of this with Lilly. Her best friend doesn’t even know Lucas is a part of Beth’s life. She didn’t want to dodge all the questions she knows Lilly would ask. The fact that she did not introduce Lucas to Lilly and Joe should demonstrate how Beth feels about the relationship. She would have to admit Lucas and the life he has planned out for them is not for her.

Now, Beth slowly stood up, reached for her bag, and pulled out the sack to look at the items she bought at the store on the way over, the reason she was late. She then sighed, blew her nose, and threw the tissue away. Time stood still. Before she left the room, she now had a new decision to make. She put a fake smile on her face as she opened the door. Beth decided she needed to talk to Lilly and Joe tonight after the party. She had to tell her best friends the truth. She will need their support no matter what happens.


“That’s curious,” Lilly said to Joe. “Beth barely looked at us. And what about that fake hug and laugh?”  The hug felt quite tense to Lilly when Beth greeted them. 

“Just leave it alone, Lilly. She probably had a stressful day.” Joe also looked after Beth as she quickly walked away from them. 

“Well, at least the party can get started since the guest of honor is here. I wonder what errand she had to run that was so important to be so late? It was beginning to look like this party was going to have a rocky start, with you running out to get ice last minute!” Lilly walked away towards the patio to tell the guests Beth has arrived!

Although Lilly acted like she was okay with the delays, she felt let down. It’s not like this was a surprise party! After all, Beth contributed to the planning and chose the date. However, Lilly still felt a bit offended because Beth and Joe did not appreciate Lilly’s efforts and were late. Also, she wanted to share something privately with Beth before the party, but it will have to wait.

Soon Lilly was caught up in a conversation with two other friends who were showing all the recent pictures of their children and, of course, each image had a story! As Lilly’s mind began to wander over the past few months, she realized how she hopes someday she will proudly be sharing pictures of her children.

Soon Beth joined the group, laughing loudly, maybe too loudly, at the antics of the unknown children. She seemed interested in knowing their names and ages! While Lilly was looking at Beth, puzzled, she glanced another way and noticed Joe staring at Beth as well. There was a different soft expression on his face than one of surprise. That was the look he used to share only with Lilly from across the room at a party. One that made her feel like they were sharing a private secret.  Looking back to Beth, Lilly saw Beth return the same look to Joe, and she was shocked. What was going on between the two of them?

 Lilly tried to ignore what she thought she saw while still attempting to continue to be the gracious host. The quicker she served up the food, the sooner this damn party would be over, and she could confront her husband and best friend. Lilly knows what she saw, but she doesn't know why. The look between Joe and Beth was so intimate; it surprised her, especially when they began picking up some of the party mess and take it to the kitchen together.

Later after the party

After the last guest left, the girls sat stiffly on the couch. So out of character for them after a party. They always had one more glass of wine why they flopped on the sofa, sharing details they each learned from their other friends. Joe felt the tension between his wife and her best friend. In the past, he would leave them to talk in whispers. But, tonight, there was no wine or whispering. Lilly was glaring at Beth. Beth had a look of resignation on her face right before she took a deep breath and said,” Lilly, I need to tell you something I have kept from you for the past few months.”

 Lilly asked Joe to leave the room. She wanted to hear what Beth had to say before asking Joe to join them. So, Joe began to pick up the dirty glasses, the leftover food, and wilted streamers and then headed to the kitchen. He went into the dining room to continue to clean up and saw a photograph lying upside down stuck under a leg of a chair. When he turned it over, he was shocked at what he was seeing. Who dropped this picture? Lilly? Beth? Someone from the party?

Cleaning up the party remnants was the furthest thing from his mind. He went into the downstairs bathroom, knowing if he left the door ajar, he would be able to overhear their conversation. As Joe was pulling the trash can closer to the door to sit on it, he tipped it over. The contents spilled onto the floor. Trying not to touch anything, Joe noticed a small box. Actually, there were two identical small boxes. Even without reading the titles on them, he instantly knew what they were. Frantically, he continued to look through the trash; he knew what he was looking for, and he found two. Did they belong to the same person who lost the picture he found earlier? But that doesn’t make sense. 

Earlier that evening, Joe accidentally ran into Beth in the store while picking up some ice for the party. She was not only surprised to see him, but also caught off guard, almost looked guilty! Beth stumbled around, digging in her purse to pay for her items. Joe looked down on the counter and was surprised to see what she was buying. As a pre-med student, he recognized what she was trying to hide. When he looked into her eyes, he saw that she had tears in her eyes. So, Joe then told her he would see her later at the party and walked away.

Beth took a deep breath and began to tell Lilly what she has been keeping from her. Lilly’s stiff body language was the opposite of Beth’s sagging shoulders and listless eyes. 

“Two months ago, I met a man. He was my mentor. Lucas Brown.” she began. “I wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship. If you remember, you were trying to get me to be more social. Anyway, no one but I was more surprised the day I met Lucas. I let him into my life but only on the edge. School and a career are still more important to me.” 

“Yes, you always were so driven you did not have a lot of yourself to give to others. That explains why I wasn’t invited to come to your house. But, why are you telling me about this relationship now? Is it over?” asked Lilly.

“Please, join us, Joe,” called Beth before she continued. Joe walked into the room.

“Yesterday, Lucas asked me to move in with him. The timing could not have been worse. I was so excited at first. I even thought it sounded perfect, and I do like him. But I don’t love him. Not the way he loves me.” Beth looked sadly into Lilly’s eyes as she said, “But, Lilly, I am pregnant. A baby does not have a place in my life. I want an abortion.”

Joe stopped in his tracks. “No,” he thought, No, Beth, not now!”  He looked down at the sticks in his hand, now knowing these were Lilly’s. He knows the pain and sadness they represent to Lilly. Two pregnancy tests could only mean one thing to Lilly; once again, she “failed.”

Joe had to go to Lilly. She will need him now as she looked at Beth with anguish. Why is Beth having an abortion when Lilly has been trying everything to have a baby for years?

As Joe walked across the room to Lilly, he saw a different look on her face. Was that anger? Was it directed to him? He stopped. 

Lilly’s voice quivered as she spoke her carefully chosen words to both Joe and Beth, “Are you two having an affair? Is this baby yours?” 

There was silence in the room. The wind caused the rest of the glasses and plates to fall off the tables on the patio.  

“What are you asking, Lilly? Of course, we are not having an affair!” Joe asked dumbfoundedly. “Where did that come from?”

 Sadly, Lilly answered, “I saw how you both glance at each other secretly when you thought I wasn’t watching.”  Joe and Beth now looked at each other. “That is the look I mean,”  Lilly said, pointing at them.

“Oh, Lilly, we would never do anything like that.  But, the look you saw between us tonight was me secretly imploring him not to tell you what he saw me buying tonight at the store.” Beth continued, “ I was picking up my abortion pills. Lucas left today when I told him I wanted an abortion and I do not want kids. And, tonight, all I could think about was getting through this party so I could tell you. I need someone to watch over me after I take the pills.” Beth could not hold back her tears. Lilly opened her arms, and they cried on each other's shoulders. The suspicion of an affair has been forgotten.

“I know how you want nothing more than having a baby, so it was hard for me to tell you. But, I need you now, Lilly,” said Beth. “And, you too, Joe. Tonight when I was in your bathroom, I saw the negative pregnancy sticks. And, I knew what I wanted to do.”

Joe and Lilly were holding hands, barely breathing, anticipating what Beth was going to say. “Will you adopt my baby as your own?”

Much later:

Feeling an overall sense of calmness overcame them following the initial shock, sadness, and relief. Mentally tired, the three of them couldn't make any specific decisions. Then, suddenly, Joe looked at the girls with a sheepish grin on his face. He reached in his pocket and brought out the forgotten picture he found while cleaning up in the dining room. He held up a nameless ultrasound of a baby and asked,” So, girls, which one of our party guests is searching for this tonight?”

May 10, 2021 01:39

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